Title Authors PublicationYear
Unraveling Different Barriers to Internet Use: Urban Residents and Neighborhood Effects Mossberger,Karen;Tolbert,CarolineJ.;Bowen,Daniel;Jimenez,Benedict 2012 view article
Do People “Like” Politicians on Facebook? Not Really. Neilsen,R 2013 view article
Predictors of Internet use Papacharissi,Z;Rubin,AM 2000 view article
Democracy online: civility, politeness, and the democratic potential of online political discussion groups Papacharissi,Z 2004 view article
Information-intensive government and the layering and sorting of citizenship Taylor,John;Lips,Miriam;Organ,Joe 2007 view article
The effects of e-government on trust and confidence in government Tolbert,CJ;Mossberger,K 2006 view article
The Spatial and Social Network Dimensions of Mobile Communication A Test of the Social Stratification and Social Diversification Hypotheses Arie,Yossef;Mesch,Gustavo S. 2015 view article
Communication theory and research in the age of new media: A conversation from the CM Café Baym,Nancy;Campbell,Scott W.;Horst,Heather;Kalyanaraman,Sri;Oliver,Mary Beth;Rothenbuhler,Eric;Weber,René;Miller,Katherine 2012 view article
Why youth (heart) social network sites: The role of networked publics in teenage social life Boyd,Danah 2007 view article
The quality of online social relationships Cummings,Jonathon N.;Butler,Brian;Kraut,Robert 2002 view article