Title Authors PublicationYear
Herd behavior in purchasing books online Chen, Y.-F. 2008 view article
GIS use in community planning: a multidimensional analysis of empowerment Elwood, S. A. 2002 view article
A Comprehensive Model of Perceived Risk of E-Commerce Transactions Glover, S. and Benbasat, I. 2010 view article
Assessing Security Technology's Impact: Old Tools for New Problems Kreissl, R. 2014 view article
Holding the line online: exploring wired relationships for people with disabilities Seymour, W. and Lupton, D. 2004 view article
The Debate on the Moral Responsibilities of Online Service Providers Taddeo, M. and Floridi, L. 2016 view article
Shaping Cyberspace - interpreting and transforming the Internet Thomas, G. and Wyatt, S. 1999 view article
Mainstreaming the e-excluded in Europe: strategies, good practices and some ethical issues Wright, D. and Wadhwa, K. 2010 view article
A Free Irresponsible Press: Wikileaks and the Battle over the Soul of the Networked Fourth Estate Benkler, Y. 2011 view article
Peer Production: A Form of Collective Intelligence Benkler, Y., Shaw, A. and Hill, B. M. 2015 view article