Epistle Dedicatory to the Third Edition. x

Epistle Dedicatory to the Third Edition.
The Epistle Dedicatory to the Third Edition of this Book, set forth by A. M. Anno 1618.

To the Right Honourable GEORGE BOLLES Lord Maior of the City of LONDON, Sir ANTHONY BENN Kt. Recorder of LONDON: And to all the Knights and Aldermen, Brethren Senators in the State of so famous a City; All of them being my Honourable and Worthy Masters.

A. M. wisheth the Fruition of all Temporal Felicities in this Life, and the never failing Fulness of Blessedness in the Life to come.


Right Honorable, Worshipful, and my most Worthy Masters,
IT is now Fifteen Years and more, since Mr. John Stow Citizen, (the first painful Searcher into the reverend Antiquities concerning this famous City of London) presented the Book of London's Survey to this Honorable State, in the time of Sir Robert Lee, then being Lord Maior, with very gracious and favourable Acceptance. Since when, he having a further Purpose to increase the same Labour in much larger Manner, according as the Subject very necessarily required, grew weak and sickly: so that his willing Endeavour was prevented by Death. Much of his good Mind he had formerly imparted to me, and some of his best Collections lovingly delivered me; prevailing with me so far, by his importunate Persuasions, to correct what I found amiss, and to proceed in the perfecting of a Work so worthy. That being overcome by Affection to him, but much more by Respect and Care of this Royal City, being Birthplace and Breeder to us both, I undertook (so far as my Ability would extend) to further a Book of such needful Use, and to supply it where I found any thing wanting.

Having drawn mine Intention into a very brief Discourse, before I would rashly adventure on the least Danger of Displeasure, I delivered the same to the Right Worshipful Sir Henry Mountague, Kt. being then Recorder of London, and now the Honourable Lord Chief Justice of the King's Bench: Who having discreetly considered thereon, and the Brief Chronicle of the Success of Times, before delivered by me to you all, cause me to appear before you in the Council Chamber at the Guildhall: where I then received Encouragement, and Command from the whole Court, to proceed in the perfecting of this Worthy Work, with Furtherance of what Helps could be afforded to me.

According to the former Project presented before you, I have (to my great Cost, Care, and no mean Labour both of Body and Mind, and for the space of above Twelve Years) done my Diligent Endeavour, to effect the full scope of that which I had set down to my self, for compleating the Survey of London, in such nature as might best become it; from the first Original and Foundation, to the growing thereof in any Greatness; and so to the Governors, Rulers and Magistrates, fitting from Time to Time, in most Eminence and Authority; and as by Name and Office, either of Portgraves, Provosts or Bailiffs, they were then distinguished.

Among all which, or any other vainly imagined, and no way to be avouched, I find the Name of Alderman to be well worthy Observation, as being derived from most memorable Antiquity. For I find it recorded, That in the Days of King Edgar, there was a worthy Nobleman, and of the Blood Royal, named Ailwine, that held great Authority and Favour with the King: insomuch, that he was therefore termed and called Healf Koning, as much as to say Half King; and by his Office he was stiled Alderman of all England. He founded that famous Monastery in the Isle of Ely; and the Epitaph there engraven on his Tomb is in this manner, and these Words;

Camd. Britann.

Hic requiescit D. Ailwinus, inclyti Regis EDGARI Cognatus, totius Angliæ Aldermanus, & hujus Sacri Cœnobij miraculosus Fundator.

That is in English;

Here resteth Lord Ailwine, Cousin to the noble King EDGAR, Alderman of all England, and of this holy Abby miraculous Founder.

Whereby plainly appeareth, that in those Times of ancient and venerable Respect, the Word or Title of Alderman was only given for a further Addition of Repute and Honour.

Some Authors also have delivered, that Men bearing such a Style or Name, were sometimes called Doomsmen, otherwhiles Eldermen, Judges of the King's Courts, &c. as being distinguished by those Additions of Honour and Esteem from other Men, to be

Matt. Paris.
