Title Authors PublicationYear
Reconfiguring relations of accountability: Materialization of social media in the travel sector Scott, S. V. and Orlikowski, W. J. 2012 view article
Shaping Cyberspace - interpreting and transforming the Internet Thomas, G. and Wyatt, S. 1999 view article
The digital divide, health information and everyday life Wyatt, S., Henwood, F., Hart, A. and Smith, J. 2005 view article
The perceived role of ICTs in quality of life in three Chinese cities Lee, P. S. N., Leung, L., Lo, V. W. and Xiong, C. Y. 2008 view article
Internet Communication Versus Face-to-face Interaction in Quality of Life Lee, P. S. N., Leung, L., Lo, V. W., Xiong, C. Y. and Wu, T. J. 2011 view article
Crossing the Implementation Line: The Mutual Constitution of Technology and Organizing Across Development and Use Activities Leonardi, P. M. 2009 view article
Explaining the underutilization of business-to-business e-commerce in geographically defined business clusters: The role of social capital Steinfield, C. 2004 view article
Global village or cyber-balkans? Modeling and measuring the integration of electronic communities Van Alstyne, M. and Brynjolfsson, E. 2005 view article
The digital divide shifts to differences in usage van Deursen, A. and van Dijk, J. 2014 view article
Communication in Health-Related Online Social Support Groups/Communities: A Review of Research on Predictors of Participation, Applications of Social Support Theory, and Health Outcomes Wright, K. B. 2016 view article