Chapters and Contents | xxxiij |
Chapters and Contents
College of Heralds. Their Use. Their Qualifications. Contentions among them. An Order for the Placing. Divers Remarks concerning the Heralds. Some of them very learned. Mr Gybbon, Pursevant Blewmantle, his Herald Memorials. An Order from the Lord Byndon, Deputy Marshal, against Artificers meddling in Armes. p. 130.
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CHAP. XXIV. SION College; Founded for the Divines of the City. The History and State of it. The Founder Dr. White. Incorporated. The Alms House there. The Library. The Benefactors to it. Officers and Governors. Chelsea College. The Founder Dr. Sutcliff. For the Study of Polemic Divinity. Act of Parliament for the Maintenance of it: by means of bringing in Water into the City from the River Ley. A Declaration of the Reasons that moved K. James I. to erect this College of Divines. The King's Letter to the Archbishop of Canterbury, to move the Bishops in it. The Provost and Fellows of this College. But it met with Disappointment. The present good Use of the College another Way. The College of Civilians, called Doctors Commons. Dr. Harvey Founder. The several Courts here. The Arches. The Audience. The Prerogative. The Faculties. The Admiralty. The Delegates. Advocates. Prohibitions complained of. Collections concering Prohibitions, and Consultations. The Royal Society for the Improvement of Natural Knowledge. The Original of it. The Office of the several Members. A List of them. Society or College of Antiquaries. They conferred about the Antiquities of this Land. The learned Camden upon a certain Occasion, appealed to them. Subjects propounded to the Consideration of the Royal Society. p. 146.
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CHAP. XXV. The publick Schools. The Parliament petitioned to, for Schools in LONDON 25 Henry VI. Which were the antient ones. St. Anthonies School. St. Paul's School. The Foundation thereof. Inscriptions upon it. Ordinances for it. The Masters. The School at Mercers Chapel. Merchant Taylor's School. The Masters. Ratcliff School. Christ's Church School. A Custom there. Charter House School. Other Free Schools in Southwark and Westminster. Private Schools. The Charity Schools. Schools for the Art of Drawing. Schools for young Women in Genteel as well as Christian Accomplishments. p. 162.
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CHAP. XXVI. Colleges and Hospitals, for the Aged, Poor and Sick. Antient Orders for the Government of them. Founded by K. Edward VI. The Effect of Bp. Ridley's Sermon before him. Christ's Church Hospital. A Mathematical School founded there by K. Charles II. The Beginning and Occasion of it. A Ward for the Girls; lately founded. The Occasion thereof. Schools belonging to this Hospital. The Governors of it. The good Order observed in it. Expences, and Revenues. St. Bartholomew's Hospital. The antient Foundation thereof. Orders and Ordinances of it. The Governors. The Charges. Benfactors. State of this Hospital. St. Thomas: For the Sick and diseased. Its Foundation. Damaged by Fires. Rebuilt. The State of it. The Governors. Bridewell. For Harbour, and Work. The State of Bridewell. Benefactors. Governors. Bethlem. For Lunaticks. Built in Moorfields; called New Bethlem. Orders made for it. Benefactors. Governors. Admittance of Lunaticks; And care of them. The State of it. The Work House in Bishops-
gate Street. For poor Children and idle Persons. The Foundation, State and Design of it. The New Building. Benefactors. A Boy of this House makes a Speech to Queen Anne. An Order from the Governors to take up idle Persons. Some Cheats taken up. The present State of it. The Officers. p. 174.
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CHAP. XXVII. St. Katharines by the Tower. The Charter House; Or Suttons Hospital. The Savoy. Trinity College, or Hospital. Ask's Hospital Dulwich College. Chelsea College, or the Royal Hospital. Greenwich Hospital. The Hospital at Deptford. Morden College. Sir Robert Geffreys Hospital near Shorditch, or Ironmongers Hospital. p. 204.
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CHAP.XXVIII. An Account of the dreadful Burning down of LONDON Anno 1666. The Damage done thereby computed. The Rebuilding thereof. Rules and Directions for it. The several Acts of Parliament made for that Purpose. An Act of Common Council for preventing and suppressing of Fires. Insurance of Houses from Fire. p. 226.
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CHAP. XXIX. Antient Customs for Trade and Merchandize. Streets for Tradesmen. Riding in Whirlicotes. Noblemens Houses in the City. Great Housekeeping; And Hospitality. Who they were that maintained it. Maiors and Sheriffs great Feasting; Restrained. Sports and Pastimes. Comedies and Stage Plays; Restrained. The Queens Players. Shooting in the Bow. Justs. Cock-fighting. Running at the Quinten. The Fraternity of Shooters. The Archers of London. Games of Defence. Wrestling. Lancing for the Garland &c. Shews for Triumph. Lords of Misrule at Christmas May Games. Evil May day. Watches. The Watch at Midsummer The Standing Watch. The Marching Watch. The March then through the City . Wrestling. Shooting. Taverns and Alehouses. Modern Sports. Customary Punishments. Pillorizing. Whipping. Riding. Carting. Funerals. Weddings. Christnings. p. 241.
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CHAP. XXX. A Rehearsal of many Honourable Acts of the City and Citizens. The Names of them: and their Acts and good Works specified. Many Honourable and Charitable Acts of Women Citizens. p. 268.
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CHAP. XXXI. The Worth and Wealth of Citizens. Supply their Princes Occasions for present Money. Citizens called upon to receive Knighthood. Citizens of Wealth and Honour. Sir Thomas Gresham. Sir Baptist Hicks, &c. Several Worthy Maiers formerly. Valour of Citizens. Their Loyalty. The Triumphant Manner and Order of receiving K. CHARLES I. and the Queen, into the City Anno 1641. upon his Return from Scotland. Some Aldermen sent to the Tower 1648. because they would not proclaim an Act for a Common Wealth. They disown that pretended Authority. The Cities Actions for bringing in the King An. 1659. Readily receive the Prince of Orange 1688. The Wisdom of some Citizens. Extraordinary Honours done to the City by Kings and Nobles. Kings and Queens free of the City. Lord Fitzwater, the City Panneret. The City entertain the Palsgrave An. 1612. when he came into England. Offices and Places belonging to the City. Liveries and Fees antiently given, and paid annually by the City to Persons of Honour, &c. p. 281.
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