Title Authors PublicationYear
Dark Territory in the Information Age: Learning from the West German Census Controversies of the 1980s Legg, S., Ehrkamp, P., Crampton, J. W., Belina, B., Smith, N. and Hannah, M. G. 2012 view article
Digital Sociology Lupton, D. 2015 view article
WikiLeaks, National Security and Cosmopolitan Ethics Tambini, D. 2013 view article
Technological Determinism Is Dead; Long Live Technological Determinism Wyatt, S. 2007 view article
Baidu, Weibo and Renren: the global political economy of social media in China Fuchs, C. 2016 view article
Materiality and change: Challenges to building better theory about technology and organizing Leonardi, P. M. and Barley, S. R. 2008 view article
Restoring trustworthiness after adverse events: The signaling effects of voluntary ôhostage postingö on trust Nakayachi, K. and Watabe, M. 2005 view article
E-services for citizens: The dutch usage case van Dijk, J., Pieterson, W., van Deuren, A. and Ebbers, W. 2007 view article
Code Constraints on Regulation and Competition Brown, I. and Marsden, C. T. 2013 view article
Introduction: Regulating the Information Giants Brown, I. and Marsden, C. T. 2013 view article