Title Authors PublicationYear
An intelligent assistant for navigation of visually impaired people Bourbakis, N. G., Kavraki, D., Ieee Computer, S. and Ieee Computer, S. 2001 view article
The role of telecare in supporting the needs of elderly people Brownsell, S., Aldred, H. and Hawley, M. S. 2007 view article
Empirically derived user attributes for the design of home healthcare technologies Burrows, A., Gooberman-Hill, R. and Coyle, D. 2015 view article
Assessing the Online Social Environment for Surveillance of Obesity Prevalence Chunara, R., Bouton, L., Ayers, J. W. and Brownstein, J. S. 2013 view article
RE-AIM: Evidence-based standards and a Web resource to improve translation of research into practice Dzewaltowski, D. A., Glasgow, R. E., Klesges, L. M., Estabrooks, P. A. and Brock, E. 2004 view article
Challenges in developing a Voice Input Voice Output Communication Aid for People with Severe Dysarthria Hawley, M., Cunningham, S., Cardinaux, F., Coy, A., O'Neill, P., Seghal, S. and Enderby, P. 2007 view article
Driving curriculum and technological change to support writing in the engineering disciplines Howard, S. K., Calvo, R. A., Hussain, M. S. and Ieee 2013 view article
mEducator 3.0: combining semantic and social web approaches in sharing and retrieving medical education resources Konstantinidis, S. T., Ioannidis, L., Spachos, D., Bratsas, C., Bamidis, P. D. and Ieee 2012 view article
An Innovative Mixed Methods Approach to Studying the Online Health Information Seeking Experiences of Adults With Chronic Health Conditions Mayoh, J., Bond, C. S. and Todres, L. 2012 view article
Self management of stroke supported by assistive technology Nasr, N., Torsi, S., Mawson, S., Wright, P., Mountain, G. and Ieee 2009 view article