Title Authors PublicationYear
"Connected" presence: the emergence of a new repertoire for managing social relationships in a changing communication technoscape Licoppe,Christian 2004 view article
Is broadband the future? An analysis of broadband technology potential and diffusion Papacharissi,Zizi;Zaks,Anna 2006 view article
The Internet and social interaction Shklovski,Irina;Kiesler,Sara;Kraut,Robert 2006 view article
Online communication and adolescent relationships Subrahmanyam,Kaveri;Greenfield,Patricia 2008 view article
Introduction to Privacy Online Walher, Joseph B. 2011 view article
Researching Volunteered Geographic Information: Spatial Data, Geographic Research, and New Social Practice Elwood, S., Goodchild, M. F. and Sui, D. Z. 2012 view article
The Future of eGovernment: An exploration of ICT-driven models of eGovernment for the EU in 2020 Frissen, V., Millard, J., Huijboom, N., Svava Iversen, J., Kool, L., Kotterink, B., van Lieshout, M., van Staden, M. and van der Duin, P. 2007 view article
Defining a Taxonomy for Research Areas on ICT for Governance and Policy Modelling Lampathaki, F., Charalabidis, Y., Passas, S., Osimo, D., Bicking, M., Wimmer, M. A. and Askounis, D. 2010 view article
The commodification of patient opinion: the digital patient experience economy in the age of big data Lupton, D. 2014 view article
Big Data: Issues for an International Political Sociology of Data Practices(1) Madsen, A. K., Flyverbom, M., Hilbert, M. and Ruppert, E. 2016 view article