References used in the Taxatio database notes
AActaChich | The Acta of the Bishops of Chichester 1075-1207, ed. H.Mayr-Harting (CYS, 1964) |
ActaLangton | Acta Stephani Langton, Archiepiscopi Cantuariensis 1207-28, ed. K.Major (CYS, 1950) |
ActaWells | The Acta of Hugh of Wells, Bishop of Lincoln 1209-1235, ed. D.M.Smith (Lincoln Record Society, 88, 2000) |
ActaElien | Vetus Liber Archidiaconi Eliensis, ed. C.L.Feltoe & E.H.Minns (Cambridge, 1917) |
AtkynsGlos | R.Atkyns, The Ancient and Present State of Glostershire (London, 1712, reprinted 1974) |
BA | British Library, Additional 24060 |
BainesHastings | J.M.Baines, Historic Hastings (Hastings, 1955) |
BannHeref | A.T.Bannister, The Placenames of Herefordshire (Cambridge, 1916) |
BARHeref | B.Coplestone-Crow, Herefordshire Place-Names (British Archaeological Reports: British Series, 214, 1989) |
BaringGouldSaints | S.Baring-Gould and J.Fisher, The Lives of the British Saints (4 vols, Hon. Society of Cymmrodorion, London, 1907-1913) |
BarkerSherb | K.Barker, 'Sherborne in Dorset' in Anglo-Saxon Studies in Archaeology and History 3, ed. S.C.Hawkes et al (Oxford, 1984), 1-33 |
BarleyTorksey | M.W.Barley, 'The medieval borough of Torksey: excavations 1960-62', Antiquaries Journal, 44 (1964), 165-87 |
BarthGazet | Bartholomew Gazetteer of Britain (Edinburgh, 1977) |
BatcockNorf | N.Batcock, The Ruined and Disused Churches of Norfolk (East Anglian Archaeology Report 51, Dereham, 1991) |
BC | British Library, Cotton Tiberius C x |
BCA1 | British Library, Additional 6159, fos. 73v-77r (Canterbury), fo. 74r-v (archbishop's exempt deaneries in other dioceses), with copy of Canterbury diocese on fos 215v-218 |
BCA2 | British Library, Cotton Galba E iv, fos 8v-11 (Canterbury), fos 11-12 (archbishop's exempt deaneries in other dioceses) |
BCI | British Library, Harley Roll N33, mm. 5-8 (Chichester diocese) |
BedwinSussex | O.Bedwin, 'St Nicholas Church, East Angmering', Sussex Archaeological Society 113 (1975) |
BEL | British Library, Harley Charter E10 (Ely, with temporalities) |
BeresfordDes | M.Beresford & J.G.Hurst, Deserted Medieval Villages (London, 1971) |
BeresfordLost | M.Beresford, The Lost Villages of England (revised edn, Stroud, 1998) |
BEV | British Library, Harley 3768 (Evesham abbey register), fos 164r-167v (the taxatio assessment specifically for the abbey of Evesham) |
BL | British Library (always with a MS reference) |
BlackBookStD | The Black Book of St David's, ed. J.W.Willis-Bund (Cymmrodorion Record Society 5, London, 1902) |
BLIA | British Library, Additional 35296, fo. 442v (Holland deanery of Lincoln archdeaconry only) |
BLIB | British Library, Cotton Vespasian E xxii, fos 121-144v (archdeaconries of Oxford, Buckingham, Bedford, Huntingdon & part only of Northampton, excepting also the deanery of Rutland) (edited in RegPeterborough 300-40) |
BLL | British Library, Cotton Vitellius C x, fos. 115r-118r (Llandaff diocese, including temporalities for listing of cathedral dignities and prebends on fo. 115r), edited in DentTayLlan 143-57. |
BLO | British Library, Harley 60, fos 1-87v (London, with temporalities) |
BlomefieldNorf | F.Blomefield, An Essay Towards a Topographical History of the County of Norfolk (11 vols, London, 1805-10) |
Bodl | Bodleian Library Oxford (always with a MS reference) |
BondChurch | C.J.Bond, 'Church and parish in Norman Worcestershire' in Minsters and Parish Churches: the Local Church in Transition 950-1200, ed. J.Blair (Oxford University Committee for Archaeology, Oxford, 1988), 119-158 |
BookFees | Book of Fees, 3 vols (HMSO, 1920-31) |
BookLlanDav | The Book of Llan Dav: Liber Landavensis, ed. J.G.Evans (Oxford, 1893) |
BowenMerion | E.G.Bowen & C.A.Gresham, A History of Merioneth from the Earliest Times to the Age of the Native Princes (Merioneth Historical and Record Society 1, Dolgelly, 1967) |
BrookeCamb | C.N.L.Brooke, 'The churches of medieval Cambridge' in History, Society and Churches: Essays in Honour of Owen Chadwick, ed. D.Beales & G.Best (Cambridge, 1985), pp. 49-76. |
BrookeLondon | C.Brooke & G.Keir, London 800-1216: The Shaping of a City (London, 1975) |
BrownBristol | P. Brown, 'Centuries of Change: Bristol Churches since the Reformation' in Historic Churches and Church Life in Bristol, ed. J.H.Bettey (Bristol and Gloucestershire Archaeological Society, 2001). |
BrowneWillisParoch | Browne Willis, Parochiale Anglicanum (London, 1733) |
BrowneWillisStAsaph | Browne Willis, A Survey of the Cathedral-Church of St Asaph, 2 vols, revised edn by E.Edwards (1801) |
BrowneWillisSurvey | Browne Willis, Survey of the Cathedrals, 3 vols (London, 1742) |
BSAA | British Library, Harley Roll K39, mm. 1-5 (Dorset & Salisbury archdeaconries, & Salisbury Cathedral) |
BSAB | British Library, Harley Roll K38, mm. 1-4 (Berkshire & Wiltshire archdeaconries) |
BWN | British Library, Harley Roll N33, mm. 1-4 (Winchester archdeaconry), m. 4-5 (Surrey archdeaconry) |
CalClose | Calendar of Close Rolls (with dates covered for each cited volume) |
CalInqPM | Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem, Henry III-Edward III, 14 vols (London, HMSO, 1904-1954) |
CalPapLett | Calendar of Entries in the Papal Registers: Papal Letters, ed. W.H.Bliss, vol.1 (1198-1304), vol.2 (1305-42), vol. 3 (1342--62), vol. 4 (1362-1404) (London, 1893-1902) |
CalPat | Calendar of Patent Rolls (with dates covered for each cited volume) |
CalWells | Calendar of the Manuscripts of the Dean and C hapter of Wells, ed. W.H.B.Bird & W.P.Baildon, 2 vols (Historical Manuscripts Commission, 1907-14) |
CarrAnglesey | A.D.Carr, Medieval Anglesey (Anglesey Antiquarian Society, Llangefni, 1982) |
CartBath | Two Chartularies of the Priory of St Peter at Bath, ed. W.Hunt, 2 separate pts (Somerset Record Society, 7, 1893) |
CartBrad | The Bradenstoke Cartulary, ed. V.C.M.London (Wiltshire Record Society, 35, 1979) |
CartBrecon | R.W.Banks, 'Cartularium prioratus S.Johannis Evang. de Brecon', Archaeologia Cambrensis, 4th ser. 13 (1882), pp. 275-308 (=CartBrecon1), and 4th ser. 14 (1883), pp. 18-49, 137-68, 221-36, 274-311 (=CartBrecon2) |
CartBreedon | R.A.McKinley, The Cartulary of Breedon Priory ( John Rylands Library Lat. Ms. 222), 2 vols, University of Manchester MA thesis, 1950. |
CartBruton | Two Cartularies of the Augustinian Priory of Bruton and the Cluniac Priory of Montacute in the County of Somerset, ed. T.S.Holmes, E.Hobhouse & H.C.Maxwell-Lyte (Somerset Record Society, 8, 1894) |
CartBursc | A.N.Webb, An Edition of the Cartulary of Burscough Priory, Chetham Society, 18, (1970) |
CartChert | Chertsey Cartularies, ed. M.S.Guiseppi et al. (Surrey Record Society, 12, 1933) |
CartCiren | The Cartularly of Cirencester Abbey, ed. C.D.Ross & M.Devine, 3 vols continuously paginated (London/Oxford, 1964-1977) |
CartClerk | The Cartulary of St Mary Clerkenwell, ed. W.O.Hassall, Camden Society, 3rd ser. 71 (1949) |
CartCocker | W. Farrer, The Chartulary of Cockersand Abbey, 7 vols. Chetham Society, 38-40, 43, 56-7, 64, (1898-1909) |
CartEynsham | Cartulary of Eynsham Abbey, ed. H.E.Salter, 2 vols (Oxford Historical Society, 49, 51, 1907-8) |
CartFrid | The Cartulary of the Monastery of St Frideswide at Oxford, ed. S.R.Wigram, 2 vols (Oxford Historical Society, 28, 31, 1894-96) |
CartGlast | The Great Chartulary of Glastonbury, ed. A.Watkin, 3 vols (Somerset Record Society, 59, 63-4, 1947-56) |
CartGuisb | W. Brown (ed.) Cartularium Prioratus de Gyseburne, 2 vols. Surtees Society 86, 99 (1889-1894 for 1891) |
CartHaugh | The Cartulary of Haughmond Abbey, ed. U.Rees (Shropshire Archaeological Society, Cardiff, 1985) |
CartHospit | The Cartulary of the Knights of St John of Jerusalem in England: part 2, Prima Camera, Essex, ed. M.Gervers (Oxford, 1996) |
CartLaner | J. M. Todd, The Lanercost Cartulary, Surtees Society, 203, (1997) |
CartMont | Two Cartularies of the Augustinian Priory of Bruton and the Cluniac Priory of Montacute in the County of Somerset, ed. T.S.Holmes, E.Hobhouse & H.C.Maxwell-Lyte (Somerset Record Society, 8, 1894) |
CartNewmin | J.T. Fowler, Chartularium Abbathiae de Novo Monasterio, Surtees Society 66 (1878 for 1876) |
CartOseney | Cartulary of Oseney Abbey, ed. H.E.Salter, 6 vols (89-91, 97-8, 101, 1929-36) |
CartRams | Cartularium Monasterii de Rameseia, ed. W.H.Hart & P.A.Lyons, 3 vols (RS, 1884-93) |
CartReading | Reading Abbey Cartularies, ed. B.R.Kemp, 2 vols (Camden Fourth Series, 31, 33; Royal Historical Society, 1986-7) |
CartSele | Chartulary of the Priory of St Peter at Sele, ed. L.F. Salzman (Cambridge, 1923) |
CartShrew | The Cartulary of Shrewsbury Abbey, ed. U.Rees (2 vols continuously paginated, Aberystwyth, 1975) |
CartStAug | The Cartulary of St Augustine's Abbey Bristol, ed. D.Walker (Bristol and Gloucestershire Archaeological Society, 1998: Gloucestershire Record Series 10) |
CartStBees | The Register of the priory of St Bees, ed. J. Wilson, (Surtees Society, 126, 1915) |
CartStGreg | Cartulary of St Gregory, Canterbury, ed. A.M.Woodcock (Camden Society, 3rd ser., 88, 1956) |
CartStMark | Cartulary of St Mark's Hospital, Bristol, ed. C.D.Ross (Bristol Record Society, 21, 1959) |
CartStWerb | The Chartulary or Register of the Abbey of St Werburgh Chester, 2 vols. Chetham Society 79 (1920), 82 (1923) |
CartTut | The Cartulary of Tutbury Priory, ed. A.Saltman (Staffordshire Record Society, and Historical Manuscripts Commission, Joint Publication no. 2, 1962) |
CartWarwick | The Cartulary of St Mary's Collegiate Church Warwick, ed. C.Fonge (Woodbridge, 2004) |
CartWhalley | The Coucher Book or Chartulary of Whalley Abbey, ed. W.A.Hulton, 4 vols (Chetham Society, 10, 11, 16, 20, 1847-49) |
CartWhitby | J.C. Atkinson, Cartularium Abbathiae de Whiteby, 2 vols., Surtees Society, 69, 72 (1879, 1881) |
CautleySuff | H.M.Cautley, Suffolk Churches and their Treasures (5th edn, Woodbridge, 1982) |
CCA1 | Canterbury Dean and Chapter Muniments, Reg J, pp. 177-83 (Canterbury), pp. 353-5 (archbishop's exempt deaneries in other dioceses) |
CCA2 | Canterbury Dean and Chapter Muniments, Reg K, fos. 120v-121 (Canterbury) |
CCA3 | Canterbury Dean and Chapter Muniments, U39/1 fos. 5-14 (Canterbury) |
CDC | Canterbury Dean and Chapter Muniments, Canterbury Cathedral (always with a MS reference) |
ChangeLincs | P.L.Everson, C.C.Taylor & C.J.Dunn, Change and Continuity: Rural Settlement in North West Lincolnshire (Royal Commission on the Historical Monuments of England: HMSO, London, 1991) |
CharlesPemb | B.G.Charles, The Place-Names of Pembrokeshire, 2 vols continuously paginated (Aberystwyth, 1992) |
ChartChich | The Chartulary of the High Church of Chichester, ed. W.D.Peckham (Sussex Record Society, 46, 1942-43) |
ChartersHere | Charters and Records of Hereford Cathedral, ed. W.W.Capes (Cantilupe Society, 1908) |
ChartersNewing | Newington Longeville Charters, ed. H.E.Salter (Oxfordshire Record Society, 3, 1921) |
ChartersSal | Charters and Documents illustrating the History of the Cathedral City and Diocese of Salisbury in the Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries, ed. W.D.Macray (RS, 1891) |
ChartLewes | The Chartulary of the Priory of St Pancras of Lewes, ed. L.F.Salzman, 2 vols (Sussex Record Society, 28, 40, 1933-5) |
ChartWinch | Chartulary of Winchester Cathedral, ed. A.W.Goodman (Winchester, 1927) |
CheneyChanceries | C.R.Cheney, English Bishops' Chanceries 1100-1250 (Manchester, 1950) |
ChronAbingdon | Chronicle of Abingdon, ed. J. Stevenson, pt 2 (RS, 1858) |
ChronEvesham | Chronicon Abbatiae de Evesham, ed. W.D.Macray (RS, 1863) |
CHS | Collections for a History of Staffordship (William Salt Archaeological Socety, then Staffordshire Record Society) |
ChurchillCantAd | I.Churchill, Canterbury Administration, 2 vols (London, 1933) |
ClarkCartae | Cartae et Alia Munimenta quae ad Dominium de Glamorgan Pertinent, ed. G.T.Clark (6 vols, Cardiff, 1910; in preference to earlier edn 4 vols, Cardiff, 1885-93) |
CM | Canterbury Dean and Chapter Muniments, Reg M |
CobbLondon | G.Cobb, The Old Churches of London (London, 1941) |
CollinsChurches | Collins Guide to English Parish Churches, ed. J.Betjeman (London, 1958) |
CollinsonSomers | J.Collinson, The History and Antiquities of Somerset , 3 vols with index and supplement (1791, 1898, 1939, reprinted 1983) |
CollLakes | W.G.Collingwood, The Lake Counties (London, 1932) |
CompPeerage | The Complete Peerage, ed. G.E.Cokayne et al., 13 vols (London, 1910-59) |
COTCX | The references in T (the Record Commission edition of the Taxatio) to British Library, Cotton Tiberius C x (BC used for all other references to this MS) |
CottineauRepertoire | L.H.Cottineau, Repertoire Topo-Bibliographique des Abbayes et Prieures (3 vols, Macon, 1939, 1970) |
CoucherFurn | J. C. Atkinson, The Coucher Book of Furness Abbey, 3 vols. Chetham Society, new series, 9, 11, 14 (1886-88) |
CoulstockWimb | P.H.Coulstock, The Collegiate Church of Wimborne Minster (Woodbridge, 1993) |
CowleyMonOrd | F.G.Cowley, The Monastic Order in South Wales 1066-1349, (Cardiff, 1977) |
CoxDerbChurches | J.C.Cox, Notes on the Churches of Derbyshire, 4 vols (London, 1875-79) |
CoxeMonmouth | W.Coxe, Historical Tour through Monmouthshire (Brecon, 1904) |
CranageShrops | D.H.S.Cranage, An Architectural Account of the Churches of Shropshire, 2 vols (Wellington, 1901-2) |
CTCA | Cambridge, Trinity College, O.9.26, fos. 113r-115v (Canterbury) |
CU | Cambridge University Library, Mm.iii.17 |
CUL | Cambridge University Library (always with a MS reference) |
CurRegis | Curia Regis Rolls (with the volume number for each citation) |
CYS | Canterbury and York Society |
DaviesFlint | E.Davies, Flintshire Place-Names (Cardiff, 1959) |
DaviesWelsh | E.Davies, A Gazetteer of Welsh Place-Names (Cardiff, 1975) |
DB | Domesday Book |
DEL | Ely Diocesan Records (Cambridge University Library), G1/5 (Reg. Gray), fos 220r-223r (Ely), edited in DentonEly 75-80 |
DentDoolReps | J.H.Denton & J.P.Dooley, Representatives of the Lower Clergy in Parliament 1295-1340 (Royal Historical Society: Studies in History, Woodbridge, 1987) |
DentonEly | J.H.Denton, 'The 1291 valuation of the churches of Ely diocese', Proceedings of the Cambridge Antiquarian Society, 90 (2001), 69-81 |
DentonNewEd | J.H.Denton, 'Towards a new edition of the Taxatio Ecclesiastica Angliae et Walliae Auctoritate P. Nicholai IV Circa A.D. 1291', Bulletin of the John Rylands University Library of Manchester, 79 (1997), 67-79 |
DentonRFC | J.H.Denton, English Royal Free Chapels (Manchester, 1970) |
DentonValuation | J.H.Denton, 'The valuation of the ecclesiastical benefices of England and Wales in 1291-2', Historical Research, 66 (1993), 231-50 |
DentonWinch | J.H.Denton, Robert Winchelsey and the Crown 1294-1313: A Study in the Defence of Ecclesiastical Liberty (Cambridge, 1980) |
DentTayLlan | J.Denton & B.Taylor, 'The 1291 valuation of the ecclesiastical benefices of Llandaff diocese', Archaeologia Cambrensis, 147 (1998), 133-58 |
DEX | Exeter Diocesan Records (Devon Record Office), Reg. Bronescombe (text bound into the back, fos 1-23, and edited RegBron 450-81) (Exeter) |
DHE | Hereford Diocesan Registry (Herefordshire Record Office), AL.19/2 ( Reg. Swinfield), fos 87-100v |
DobsonDurham | R.B.Dobson, Durham Priory 1400-1450 (Cambridge, 1973) |
DomesdayDorset | Domesday Book: A Survey of the Counties of England, Vol.7 Dorset, ed. C. & F. Thorn, Phillimore (Chichester, 1983) |
DomesdayKent | Domesday Book, A Survey of the Counties of England, Vol. 1 Kent, ed. P.Morgan, Phillimore (Chichester, 1983) |
DomesdaySomerset | Domesday Book: A Survey of the Counties of England, Vol.8 Somerset, ed. C. & F. Thorn, Phillimore (Chichester, 1980) |
DomesdaySuffolk | Domesday Book, A Survey of the Counties of England, Vol. 34 (2 parts) Suffolk ed. A.Rumble, Phillimore (Chichester, 1986). |
DomesdayWilts | Domesday Book: A Survey of the Counties of England, vol. 6 Wiltshire, ed. C.& F.Thorn, Phillimore (Chichester, 1979) |
DomesdayYorks | Domesday Book: A Survey of the Counties of England, Vol.30 Yorkshire, ed Margaret Faull & Marie Stinson, Phillimore (Chichester, 1986) |
DouiePecham | D.L.Douie, Archbishop Pecham (Oxford, 1952) |
DRO | Rochester Diocesan Registry (Medway Archives and Local Studies Centre), Registrum Temporalium (DRb/Ar2), fos 83-84 (Rochester) |
DugdaleWarwicks | W.Dugdale, The Antiquities of Warwickshire, 2 vols (2nd edn, London, 1730) |
DWN | Winchester Diocesan Records (Hampshire Record Office), HRO A1/12 (Reg. Beaufort), fos 1v-8v (Winchester) |
EB | The Exchequer Book, PRO E164/14, from which the 1802 printed edition of the Taxatio was transcribed |
EDR | Ely Diocesan Records |
EEA1 | English Episcopal Acta, vol. i (Lincoln 1067-1185), ed. D.M.Smith (Oxford, 1980) |
EEA10 | English Episcopal Acta, vol. x (Bath and Wells 1061-1205), ed. F.M.R.Ramsey (Oxford, 1995) |
EEA11 | English Episcopal Acta, vol. xi (Exeter 1046-1184), ed. F.Barlow (Oxford, 1996) |
EEA12 | English Episcopal Acta, vol. xii (Exeter 1186-1257), ed. F.Barlow (Oxford, 1996) |
EEA13 | English Episcopal Acta, vol. xiii (Worcester, 1218-1268), ed. P.M.Hoskin (Oxford, 1997) |
EEA16 | English Episcopal Acta, vol. xvi (Coventry and Lichfield 1160-1182), ed. M.J.Franklin (Oxford, 1998) |
EEA18 | English Episcopal Acta, vol. xviii (Salisbury 1078-1217), ed. B.R.Kemp (Oxford, 1999) |
EEA19 | English Episcopal Acta, vol. xix (Salisbury 1217-1228), ed. B.R.Kemp (Oxford, 2000) |
EEA21 | English Episcopal Acta, vol. xxi (Norwich 1215-1243), ed. C.Harper-Bill (Oxford, 2000) |
EEA22 | English Episcopal Acta, vol. xxii (Chichester 1215-1253), ed. P.M.Hoskin (Oxford, 2001) |
EEA23 | English Episcopal Acta, vol. xxiii (Chichester 1254-1305), ed. P.M.Hoskin (Oxford, 2001) |
EEA3 | English Episcopal Acta, vol. iii (Canterbury 1193-1205), ed. C.R.Cheney & E.John (Oxford 1986) |
EEA31 | English Episcopal Acta, vol. xxxi (Ely, 1109-1197), ed. N.Karn (Oxford, 2005) |
EEA4 | English Episcopal Acta, vol. iv (Lincoln 1186-1206), ed. D.M.Smith (Oxford, 1986) |
EEA6 | English Episcopal Acta, vol. vi (Norwich 1070-1214), ed. C.Harper-Bill (Oxford, 1990) |
EEA7 | English Episcopal Acta, vol. vii (Hereford 1079-1234), ed. J.Barrow (Oxford, 1993) |
EEA8 | English Episcopal Acta, vol. viii (Winchester, 1070-1204), ed. M.J.Franklin (Oxford, 1993) |
EEA9 | English Episcopal Acta, vol. ix (Winchester, 1205-1238), ed. N.Vincent (Oxford, 1994) |
EkwallDict | E.Ekwall, The Concise Oxford Dictionary of English Place-Names (Oxford, 3rd edn, 1947) |
ElyDRem | Ely Diocesan Remembrancer: text is from RegGray, (Ely Diocesan Records G1/5), fos. 220r-223r |
EngHistDoc | English Historical Documents, iii (1189-1327), ed. H.Rothwell (London, 1975) |
EpActWelsh | Episcopal Acts Relating to Welsh Dioceses, ed. J.C.Davies (2 vols continuously paginated), (Historical Society of the Church in Wales, nos 1 for 1946, nos 3 & 4 for 1948) |
EPNS | English Place Name Society |
EPNSBerks | Place-Names of Berkshire, ed. M. Gelling, 3 vols (EPNS 49-51, 1973-4, 1976) |
EPNSBucks | Place-Names of Buckinghamshire, ed. A.Mawer & F.M.Stenton (EPNS, 2, 1925) |
EPNSCambs | Place-Names of Cambridgeshire and the Isle of Ely, ed. P.H.Reaney, 2 vols (EPNS, 19, 1943) |
EPNSDevon | Place-Names of Devon, ed. J.E.B.Gover, A.Mawer & F.M.Stenton, 2 vols (EPNS, 8-9, 1931-2) |
EPNSDorset | Place-Names of Dorset, ed. A.D.Mills, 3 vols (EPNS, 52-3 59/60, 1977 1980 1989) |
EPNSEssex | Place-Names of Essex, ed. P.H.Reaney (EPNS, 12, 1935) |
EPNSGloucs | Place-Names of Gloucestershire, ed. A.H.Smith, 4 vols (EPNS, 38-41, 1964-5) |
EPNSHerts | Place-Names of Hertfordshsire, ed. J.E.B.Gover, A.Mawer & F.M.Stenton (EPNS, 15, 1938) |
EPNSMiddlesex | Place-Names of Middlesex, ed. J.E.B.Gover, A.Mawer & F.M.Stenton (EPNS, 18, 1942) |
EPNSNorthants | Place-Names of Northamptonshire, ed. J.E.B.Gover, A.Mawer & F.M.Stenton (EPNS, 10, 1933) |
EPNSNotts | Place-Names of Nottinghamshire, ed. J.E.B.Gover, ed. A.Mawer & F.M.Stenton (EPNS, 17, 1940) |
EPNSOxford | Place-Names of Oxfordshire, ed. M.Gelling, 2 vols (EPNS, 23-4, 1953-4) |
EPNSShrops | Place-Names of Shropshire, ed. M.Gelling, 3 vols (EPNS, 62-3, 70, 1990, 1995) |
EPNSSurrey | Place-Names of Surrey, ed. J.E.B.Gover, A.Mawer & F.M.Stenton (EPNS, 11, 1934) |
EPNSSussex | Place-Names of Sussex, ed. A.Mawer & F.M.Stenton, 2 vols (EPNS, 6-7, 1929-30) |
EPNSWilts | Place-Names of Wiltshire, ed. J.E.B.Gover, A.Mawer & F.M.Stenton (EPNS, 16, 1, 939) |
EPNSWorcs | Place-Names of Worcestershire, ed. A.Mawer & F.M.Stenton (EPNS, 4, 1927) |
EPNSYorksER | Place-Names of the East Riding of Yorkshire, ed. A.H.Smith (EPNS, 14, 1937) |
EPNSYorksNR | Place-Names of the North Riding of Yorkshire, ed. A.H.Smith (EPNS, 5, 1928) |
EPNSYorksWR | Place-Names of the West Riding of Yorkshire, ed. A.H.Smith, 8 vols (EPNS, 30-37, 1961-3) |
EvansPlate | J.T.Evans, The Church Plate of Radnorshire (Stow-on-the-Wold, 1910) |
EytonShrops | R.W.Eyton, The Antiquities of Shropshire, 12 vols (London, 1854-1860) |
Finchale | The Charters of Endowment, Inventories and Account Rolls of the Priory of Finchale in the County of Durham, Surtees Society (1897) |
FisherSaxon | E.A.Fisher, Saxon Churches of Sussex (Newton Abbot, 1970) |
FlightRoch | C.Flight, 'Parish churches in the diocese of Rochester, c.1320-c.1520', Archaeologia Cantiana, 119 (1999), 285-310 |
ForsterStudies | F.Arnold-Forster, Studies in Church Dedication, 3 vols (London, 1899) |
FowlerBroom | R.C.Fowler, 'Broomfield Church', Transactions of the Essex Archaeological Soc., new ser. 17 (1923-5), 121-3 |
FranklinBuck | M.J.Franklin, 'The assessment of benefices for taxation in thirteenth-century Buckinghamshire', Nottingham Medieval Studies, 29 (1985), 73-98 |
GemmillEarls | E.A.Gemmill, The Ecclesiastical Patronage of the English Earls during the Reign of Edward I, 2 vols continuously paginated (Manchester Ph.D. thesis, 1988) |
GilbertCornwall | D.Gilbert, The Parochial History of Cornwall (4 vols), (London, 1838) |
GillettGrim | E.Gillett, A History of Grimsby (Oxford, 1970) |
GodstowReg | The English Register of Godstow Nunnery near Oxford, ed. A.Clark, 3 vols (Early English Text Society, 129, 130, 142, 1905-1911) |
GrahamTaxation | R.Graham, 'The taxation of Pope Nicholas IV' in English Ecclesiastical Studies (1929), 271-301, reprinting with additions from English Historical Review, 23 (1908), 434-54 |
GreenNotes | C.A.H.Green, Notes on the Churches in the Diocese of Llandaff, 3 parts continuously paginated (Aberdare, 1906-7) |
GroveTithe | H. Grove, Alienated Tithe, (London, 1896) |
GroveTithes | H.Grove, Alienated Tithes in Appropriated and Impropriated Parishes (1896), pt 3 ('Crown Grantees of Tithes'), pp. 1-168 |
HainesAdmin | R.M.Haines, The Administration of the Diocese of Worcester in the First Half of the Fourteenth Century (London, 1965) |
HainesDover | C.R.Haines, Dover Priory (Cambridge, 1930) |
HamThomBridgn | A.Hamilton Thompson & W.G.Clark-Maxwell, 'The deans and canons of Bridgnorth', Archaeological Journal, 84 (1927), 1-87 |
HarveyWestm | B.Harvey, Westminster and its Estates in the Middle Ages (Oxford, 1977) |
HastedKent | E.Hasted, The History and Topographical Survey of Kent (2nd edn, 12 vols, 1797-1801) |
HaysAber | R.W.Hays, The History of the Abbey of Aberconway 1186-1537 (Cardiff, 1963) |
Heads | The Heads of Religious Houses, England and Wales, vol. 1, 940-1216, ed. D.Knowles, C.N.L.Brooke & V.C.M.London (Cambridge, 1972, 2nd edn 2001), vol. 2, 1216-1377, ed. D.M.Smith & V.C.M.London (Cambridge, 2001) |
HenChich | G.Hennessy, Chichester Diocese Clergy Lists (London, 1900), and Supplement (1901) |
HendCornish | C.Henderson, Cornish Church Guide (Truro, 1924) |
HenNovRep | G.Hennessy, Novum Repertorium Ecclesiasticum Parochiale Londinense (London, 1898) |
HighamCheshire | N.J.Higham, The Origins of Cheshire (Manchester, 1993). |
HillLincoln | J.W.F.Hill, Medieval Lincoln (Cambridge, 1948) |
HistGlouc | Historia et Cartularium Monasterii Sancti Petri Gloucestriae, ed. W.H.Hart, 3 vols (RS, 1863-7) |
HistNorthumb | A History of Northumberland, 15 vols (Northumberland County History Committee, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1893-1940) |
HMSO | His/Her Majesty's Stationery Office |
HoltzmannPapst | Papsturkunden in England, ed. W.Holtzmann, 3 vols (Berlin 1930, 1935 and Gottingen 1952) |
HoskinsExeter | W.G.Hoskins, Two Thousand Years in Exeter (London, 1963) |
HudsonNorTax | W.Hudson, 'The Norwich Taxation of 1254, so far as relates to the diocese of Norwich, collated with the Taxation of Pope Nicholas in 1291', in Norfolk Archaeology (published by Norfolk & Norwich Archaeological Society), 17 (1910), 46-157 |
HughesClergyList | J.B.Hughes, 'A 1319 clergy list of the Tamworth and Tutbury deanery in the diocese of Coventry and Lichfield', Staffordshire Studies, 6 (1994), 1-25 |
HusseyChurches | A.Hussey, Notes on the Churches in the Counties of Kent, Sussex and Surrey mentioned in Domesday Book and those of more recent date (London, 1852) |
HutchCumb | W.Hutchinson, The History of the County of Cumberland (Carlisle, 1794-97) |
HutchinsDorset | J.Hutchins, The History and Antiquities of the County of Dorset, 4 vols (3rd edn, Westminster, 1861-73) |
KeeneWinch | D.Keene, Survey of Medieval Winchester, 2 vols continuously paginated (Winchester Studies 2, Oxford, 1985) |
KellyDerbys | Kelly's Directory of the Counties of Derby, Nottingham, Leicester and Rutland, 1891 |
KellyMonmouth | The Post Office Directory of Monmouthshire ('Kelly's Directory'), 1901 |
KennettPar | W.Kennett, Parochial Antiquities, 2 vols (new edn, Oxford, 1818) |
KHReligHouses | D.Knowles & R.N.Hadcock, Medieval Religious Houses: England and Wales (London, 1971) |
KirkDedOxf | K.E.Kirk, Church Dedications of the Oxford Diocese (Oxford, 1946) |
LA | Lincolnshire Archives Office, Lincoln Dean and Chapter Muniments, A1/11 |
LALIA1 | Lincolnshire Archives Office, Lincoln Dean and Chapter Muniments, A1/13/2, fos 1-17v (archdeaconries of Lincoln, Stow, Leicester & deanery of Rutland)(second copy at fos 21-32 has not been fully collated) |
LALIA2 | Lincolnshire Archives Office, Diocesan Records, Subsidies 2/1, fos 1-17 (fifteenth-century copy for Lincoln, Stow, Leicester & deanery of Rutland, parts of Lincoln & Stow missing) |
LALIA3 | Lincolnshire Archives Office, Diocesan Records, Misc. Roll 3, mm. 1-4 (Lincoln archdeaconry, Lindsey section only) |
LALIA4 | Lincolnshire Archives Office, Diocesan Records, Misc. Roll 4, mm. 1-5 (Leicester archdeaconry & deanery of Rutland) |
LAO | Lincolnshire Archives Office (always with a MS reference) |
LarkingHospit | L.B.Larking, The Hospitallers in England (Camden Society, 1st ser., 65, 1857) |
LawtonYork | G. Lawton, Collectio Rerum Ecclesiasticarum de Diocesi Eboracensi (London, 1842) |
LaySub1334 | The Lay Subsidy of 1334, ed. R.E.Glasscock (London, 1975) |
LBCA | London, Lambeth Palace Library, 1212, fos 187-189 (Canterbury), fos 189v-190v (abp's exempt deaneries in other dioceses) (note that refs to other parts of this MS, as the list of churches in the abp's patronage, are to LPL1212) |
LCLOA | London, Corporation of London Record Office, Cust/6 fos 181r-182v (list of all the city of London's benefices in the Liber Custumarum as in MunimentaRiley2i 233-8) |
LeeGravesend | P.Lee, 'Orthodox parish religion and chapels of ease in late medieval England: the case of St George's chapel in Gravesend', Archaeologia Cantiana, 119 (1999), 55-70 |
LeNeveOld | J.Le Neve, Fasti Ecclesiae Anglicanae, 3 vols (new edn, Oxford, 1854) |
LeNeveRev1BW | J.Le Neve, Fasti Ecclesiae Anglicanae 1066-1300: Bath and Wells, ed. D.E.Greenway (rev. edn, London, 2001) |
LeNeveRev1Chich | J.Le Neve, Fasti Ecclesiae Anglicanae 1066-1300: Chichester, ed. D.E.Greenway (rev. edn, London, 1996) |
LeNeveRev1Exet | J.Le Neve, Fasti Ecclesiae Anglicanae 1066-1300: Exeter, ed. D.E.Greenway (rev. edn, London, 2005) |
LeNeveRev1Here | J.Le Neve, Fasti Ecclesiae Anglicanae 1066-1300: Hereford, ed. J.S.Barrow (rev. edn, London, 2002) |
LeNeveRev1Linc | J.Le Neve, Fasti Ecclesiae Anglicanae 1066-1300: Lincoln, ed. D.E.Greenway (rev. edn, London, 1977) |
LeNeveRev1Mon | J.Le Neve, Fasti Ecclesiae Anglicanae 1066-1300: Monastic Cathedrals (Northern & Southern Provinces), ed. D.E.Greenway (rev. edn, London, 1971) |
LeNeveRev1Sal | J.Le Neve, Fasti Ecclesiae Anglicanae 1066-1300: Salisbury, ed. D.E.Greenway (rev. edn, London, 1991) |
LeNeveRev1StPaul | J.Le Neve, Fasti Ecclesiae Anglicanae 1066-1300: St Paul's London, ed. D.E.Greenway (rev. edn, London, 1968) |
LeNeveRev1Welsh | J.Le Neve, Fasti Ecclesiae Anglicanae 1066-1300: The Welsh Cathedrals, ed. M.J.Pearson (rev. edn, London, 2003) |
LeNeveRev1York | J.Le Neve, Fasti Ecclesiae Anglicanae 1066-1300: York, ed. D.E.Greenway (rev. edn, London, 1999) |
LeNeveRev2BW | J.Le Neve, Fasti Ecclesiae Anglicanae 1300-1541: Bath & Wells, ed. B.Jones (rev. edn, London, 1964) |
LeNeveRev2Chich | J.Le Neve, Fasti Ecclesiae Anglicanae 1300-1541: Chichester, ed. J.M.Horn (rev. edn, London, 1964) |
LeNeveRev2Cov | J.Le Neve, Fasti Ecclesiae Anglicanae 1300-1541: Coventry & Lichfield, ed. B.Jones (rev. edn, London, 1964) |
LeNeveRev2Exet | J.Le Neve, Fasti Ecclesiae Anglicanae 1300-1541: Exeter, ed. J.M.Horn (rev. edn, London, 1964) |
LeNeveRev2Here | J.Le Neve, Fasti Ecclesiae Anglicanae 1300-1541: Hereford, ed. J.M.Horn (rev. edn, London, 1962) |
LeNeveRev2Intro | J.Le Neve, Fasti Ecclesiae Anglicanae 1300-1541: Introduction, Errata & Index, ed. J.M.Horn (rev. edn, London, 1967) |
LeNeveRev2Linc | J.Le Neve, Fasti Ecclesiae Anglicanae 1300-1541: Lincoln, ed. H.P.F.King (rev. edn, London, 1962) |
LeNeveRev2Mon | J.Le Neve, Fasti Ecclesiae Anglicanae 1300-1541: Monastic Cathedrals (Southern Province), ed. B.Jones (rev. edn, London, 1963) |
LeNeveRev2North | J.Le Neve, Fasti Ecclesiae Anglicanae 1300-1541: Northern Province, ed. B.Jones (rev. edn, London, 1963) |
LeNeveRev2Sal | J.Le Neve, Fasti Ecclesiae Anglicanae 1300-1541: Salisbury, ed. J.M.Horn (rev. edn, London, 1962) |
LeNeveRev2StPaul | J.Le Neve, Fasti Ecclesiae Anglicanae 1300-1541: St Paul's London, ed. J.M.Horn (rev. edn, London, 1963) |
LeNeveRev2Welsh | J.Le Neve, Fasti Ecclesiae Anglicanae 1300-1541: The Welsh Dioceses, ed. B.Jones (rev. edn, London, 1965) |
LewisEngland | S.Lewis, Topographical Dictionary of England, 7th edn, 4 vols (London, 1849) |
LewisWales | S.Lewis, Topographical Dictionary of Wales, 4th edn, 2 vols (London, 1849) |
LF | Lichfield Dean and Chapter Library, MS 23 |
LibAlb | The Liber Albus of the Priory of Worcester, ed. J.M.Wilson (Worcestershire Historical Society, 1919) |
LibAnt | Liber Antiquus de Ordinationibus Vicariarum tempore Hugonis Wells, Lincolniensis episcopi 1209-1235, ed. A.Gibbons (Lincoln, 1888) |
LibBern | Liber Memorandorum Ecclesie de Bernewelle, ed. J.W.Clark (Cambridge, 1907) |
LincWills | Lincoln Wills, ed. C.W.Forster, 3 vols (Lincoln Record Society, 4, 10, 24, 1914, 1918, 1930) |
LlanEpAct | Llandaff Episcopal Acta 1140-1287, ed. D.Crouch (South Wales Record Society, Cardiff, 1988) |
LLD | Book of Llan Dav, ed. J.G.Evans (1893), pp. 327-31 (based directly on a taxatio version for Llandaff; but in a different format and thus used for notes and not as a separate version in itself), and see BookLlanDav |
LobelLondon | The City of London from Prehistoric Times to c.1520, ed. M.D.Lobel (The British Atlas of Historic Towns, 3) (Oxford, reprinted 1991) |
LPL1212 | Lambeth Palace Library, MS 1212 (and see LBCA) |
LPLRegRey | Lambeth Palace Library, Register of Archbishop Walter Reynolds |
LRO | Lichfield Record Office (always with a MS reference) |
LuntFinRel | W.E.Lunt, Financial Relations of the Papacy with England, 2 vols (Cambridge Mass., 1939-1962) |
LuntNorwich | W.E.Lunt, The Valuation of Norwich (Oxford, 1926) |
LWLOA | London, Westminster Abbey Muniments, MS 12336 m.1d (list of minute benefices for the archdeaconries of Middlesex and London, similar to the list in PLOA1c, as T 20) |
LyleCant | M.Lyle, The English Heritage Book of Canterbury (London, 1994) |
LysonsLondon | D.Lysons, The Environs of London, 4 vols (London, 1792-6) |
MackayWend | J.J.Mackay, Wendens Ambo: the History of an English Village (Saffron Walden, 1982) |
MagRegAlb | Magnum Registrum Album, ed. H.E.Savage (Collections for a History of Staffs: William Salt Archaeological Society, 1924) |
MaxLyteIncumb | H.C.Maxwell-Lyte, 'Somerset incumbents 1354-1401', Proceedings of the Somersetshire Archaeological and Natural History Society, 78 (1932), 44-108 |
McHardyPoll | Clerical Poll-Taxes of the Diocese of Lincoln 1377-1381, ed. A.K.McHardy (Lincoln Record Society, 81, 1992) |
MeekingsNetley | C.A.F.Meekings & R.F.Hunnisett, 'The early years of Netley abbey', Journal of Ecclesiastical History, 30 (1979), 1-36 |
MemRipon | Memorials of the Church of Ripon, ed. J.T.Fowler, 4 vols (Surtees Society Publications, 74, 78, 81, 115, 1882-1903) |
MenevSac | E.Yardley, Menevia Sacra, ed. F.Green (Cambrian Archaeological Journal, London, 1927) |
MertonRolls | The Early Rolls of Merton College Oxford, ed. J.R.L.Highfield (Oxford Historical Society, new ser. 18, 1964) |
MillerSaints | M.Miller, The Saints of Gwynedd (Studies in Celtic History 1, Woodbridge, 1979) |
MonAng | Monasticon Anglicanum, ed. W.Dugdale, 6 vols (vol. 6 in 3 pts continuously paginated) (London, 1846) |
MonEbor | J. Burton, Monasticon Eboracense (York, 1758) |
MonExon | Monasticon Diocesis Exoniensis, ed. G.Oliver (Exeter, 1846) |
MuirVillages | R.Muir, The Lost Villages of Britain (London, 1982) |
MunimentaRiley | Munimenta Gildhallae Londoniensis, ed. H.T.Riley (RS, 3 vols, 1859-62) |
NealeBristol | F.Neale, 'William Worcestre: Bristol Churches in 1480' in Historic Churches and Church Life in Bristol, ed. J.H.Bettey (Bristol and Gloucestershire Archaeological Society, 2001). |
NewcourtRep | Newcourt, R, Repertorium Ecclesiasticum Parochiale Londinense, 2 vols (London, 1708, 1710) |
NewtonExeter | R.Newton, Eighteenth Century Exeter (Exeter, 1984) |
NonInq | Nonarum Inquisitiones, ed. G.Vanderzee (Record Commission, London, 1807) |
NorwichChart | Norwich Cathedral Charters, ed. B.Dodwell, 2 vols (Pipe Roll Society, new ser. 40, 46, 1965-6, 1978-80) |
NorwichInv | Archdeaconry of Norwich, Inventory of Church Goods temp. Edward III, ed. A.Watkin, 2 vols (Norfolk Record Society, 19 pts 1 & 2, 1947-8) |
NRO | Norfolk Record Office (always with a MS reference) |
OE | Oxford Bodleian Library, MS E Museao 21 |
OH | Oxford Bodleian Library, MS Hatton 89 (two versions here of deanery CL.DE.DE are designated OHa and OHb) |
OLIB1 | Oxford Bodleian Library, Bodley Roll 25 (archdeaconries of Oxford, Buckingham, Bedford, Huntingdon and Northampton except deanery of Rutland) |
OLIB2 | Oxford Bodleian Library, Brasenose MS 21, fos 8-15v (archdeaconry of Huntingdon) |
OrmeClystGabriel | N.Orme, 'A medieval almshouse for the clergy: Clyst Gabriel hospital near Exeter', Journal of Ecclesiastical History, 39 (1988), 1-15 |
OrmerodChester | G.Ormerod, History of the County Palatine of Chester, 3 vols (London, 1819) |
OrmeSaints | N.Orme, The Saints of Cornwall (Oxford, 2000) |
OrmeUnity | Unity and Variety: a History of the Churches in Devon and Cornwall, ed. N.Orme (Exeter, 1991) |
OS | Ordnance Survey |
OSCS | Ordnance Survey (County Series): these maps have been searched using |
OwenLincoln | D.Owen, Church and Society in Medieval Lincolnshire (Lincoln, 1971) |
OxfMagd | Oxford, Magdalen College (always with a MS reference) |
PapeNewcastle | T.Pape, Medieval Newcastle-under-Lyme (Manchester, 1928) |
ParkerDunwich | R.Parker, Men of Dunwich: the Story of a Vanished Town (London, 1978) |
ParkinRomney | E.W.Parkin, 'The ancient buildings of New Romney', Archaeologia Cantiana, 88 (1978), 117-28 |
PAS1 | PRO, E179/68/43 (St Asaph diocese) |
PAS2 | PRO, E179/68/42 (St Asaph diocese) |
PBN1 | PRO, E179/68/72 (Bangor diocese) |
PBN2 | PRO, E179/68/44 (Bangor diocese) |
PBW1a | PRO, E179/68/45 (Bath & Wells diocese, with four additional rolls, including b & c which are the lists of totals and portions of alien monasteries as T 201a & T 200a-b) |
PBW1d | PRO, E179/68/45 (Bath & Wells diocese, list of items excluded for moiety as T 201b - 202b) |
PBW1e | PRO, E179/68/45 (Bath & Wells diocese, list of exempted minute benefices as T 202b) |
PBW2 | PRO, E179/68/46 (Bath & Wells diocese) |
PC | PRO, C270/16 |
PCA1 | PRO, E179/68/49 (Canterbury diocese) |
PCA2 | PRO, E179/68/52 (Canterbury diocese) |
PCA3 | PRO, E179/68/50 (Canterbury diocese) |
PCI | PRO, E179/68/54 (Chichester diocese; note that this roll is not the source of T 134-8) |
PCL2 | PRO, E179/68/55 (Coventry & Lichfield diocese) |
PCLA1 | PRO, E179/68/4 (Coventry & Stafford archdeaconries & Lichfield prebends) (The source for the basic listing in T, and including two rolls with material concerning minute benefices (PCLA1a) and items excluded for moiety (PCLA1b) as T 244-5) |
PCLA1a | PRO, E179/68/4, first roll sewn to m. 3 (list of minute benefices, Coventry & Shropshire archdeaconries, as T 244-5) |
PCLA1b | PRO, E179/68/4, second roll sewn to m. 3 (items excluded for moiety, Cheshire, Derbyshire & Shropshire archdeaconries, as T 245) |
PCLB1 | PRO, E179/68/59 (Derby, Shropshire & Chester archdeaconries) |
PDA1 | PRO, E179/68/61 (St Davids diocese) |
PDA2 | PRO, E179/68/60 (St Davids diocese) |
PEL1 | PRO, E179/68/63 (Ely diocese) |
PEL2 | PRO, E179/277/44 (Ely diocese) |
PevsnerBeds | N.Pevsner, The Buildings of England: Bedfordshire, County of Huntingdon & Peterborough (Harmondsworth, reprinted 1974) |
PevsnerBucks | N.Pevsner & E.Williamson, The Buildings of England: Buckinghamshire (2nd edn, Harmondsworth, 1994) |
PevsnerCambs | N.Pevsner, The Buildings of England: Cambridgeshire & the Isle of Ely (2nd edn, Harmondsworth, reprint 1982) |
PevsnerClwyd | N.Pevsner, The Buildings of Wales: Clwyd (Denbighshire and Flintshire), ed. E.Hubbard (Harmondsworth, 1986) |
PevsnerCornwall | N.Pevsner, The Buildings of England: Cornwall (2nd edn, revised E.Radcliffe, Harmondsworth, 1970) |
PevsnerCumbria | N.Pevsner, The Buildings of England: Cumberland and Westmorland (reprint, Harmondsworth, 1980) |
PevsnerDerbys | N.Pevsner, The Buildings of England: Derbyshire (2nd edn, revised E.Williamson, Harmondsworth, 1978) |
PevsnerDevon | N.Pevsner, The Buildings of England: Devon (2nd edn, revised B.Cherry, Harmondsworth, 1989) |
PevsnerDevonN | N.Pevsner, The Buildings of England: North Devon (Harmondsworth, 1952) |
PevsnerDorset | J. Newman & N.Pevsner, The Buildings of England: Dorset (Harmondsworth, 1972) |
PevsnerDurham | N.Pevsner, The Buildings of England: County Durham (2nd edn, revised E.Williamson, Harmondsworth, 1983) |
PevsnerEssex | N.Pevsner, The Buildings of England: Essex (2nd edn, revised E.Radcliffe, Harmondsworth, 1979) |
PevsnerGlamorgan | N.Pevsner, The Buildings of Wales: Glamorgan (revised J.Newman, Harmondsworth, 1995) |
PevsnerGloucs1 | D.Verey & A.Brooks, The Buildings of England: Gloucestershire 1: Cotswolds (Harmondsworth, reprint 1999) |
PevsnerGloucs2 | D.Verey & A.Brooks, The Buildings of England: Gloucestershire 2: Vale & Forest of Dean (Harmondsworth, reprint 1980) |
PevsnerGwent | N.Pevsner, The Buildings of Wales: Gwent/Monmouthshire (by J.Newman, Harmondsworth, 2000). |
PevsnerHants | N.Pevsner, The Buildings of England: Hampshire & the Isle of Wight (Harmondsworth, reprint 1979) |
PevsnerHerefords | N.Pevsner, The Buildings of England: Herefordshire (reprint, Harmondsworth 1982). |
PevsnerHerts | N.Pevsner, The Buildings of England: Hertfordshire (2nd edn, revised B.Cherry, Harmondsworth, 1977) |
PevsnerKentE | J.Newman, The Buildings of England: North-East and East Kent (Harmondsworth, reprint 1983) |
PevsnerKentW | J.Newman, The Buildings of England: West Kent and the Weald (2nd edn, Harmondsworth, reprint 1980) |
PevsnerLeics | N.Pevsner, The Buildings of England: Leicestershire and Rutland (2nd edn, revised E.Williamson, Harmondsworth, 1984) |
PevsnerLincs | N.Pevsner & J.Harris, The Buildings of England: Lincolnshire (2nd edn, revised N.Antram, Harmondsworth, 1989) |
PevsnerLondon1 | N.Pevsner & S.Bradley, The Buildings of England: London 1: The City of London (Harmondsworth, reprint 1999) |
PevsnerLondon2 | N.Pevsner & B.Cherry, The Buildings of England: London 2: South (Harmondsworth, reprint 1984) |
PevsnerNorf1 | N.Pevsner & B.Wilson, The Buildings of England: Norfolk 1: Norwich and North East (2nd edn, Harmondsworth, 1997) |
PevsnerNorf2 | N.Pevsner & B.Wilson, The Buildings of England: Norfolk 2: North-West and South, (2nd edn, Harmondsworth, 1999) |
PevsnerNorthants | N.Pevsner, The Buildings of England: Northamptonshire (2nd edn, revised B.Cherry, Harmondsworth, 1981) |
PevsnerNorthumb | N.Pevsner & I.Richmond, The Buildings of England: Northumberland (2nd edn, revised J.Grundy, Harmondsworth, 1992) |
PevsnerNotts | N.Pevsner, The Buildings of England: Nottinghamshire (2nd edn, revised E.Williamson, Harmondsworth, 1979) |
PevsnerOxford | N.Pevsner & J.Sherwood, The Buildings of England: Oxfordshire (Harmondsworth, 1979) |
PevsnerPowys | N.Pevsner, The Buildings of Wales: Powys (revised R.Haslam, Harmondsworth, 1979) |
PevsnerShrops | N.Pevsner, The Buildings of England: Shropshire (Harmondsworth, reprint 1979) |
PevsnerSomersN | N.Pevsner, The Buildings of England: North Somerset and Bristol (Harmondsworth, reprint 1979) |
PevsnerSomersS | N.Pevsner, The Buildings of England: South and West Somerset (Harmondsworth, reprint 1985) |
PevsnerStaffs | N.Pevsner,The Buildings of England: Staffordshire (Harmondsworth, 1974) |
PevsnerSuffolk | N.Pevsner, The Buildings of England: Suffolk (2nd edn, revised E.Radcliffe, Harmondsworth, 1975) |
PevsnerSurrey | N.Pevsner & I.Nairn, The Buildings of England: Surrey (2nd edn, revised B.Cherry, Harmondsworth, reprint 1982) |
PevsnerSussex | N.Pevsner & I.Nairn, The Buildings of England: Sussex (Harmondsworth, reprint 1977) |
PevsnerWarwicks | N.Pevsner, The Buildings of England: Warwickshire (Harmondsworth, reprint 1986) |
PevsnerWilts | N.Pevsner, The Buildings of England: Wiltshire (Harmondsworth, reprint 1981) |
PevsnerWorcs | N.Pevsner, The Buildings of England: Worcestershire (Harmondsworth, 1968) |
PevsnerYorksER | N.Pevsner, The Buildings of England: Yorkshire: York and the East Riding (Harmondsworth, 1978) |
PevsnerYorksNR | N.Pevsner, The Buildings of England: Yorkshire: The North Riding (Harmondsworth, 1981) |
PevsnerYorksWR | N.Pevsner, The Buildings of England: Yorkshire: The West Riding (2nd edn, revised E.Radcliffe, Harmondsworth, 1979) |
PEX | PRO, E179/24/1 (Exeter archdeaconry; note that this roll is not the source for T 143-4) |
PHE1a | PRO, E179/68/66 (Hereford archdeaconry, including temporalities for Hereford prebends) |
PHE1b | PRO, E179/68/66 (Shropshire archdeaconry) |
PHE1c | PRO, E179/68/66 (list of excluded minute benefices as in T 175-6) |
PHE2 | PRO, E179/68/65 (deanery totals after minute benefices excluded as in T 176-7) |
PHE3 | PRO, E179/68/64 (4 mm. including temporalities for Hereford prebends) & E179/30/3 (extra missing m., between 2 & 3) (Hereford diocese) |
PHE4a | PRO, E179/68/31 (Hereford archdeaconry, spiritualities, for moiety) |
PHE4b | PRO, E179/68/31 (Hereford archdeaconry, temporalities with Hereford prebends, for moiety) |
PHE5a | PRO, E179/68/56 (Shropshire archdeaconry, spiritualities, for moiety) |
PhillAtlas | Phillimore Atlas and Index of Parish Registers, ed. C.Humphery-Smith (2nd edn, Chichester, 1995) |
PhillippsInst | T.Phillipps, Institutiones Clericorum in Comitatu Wiltoniae ab anno 1297 ad annum 1810, 2 vols (Middle Hill Press, 1825) |
PhillipsCheshire | A New Historical Cheshire Atlas of Cheshire, A.D.M. Phillips and C.B. Phillips. eds. (Cheshire County Council, 2001) |
PitfieldDorset | F.P.Pitfield, Dorset Parish Churches A-D (Sherborne, 1981) |
PittStaffs | W.Pitt, A Topographical History of Staffordshire (Newcastle-under-Lyme, 1817) |
PlattsLincs | G.Platts, Land and People in Medieval Lincolnshire (Lincoln, 1985) |
PLIA1 | PRO, E179/68/6 (Lincoln archdeaconry) |
PLIA2 | PRO, E179/68/70 (Lincoln archdeaconry) |
PLIA3 | PRO, E179/68/5 (Leicester archdeaconry & Rutland deanery, with list of minute benefices excluded for moiety as in T 66) |
PLIA4 | PRO, E179/68/74 (Stow archdeaconry) |
PLIA5 | PRO, E179/68/8 (minute benefices for archdeaconries of Lincoln, Leicester, Stow & deanery of Rutland, as in T 76-7) |
PLL1 | PRO, E179/68/69 (Llandaff diocese, including temporalities for listing of cathedral dignities and prebends on m. 3) |
PLL2 | PRO, E179/68/68 (Llandaff diocese) |
PLOA1c | PRO, E179/68/11 (Middlesex & London archdeaconries, with list of minute benefices as in T 20) |
PLOA2 | PRO, E179/68/10 (Middlesex & London archdeaconries) |
PLOA3 | PRO, E179/68/12 (Middlesex & London archdeaconries: list of benefices excluded for moiety of 1294) |
PLOBb | PRO, E179/68/9 (Essex & Colchester archdeaconries) |
PLOBc | PRO, E179/68/9 (Essex & Colchester archdeaconries: list of minute benefices as in T 23-4) |
PNWA1 | PRO, E179/68/14 (Norwich & Norfolk archdeaconries) |
PNWA2 | PRO, E179/68/22 (Norwich & Norfolk archdeaconries) |
PNWA3 | PRO, E179/68/17 (Norwich & Norfolk archdeaconries) |
PNWA4 | PRO, E179/68/21 (list of items excluded for moiety in Norwich & Norfolk archdeaconries) |
PNWB1 | PRO, E179/68/3 (Suffolk & Sudbury archdeaconries) |
PNWB2 | PRO, E179/68/13 (Suffolk & Sudbury archdeaconries) |
PNWB3 | PRO, E179/68/19 (two lists of items excluded for moiety in Suffolk & Sudbury archdeaconries) |
PRO | Public Record Office (always with a MS reference) |
PRO1 | PRO, E179/68/23 (Rochester diocese) |
PRO2 | PRO, E179/68/24 (Rochester diocese) |
PRO3 | PRO, E315/489, Augmentation Office, Misc. Book 489 (cited in LuntFR 670) |
PrynneRecords | W.Prynne, The Third Tome of Our Exact Chronological Vindication ... (London, 1668, reissued 1670, 1672) |
PSAAa | PRO, E179/68/30 (Dorset & Salisbury archdeaconries) |
PSAAb | PRO, E179/68/30 (Salisbury Cathedral) |
PSAB | PRO, E179/68/25 (Berkshire & Wiltshire archdeaconries) |
PWN1a | PRO, E179/68/33 (Surrey archdeaconry; a second roll here is of temporalities) |
PWN1c | PRO, E179/68/33 (minute benefices of Surrey archdeaconry excluded for moiety as T 209, and the additional listing of T 209b, mostly crossed through, is sewn to the bottom of the first) |
PWN2a | PRO, E179/68/32 (Winchester archdeaconry; the second roll here is of temporalities) |
PWN3 | PRO, E179/68/34 (Winchester archdeaconry, 1m. only, of last section) |
PWO | PRO, E179/68/35 (Worcester & Gloucester archdeaconries) |
RCHM | Royal Commission on Historical Monuments |
RCHMDorset | An Inventory of the Historical Monuments in Dorset, 5 vols (1, 2 in 3 pts continuously paginated, 3 in 2 pts continuously paginated, 4, 5) (West, South-East, Central, North, East) (RCHM, 1923, 1970, 1972, 1975) |
RCHMHeref | An Inventory of the Historical Monuments in Herefordshire, 3 vols (South-West, East, North-West) (RCHM, 1931-2, 1934) |
RCHMWiltsSE | Churches of South-East Wiltshire (RCHM, 1987) |
RDC | Rochester Dean and Chapter Muniments, Medway Archives & Local Studies Centre, Strood (always with a MS reference) |
RecCaernarvon | Registrum Vulgariter Nuncupatum 'The record of Caernarvon' e codice msto. Harleiano 696 descriptum, ed. H.Ellis (Record Commission, 1838) |
ReesCardiff | W.Rees, 'Accounts of the rectory of Cardiff and other possessions of the abbey of Tewkesbury in Glamorgan 1449-50', South Wales and Monmouthshire Record Society, 2 (1950), 129-86 |
ReesMaps | W.Rees, South Wales and the Border in the Fourteenth Century (Maps, 4 sheets; Southampton, 1932) |
ReesMidW | V.Rees, The Shell Guide to Mid-Western Wales (London, 1971) |
ReesSouthW | V.Rees, The Shell Guide to South-West Wales (London, 1963) |
RegAntiq | Registrum Antiquissimum, ed. C.W.Foster & K.Major, 10 vols (Lincoln Record Society, 27-29, 32, 34, 41, 46, 51, 62, 67, 1931-73) |
RegAsserio | The Registers of John de Sandale and Rigaud de Asserio, Bishops of Winchester 1316-1323, ed. F.J.Baigent (Hampshire Record Society, 1897) |
RegBaldock | Registrum Radulphi Baldock, Gilberti Segrave, Ricardi Newport et Stephani Gravesend, Episcoporum Londiniensium 1304-1338, ed. R.C.Fowler (CYS, 1911) |
RegBateman | The Register of William Bateman, Bishop of Norwich 1344-1355, ed. P.E.Pobst, 2 vols (CYS, 1996, 2000) |
RegBekyn | The Register of Thomas Bekynton, Bishop of Bath and Wells 1443-1465, ed. H.C.Maxwell-Lyte & M.C.B.Dawes, 2 vols (Somerset Record Society, 49, 50, 1934-5) |
RegBenedict | A.I.Pryce, 'The register of Benedict, Bishop of Bangor, 1408-1417', Archaeologia Cambrensis, 77 (1922) 80-107 |
RegBlackPrince | Register of Edward the Black Prince preserved in the Public Record Office, 4 vols (1930-3) |
RegBothe | Registrum Caroli Bothe, Episcopi Herefordensis 1516-1535, ed. A.T.Bannister (Cantilupe Society, 1921; CYS, 1921) |
RegBrans | A Calendar of the Register of Wolstan de Bransford, Bishop of Worcester 1339-1349, ed. R.M.Haines (Worcestershire Historical Society, new ser. 4, and Historical Manuscripts Commission, Joint Publications 9, 1966) |
RegBron | The Registers of Walter Bronescombe, 1257-1280, and Peter Quivil, 1280-1291, Bishops of Exeter, ed. F.C.Hingeston-Randolph (London and Exeter, 1889) |
RegBronII | The Register of Walter Bronescombe, ed. O.F.Robinson, 3 vols (CYS, 82, 87, 94, 1999-2003) |
RegBubwith | The Register of Nicholas Bubwith, Bishop of Bath and Wells, 1407-1424, ed. T.S.Holmes, 2 vols (Somerset Record Society, 29, 30, 1914) |
RegBurg | The Registers of Henry Burghersh 1320-1342, ed. N.Bennett, 2 vols (Lincoln Record Society, 87, 90, 1999-2003) |
RegCantilupe | Registrum Thome de Cantilupo, Episcopi Herefordensis 1275-1282, ed. R.G.Griffiths (Cantilupe Society, 1906; CYS, 1907) |
RegChich | The Register of Henry Chichele, Archbishop of Canterbury 1414-1443, ed. E.F.Jacob, 4 vols (CYS, 1937-47) |
RegCobham | Register of Thomas de Cobham, Bishop of Worcester, 1317-27, ed. E.H.Pearce (Worcestershire Historical Society, 1930) |
RegCorb | Registers of Thomas of Corbridge, 1300-1304, ed. W.Brown, 2 vols (CYS no.138, 1925 & no.141, 1928) |
RegDrok | Calendar of the Register of John de Drokensford, Bishop of Bath and Wells 1309-29, ed. E.Hobhouse (Somerset Record Society, 1, 1887) |
RegEding | The Register of William Edington, Bishop of Winchester 1346-1366, ed. S.F.Hockey, 2 vols (Hampshire Record Series, 7, 8, 1986-7) |
RegEpistPeckham | Registrum Epistolarum Fratris Johannis Peckham, Archiepiscopi Canatuariensis, ed. C.T.Martin, 3 vols (RS, 1882-5) |
RegGand | Registrum Simonis de Gandavo Diocesis Saresbiriensis 1297-1315, ed. C.T.Flower & M.C.B.Dawes, 2 vols continuously paginated (CYS, 1934) |
RegGeyn | Register of William de Geynesburgh, Bishop of Worcester, 1302-07, ed. J.W.Willis Bund (Worcestershire Historical Society, 1907) |
RegGGiff | Register of Bishop Godfrey Giffard, Bishop of Worcester 1268-1301, ed. J.W.Willis Bund, 2 vols continuously paginated (Worcestershire Historical Society, 1902) |
RegGilb | Registrum Johannis Gilbert, Episcopi Herefordensis 1375-1389, ed. J.H.Parry (Cantilupe Society, 1913; CYS, 1915) |
RegGrand | The Register of John de Grandisson, Bishop of Exeter 1327-1369, ed. F.C.Hingeston-Randolph, 3 vols continuously paginated (London and Exeter, 1894-1899) |
RegGray | The register or rolls, of Walter Gray, Lord Archbishop of York (1215-1255) with appendices of illustrative documents, (Surtees Society, 56, 1873) |
RegGreenf | The Register of William Greenfield 1306-1315, ed. A. Hamilton Thompson, 5 vols (Surtees Society, 145, 149, 151-3 , 1931-1940) |
RegHallum | The Register of Robert Hallum, Bishop of Salisbury 1407-1417, ed. J.M.Horn (CYS, 1982) |
RegHalton | The Register of John de Halton, Bishop of Carlisle 1292-1324, ed. W.N.Thompson, 2 vols. (CYS, nos.12 and 13) |
RegHethe | Registrum Hamonis Hethe Diocesis Roffensis 1319-1352, ed. C.Johnson, 2 vols (CYS, 1948) |
RegKellawe | Registrum Palatinum Dunelmense: the Register of Richard de Kellawe, Lord Palatine and Bishop of Durham 1311-1316, ed. T.D.Hardy (London, 4 vols., 1973-1978) |
RegKirk | Register of John Kirkby, Bishop of Carlisle, 1325-32, ed. L. Storey, 2 vols (CYS, nos 79 and 81, 1993) |
RegLacy | Register of Edmund Lacy, Bishop of Exeter 1420-1455, ed. G.R.Dunstan, 5 vols (CYS, 1963-1972) |
RegLacyH | The Register of Edmund Lacy, Bishop of Hereford 1417-1420, ed. J.H.Parry & A.T.Bannister (Cantilupe Society, 1917; CYS, 1918) |
RegLang | The Register of Walter Langton, Bishop of Coventry and Lichfield 1296-1321, ed. J.B.Hughes, 2 vols (CYS, 2001, 2007) |
RegLangham | Registrum Simonis de Langham Cantuariensis Archiepiscopi, ed. A.C.Wood (CYS, 1956) |
RegLangT | The Register of Thomas Langton, Bishop of Salisbury 1485-1493, ed. D.P.Wright (CYS, 1985) |
RegLCharl | Registrum Ludowici de Charltone, Episcopi Herefordensis 1361-1370, ed. J.H.Parry (CYS, no. 14, 1914) |
RegMalm | Registrum Malmesburiense: Register of Malmesbury Abbey, ed. J.S.Brewer, 2 vols (RS, 1879-80) |
RegMart | The Registers of Roger Martival, Bishop of Salisbury 1315-1330, ed. K.Edwards, C.R.Elrington, S.Reynolds & D.M.Owen, 4 vols (vol. 2 in two pts continuously paginated) (CYS, 1959-1975) |
RegMascall | Registrum Roberti Mascall, Episcopi Herefordensis 1404-1416, ed. C.Johnson (Cantilupe Society, 1916; CYS, 1917) |
RegMelton | Register of William Melton, Archbishop of York 1317-1340, ed. R.Brocklesby, 4 vols (CYS, 1977-1997) |
RegMont | Calendar of the Register of Simon de Montacute, Bishop of Worcester 1334-1337, ed. R.M.Haines (Worcestershire Historical Society, new ser. 15, 1996) |
RegNorthb | Unedited registers of Roger Northburgh, Bishop of Coventry and Lichfield 1322-58, 2 codices, in LRO, B/A/2 &/3 (typescript calendars with indexes of large sections by R.A.Davies in LRO) |
RegOrlH | Registrum Ade de Orleton, Episcopi Herefordensis 1317-1327, ed. A.T.Bannister (Cantilupe Society, 1907; CYS, 1908) |
RegOrlW | Calendar of the Register of Adam de Orleton, Bishop of Worcester 1327-1333. (Worcestershire Historical Society, new ser. 10, and Historical Manuscripts Commission, Joint Publications 27, 1979) |
RegOsmund | Vetus Registrum Sarisberiense alias dictum Registrum S. Osmundi Episcopi: The Register of S. Osmund, ed. W.H.Rich Jones, 2 vols (S, 1883-4) |
RegPalDun | Registrum Palatinum Dunelmensis, ed. T.D. Hardy, 4 vols, Rolls Series. 1873-8 |
RegPecham | Register of John Pecham, Archbishop of Canterbury 1279-1292, ed. F.N.Davis et al., 2 vols (CYS, 1968-69) |
RegPeterborough | The White Book of Peterborough: the Registers of Abbot William Woodford 1295-99 and Abbot Godfrey of Crowland 1299-1321, ed. S.Raban (Northamptonshire Record Society, 2001) |
RegPont | Registrum Johannis de Pontissara, Episcopi Wintoniensis 1282-1304, ed. C.Deedes, 2 vols continuously paginated (CYS, 1915-24) |
RegRede | The Episcopal Register of Robert Rede 1397-1415, ed. C.Deedes, 2 vols (Sussex Record Society, 8, 11, 1908-1910) |
RegReyn | Register of Walter Reynolds, Bishop of Worcester 1308-1313, ed. R.A.Wilson (Worcestershire Historical Society, 39, 1927) |
RegRoff | J.Thorpe, Registrum Roffense (London, 1769) |
RegRom | The Registers of John le Romeyn 1286-1296 and of Henry of Newark 1296-1299, ed. W.Brown, 2 vols (Surtees Society. 123 , 128, 1913-1917) |
RegSandale | The Registers of John de Sandale and Rigaud de Asserio, Bishops of Winchester 1316-1323, ed. F.J.Baigent (Hampshire Record Society, 1897) |
RegSedeVac | The Register of the Diocese of Worcester during the Vacancy of the See, usually called Registrum Sede Vacante, 1301-1435, ed. J.W.Willis Bund (Worcestershire Historical Society, 1897) |
RegShrews | The Register of Ralph of Shrewsbury, Bishop of Bath and Wells 1329-1363, ed. T.S.Holmes, 2 vols (Somerset Record Society, 9, 10, 1896) |
RegSpoff | Registrum Thome Spofford, Episcopi Herefordensis 1422-1448, ed. A.T.Bannister (Cantilupe Society, 1917; CYS, 1919) |
RegStafford | Register of Edmund Stafford, Bishop of Exeter 1395-1419; an Index and Abstract of its Contents, ed F.C.Hingeston-Randolph (London & Exeter, 1886) |
RegStap | Register of Walter de Stapeldon, Bishop of Exeter 1307-1326 (London & Exeter, 1892) |
RegStDavids | The Episcopal Registers of St David's 1397-1518, ed. R.F.Isaacson & R.Arthur Roberts, 3 vols (Cymmrodorion Record Series no. 6, London, 1917, 1920) |
RegStrett | The First Register of Robert de Stretton 1358-1385, ed. R.A.Wilson (Collections for a History of Staffs: William Salt Archaeological Society, new ser. 10 pt 2, 1907) |
RegSudbury | Registrum Simonis de Sudbiria, Diocesis Londiniensis, 1362-1375, ed. R.C.Fowler, 2 vols (CYS, 1927, 1938) |
RegSutton | The Rolls and Register of Bishop Oliver Sutton 1280-1299, ed. R.M.T.Hill, 8 vols (Lincoln Record Society, 39, 43, 48, 52, 60, 64, 69, 76, 1948-86) |
RegSwin | Registrum Ricardi de Swinfield, Episcopi Herefordensis, 1283-1317, ed. W.W.Capes (Cantilupe Society, 1909; CYS, 1909) |
RegTCharl | Registrum Thome de Charlton, Episcopi Herefordensis 1327-1344, ed. W.W.Capes (Cantilupe Society, 1912; CYS, 1913) |
RegTref | The Register of John Trefnant, Bishop of Hereford 1389-1404, ed. W.W.Capes (Cantilupe Society, 1914; CYS, 1916) |
RegTrillek | Registrum Johannis de Trillek, Episcopi Herefordensis 1344-1361, ed. J.H.Parry (Cantilupe Soc, 1910; CYS, 1912) |
RegWaltham | The Register of John Waltham, Bishop of Salisbury 1388-1395, ed. T.C.B.Timmins (CYS, 1994) |
RegWGiff | The Registers of Walter Giffard 1265-1266 and Henry Bowett 1401-1407, ed. T.S.Holmes (Somerset Record Society, 13, 1899) |
RegWick | The Register of William Wickwane, Lord Archbishop of York 1279-1285, ed. W.Brown (Surtees Soc., 1907) |
RegWinch | Registrum Roberti Winchelsey, Cantuariensis Archiepiscopi 1294-1313, ed. R.Graham, 2 vols continuously paginated (CYS, 1952-56) |
RegWoodlock | Registrum Henrici Woodlock, Diocesis Wintoniensis 1305-1316, ed. A.W.Goodman, 2 vols continuously paginated (CYS, 1940-41) |
RegWyk | Wykeham's Register, ed. T.F.Kirby, 2 vols (Hampshire Record Society, 1896, 1899) |
RichardsWelsh | M.Richards, Welsh Administrative and Territorial Units (Cardiff, 1969) |
Richborough | J.P.Bushe-Fox & B.W.Cunliffe, Reports on the Excavation of the Roman Fort at Richborough, 5 vols, 1926-1968 (Reports of the Research Committee of the Society of Antiquaries, 6, 7, 10, 16, 23) |
RobBenClergy | D. Robinson, Beneficed Clergy in Cleveland and the East Riding 1306-1340, Borthwick Papers 37 (1969) |
RobertsonRomMar | S.Robertson, 'Churches in Romney Marsh', Archaeologia Cantiana, 13 (1880), 408-87 |
RobinsonPatrons | W.R.B.Robinson, 'Patrons, parishes and appropriations in the deanery of Abergavenny in the early-sixteenth century', National Library of Wales Journal, 22 (1981), 38-63 |
ROLLS | The references in T (the Record Commission edition of the Taxatio) to rolls in the Public Record Office |
RollsEly | Sacrist Rolls of Ely, ed. F.R.Chapman, 2 vols (Cambridge, 1907) |
RoomPlace | A.Room, Dictionary of Place-Names in the British Isles (London, 1988) |
RotGros | Rotuli Roberti Grosseteste, Episcopi Lincolniensis 1235-1253, ed. F.N.Davis (CYS, 1913) |
RotRicGrav | Rotuli Ricardi Gravesend, Diocesis Lincolniensis, ed. F.N.Davis (CYS, 1925; and Lincoln Record Society, 20, 1925) |
RotWelles | Rotuli Hugonis de Welles, Episcopi Lincolniensis 1209-1235, ed. W.P.W.Phillimore, F.N.Davis et al., 3 vols (CYS, 1907-09; and Lincoln Record Society, 3, 6, 9, 1912-14) |
RS | Rolls Series |
RubinChar | M.Rubin, Charity and Community in Medieval Cambridge (Cambridge, 1987) |
RudderGloucs | S.Rudder, A New History of Gloucestershire (1779, reprinted 1977) |
ScarfeSuffolk | N.Scarfe, Suffolk in the Middle Ages (Woodbridge, 1986) |
SedeVacIns | Calendar of Institutions by the Chapter of Canterbury, Sede Vacante, ed. C.E.Woodruff (Kent Archaeological Society, Records Branch, vol. 8, 1923) |
SelCases | Select Cases from the Ecclesiastical Courts of the Province of Canterbury c.1200-1301, ed. N.Adams & C.Donahue (Selden Soc., 95, 1978-9) |
ShellGlos | The New Shell Guides: Gloucestershire, Herefordshire and Worcestershire, ed. C.Catling & A.Merry (London, 1958) |
SmithRolls | D.Smith, 'The rolls of Hugh of Wells, bishop of Lincoln 1209-35', Bulletin of the Institute of Historical Research, 45 (1972), 155-95 |
SodenGuide | R.W.Soden, A Guide to Welsh Parish Churches (Landysil, 1984) |
SPM | St Paul's Cathedral Muniments, Guildhall Library London (always with by a MS reference) |
SpuffordExch | P.Spufford, Handbook of Medieval Exchange (Royal Historical Society, London, 1986) |
SPVisitations1 | Visitation of churches belonging to St Paul's cathedral, 1249-1252', ed. W.S.Simpson in Camden Society, Miscellany 9 (1895), iii-xix, 1-38 |
SPVisitations2 | Visitations of Churches Belonging to St Paul's Cathedral in 1297 and 1458, ed. W.S.Simpson, Camden Society (1895) |
SRO | Staffordshire Record Office (always with a MS reference) |
SSB | Stratford, Shakespeare Birthplace Trust, Stoneleigh MSS, DR 18/31/3, fos. 75r-100r (Coventry & Lichfield) |
StDavidsEA | St Davids Episcopal Acta, ed. J.Barrow (South Wales Record Society, Cardiff, 1998) |
StillAbbot | M.Still, The Abbot and the Rule: Religious Life at St Albans (Aldershot, 2002) |
StowLondon | Stow, J., A Survey of London: Reprinted from the Text of 1603, 2 vols (Oxford, 1908) |
StylesPenk | D.Styles, 'The early history of Penkridge Church' (Collections for the History of Staffs: Staffs Record Society for 1950-1), 3-52 |
SwansonParoch | R.N.Swanson, 'Parochialism and particularism: the dispute over the status of Ditchford Friary ... ' in Medieval Ecclesiastical Studies in Honour of D.M.Owen, ed. M.J.Franklin & C.Harper-Bill (Woodbridge, 1995), 241-79. |
T | Taxatio Ecclesiastica Angliae et Walliae Auctoritate Papae Nicholai IV, ed. T.Astle & S.Ayscough (London, Record Commission, 1802) (Note: the printed text was transcribed from EB (PRO E164/14). For most of the entries, sources for EB are extant in other PRO Rolls, see P* refs. Where the source for EB is not extant see TEX, TLIB1&2, TCI) |
TannerIndex | NRO DNReg/30 & /31 (Thomas Tanner's indexes of the Norwich episcopal registers) |
TannerNotitia | T.Tanner, Notitia Monastica (revised by J.Nasmith, 1787) |
Tat-BroCant | T.Tatton-Brown, 'Medieval parishes and parish churches in Canterbury' in The Church in the Medieval Town, ed. T.R.Slater & G.Rosser (Aldershot, 1998), 236-71 |
TCI | T 134-8, the main lists transcribed from EB (PRO E164/14) fos 193r-199r. (Chichester diocese) (Note: the roll that was the source for this part of EB is not extant) |
TEX | T 143-5, transcribed from EB (PRO E164/14) fos not specified. (Note: the roll or rolls that were the source for this part of EB are not extant) |
ThomasStAsaph | D.R.Thomas, The History of the Diocese of St Asaph (3 vols, London, 1908) (extensive revision of D.R.Thomas, A History of the Diocese of St Asaph, 5 pts in a single vol., London, 1870-74). |
ThorneChron | William Thorne's Chronicle of St Augustine's Abbey Canterbury, ed. A.H.Davis (Oxford, 1934) |
TLIB1 | T 30-40, transcribed from EB (PRO E164/14) fos 44v-63. (Archdeaconries of Oxford, Buckingham, Bedford, Huntingdon and Northampton except deanery of Rutland) (Note: the roll that was the source for this part of EB is not extant) |
TLIB2 | T 40-3, transcribed from EB (PRO E164/14) fos 63v-67v. (List of those minute benefices excluded for the moiety from the list in TLIB1) (Note: the roll that was the source for this part of EB is not extant) |
TonkinHereford | J.Tonkin & M.Tonkin, The Book of Hereford: the Story of the City's Past (Chesham, 1975) |
TrainNth | K. L. L. Train, North Northamptonshire, Thoroton Society Record Series, 20 (1961) |
TWOM | T 239-40 (list of minute benefices in the diocese excluded for moiety) (Note: the source, PRO E179/58/3, is one membrane, now almost completely illegible, apparently damaged by water, so use of the transcription in T is thus necessary) |
UrryCant | W.Urry, Canterbury under the Angevin Kings (London, 1967) |
ValorEccles | Valor Ecclesiasticus, ed. J.Caley, 6 vols (London, Record Commission, 1810-34) |
VCHBeds | The Victoria History of the Counties of England: Bedford, ed. H.Arthur Doubleday et al., 3 vols & index vol. (Westminster & London, 1904-14) |
VCHBerks | The Victoria History of the Counties of England: Berkshire, ed. P.H.Ditchfield & W.Page et al., 4 vols & index vol. (London, 1906-27) |
VCHBucks | The Victoria History of the Counties of England: Buckingham, ed. W.Page, 4 vols & index vol. (London, 1905-28) |
VCHCambs | The Victoria History of the Counties of England: Cambridgeshire and the Isle of Ely, ed. L.F.Salzman et al., 10 vols & index vols (London, 1938-2002) |
VCHChes | The Victoria History of the Counties of England: Chester, ed. B.E.Harris et al., 3 vols (Oxford, 1979-87) |
VCHCumb | The Victoria History of the Counties of England: Cumberland, ed. J.Wilson, 2 vols (Westminster, 1901-5) |
VCHDorset | The Victoria History of the Counties of England: Dorset, ed. W.Page et al., 2 vols, 2 & 3 (London, 1908-68) |
VCHDurham | The Victoria History of the Counties of England: Durham, ed. W.Page et al., 4 vols (London, 1905-2005) |
VCHEssex | The Victoria History of the Counties of England: Essex, ed. W.Page et al., 10 vols (London, 1903-2002) |
VCHGloucs | The Victoria History of the Counties of England: Gloucester, ed. W.Page et al., 9 vols, 2 & 4-11 (London, 1907-2001) |
VCHHants | The Victoria History of the Counties of England: Hampshire and the Isle of Wight, ed. H.Arthur Doubleday et al., 5 vols & index vol. (London, 1900-14) |
VCHHerts | The Victoria History of the Counties of England: Hertford, ed. W.Page, 4 vols & index vol. (London, 1902-23) |
VCHHunts | The Victoria History of the Counties of England: Huntingdon, ed. W.Page & G.Proby et al., 3 vols & index vol. (London, 1926-38) |
VCHLancs | The Victoria History of the Counties of England: Lancaster, ed. W.Farrer & J.Brownbill, 8 vols (London, 1906-14) |
VCHLeics | The Victoria History of the Counties of England: Leicester, ed. W.Page et al., 5 vols (London, 1907-64) |
VCHLincs | The Victoria History of the Counties of England: Lincolnshire, ed. W.Page, vol. 2, only vol. published (London, 1906) |
VCHLondon | The Victoria History of the Counties of England: London, ed. W.Page, 1 vol. (London, 1909) |
VCHMidd | The Victoria History of the Counties of England: Middlesex, ed. W.Page et al., 10 vols, 1-9, 11 (London, 1911-98) |
VCHNorf | The Victoria History of the Counties of England: Norfolk, ed. W.Page et al., 2 vols (Westminster & London, 1901-6) |
VCHNorthants | The Victoria History of the Counties of England: Northampton, ed. W.R.D.Adkins & R.M.Serjeantson et al., 5 vols (Westminster & London, 1902-2002) |
VCHNotts | The Victoria History of the Counties of England: Nottingham, ed. W.Page, 2 vols (London, 1906-10) |
VCHOxford | The Victoria History of the Counties of England: Oxford, ed. W.Page et al., 13 vols (London, 1907-96) |
VCHRutland | The Victoria History of the Counties of England: Rutland, ed. W.Page, 2 vols & index vol. (London, 1908-36) |
VCHShrops | The Victoria History of the Counties of England: Shropshire, ed. W.Page et al., 7 vols, 1-4, 8, 10, 11 (London, 1908-98) |
VCHSomers | The Victoria History of the Counties of England; Somerset, ed. W.Page et al., 8 vols (London, 1906-2004) |
VCHStaffs | The Victoria History of the Counties of England: Staffordshire, ed. W.Page et al., 12 vols, 1-9, 14, 17, 20 (London, 1908-2004) |
VCHSuff | The Victoria History of the Counties of England: Suffolk, ed. W.Page, 2 vols ( London, 1907-11) |
VCHSurrey | The Victoria History of the Counties of England: Surrey, ed. H.E.Malden, 4 vols & index vol. (Westminster & London, 1902-14) |
VCHSussex | The Victoria History of the Counties of England: Sussex, ed. W.Page et al., 10 vols, 1-4, 5i, 6i-iii, 7, 9 (London, 1905-97) |
VCHWarwicks | The Victoria History of the Counties of England: Warwick, ed. A.Arthur Doubleday & W.Page et al., 8 vols (London, 1904-69) |
VCHWilts | The Victoria History of the Counties of England: Wiltshire, ed. R.B.Pugh & E.Crittall et al., 17 vols, 1i-ii, 2-17 (London, 1955-2002) |
VCHWorcs | The Victoria History of the Counties of England: Worcester, ed. J.W.Willis-Bund & H.Arthur Doubleday, 4 vols & index vol. (Westminster & London, 1901-26) |
VCHYork | The Victoria History of the Counties of England: York, ed. P.M.Tillott, 1 vol. (London, 1961) |
VCHYorks | The Victoria History of the Counties of England: Yorkshire, ed. W.Page, 3 vols & index vol. (London, 1907-25) |
VCHYorksER | The Victoria History of the Counties of England: Yorkshire East Riding, ed. K.J.Allison et al., 6 vols (London, 1969-89) |
VCHYorksNR | The Victoria History of the Counties of England: Yorkshire North Riding, ed. W.Page, 2 vols & index vol. (London, 1914-25) |
Wade-EvansPW | A.W.Wade-Evans, 'Parochiale Wallicanum', Y Cymmrodor: the Magazine of the Honourable Society of Cymmrodorion, 22 (1910), 22-124 |
WAM | Westminster Abbey Muniments (always with a MS reference) |
WardDomMon | G.Ward, 'The lists of Anglo-Saxon churches in the Domesday Monachorum and White Book of St Augustine', Archaeologia Cantiana, 45 (1933), 60-89 |
WCWN | Winchester College Archives, MS. 23220, pp. 36-62 (Winchester) |
WeaverIncumb | F.W.Weaver, Somerset Incumbents: Thirteenth to Eighteenth Centuries (Bristol, 1889) |
WilliamsAtlasCist | D.H.Williams, Atlas of Cistercian Lands in Wales (Cardiff, 1990) |
WilliamsCist | D.H.Williams, The Welsh Cistercians (2 vols continuously paginated, Caldey Island, Tenby, 1984) |
WilliamsRad | J.Williams, The History of Radnorshire (1859; reprinted with extended index, Rhayader, 1999) |
WoodruffVisit | C.E.Woodruff, 'Some early visitation rolls preserved at Canterbury', Archaeologia Cantiana, 32 (1917), 143-80 |
WSRO | West Sussex Record Office (always with a MS reference) |
YASFasti2 | A. Hamilton Thompson and C. Clay, Fasti Parochiales 2, York Archaeological Society Record Series, 107 (1942) |
YorkFasti | York Minster Fasti, ed. C.T.Clay (2 vols, Yorkshire Archaeological Society, Record Series, 123 & 124, 1957 &1958) |
YorkHunRolls | B. Engllish, Yorkshire Hundred and Quo Warranto Rolls, Yorkshire Archaeological Society, 151 (1993-4) printed 1996 |