The Monastery of St. PETER.9

The Monastery of St. PETER.

The Churche of Westminster, erected of late by the Quenes Majesty vnto a Colledge or Collegiate Churche, by Order prescribed from her Majestie to Docor Bill, the firste Deane of the saide Colledge, is governed as a Colledge, and in Manner and Forme as Eaton and Westminster Colledge.

The Erection of the Church of Westminster by Queen Elizabeth.

J. S.

The Dean and Prebendaries doe kepe Comons together in the Hall, and in likewise the Scholemaster, and Usher, and her Majesties Scholars, and also the Servannts and Officers of the saide Colledge.

The Scholars Order for Admittannce is by Election and Assent of the Dean of Christ's Churche in Oxforde, and the Master of Trinity Colledge in Cambridge, and theire Colledges, and the Deane of Westminster, one Prebendarie and Schole-master, both into Westminster, and from thence vnto the Vniversities, accordinge to her Majesties Letters Patentes.

The Scholars Allowance for Diet is in the saide Hall, after the Rate of a Provision made by the Deane and Predendaries, viz. a Bushel of Wheate for twentie Pence, a Barell of duble Beare for three Shillings foure Pence, and the Fuell after a certaine Rate, payinge for the Carriadge onlye of Certein.

Everie Weke xiid. ordinarie besides Gaudiedaies.

The Scholars are allowed for Lyverye everye one two Yardes of broade Cloth, which cost xi.s.

The Quenes Scholars lye all in one greate Chamber, provided for that Purpose by Doctor Bill and the Prebendaries then.

In Churche, Schole, Hall, Chamber, they kepe dailie ordinarie Prayers.

A Howse is provyded for them withn the Close, if they shoulde fall sicke.

There is also a Howse buylded at Cheswicke with Chamber and Schole for the Sommer Time, and if there shoulde be Occasion of Sicknes; which Howse cost the buylding five hundretd Pounds.

The Master of the Queresters hath allowed him a Howse and foure Pounds in Regard, and three Pounds sixe Shillings foure Pence for everye one of the tenne Queresters, besydes a yerelye Lyverey to everye one, and a Bushell of Wheate weekely.

The Minsters and singing Men have everye one of them Howses, and fourtye Shillings allowed them over and above theire Stipendes in Regarde yerely, which amounteth to the Summe of fourtie Poundes.

The Servants and Officers have Allowance of Dyet, Lyverey, and Stipende: where before they had onlye a Pension by Patente or otherwise.

When as this Churche was Cathedrall, the Deane and Prebendaries kept several Howses, and kept Residence only for xxi Dayes, three Quarters of the Yere, and xxiiii one Quarter.

The Deane if he were absente anoe one Day of his Residence, he payde tenne Shillings for every Daye; if he came not at all, he had but the Corps of his Deanrye, which was xl.l.

The Prebendarye omittinge anie one Daye of his Residence, he loste a Shillinge for every Daie, yf he were wholly absente, he had but the Corps, which was x.l.

The said Provisions of Corne and Fuell was divyded betwene the Deane and Prebendaries Resident.

The Scholars had but three Poundes sixe Shillings four Pence allowed them to everye one: and so did burde themselves in the Towne or els where, and only came to the Schole.

The Servants and Officers of the Churche were then allowed a Stipende onlye.]

The first Dean then of that Foundation, was Mr. William Bill; who being taken away within two Years, had for his Successor, Mr. Gabriel Goodman, Doctor of Divinity. Who, when he had governed this Collegiate Church (with great Commendation) the Space of forty Years, died in the Year of our Lord God, 1601. And then Mr. Lancelot Andrewes, Doctor also in Divinty, succeeded him; next, Doctor Neale; and after him, Doctor Mountaine.]

The first Dean according to the Foundation.

A. M.

Sebert was buried in this Church with his Wife Athelgoda; whose Bodies, many Years after, to wit, in the Reign of Richard the Second (saith Walsingham) were translated from the old Church to the new, and there interred.


Edgar, King of the West Saxons, repaired this Monastery, about the Year of Christ 958, Edward the Confessor builded it of new; whereupon T. Clifford writeth thus:

Without the Walls of London (saith he) upon the River of Thames, there was in Times passed a little Monastery, builded to the Honour of God and St. Peter, with a few Benedicitine Monks in it, under an Abbot, serving Christ: Very poor they were, and little was given them for their Relief. Here the King intended (for that it was near to the famous City of London, and the River of Thames, that brought in all Kind of Merchandizes from all Parts of the World) to make his Sepulchre: He commanded therefore, that of the Tenths of all his Rents, the Work should be begun, in such Sort, as should become the Prince of the Apostles.

T. Clifford.

This Monastery new built Edward the by Confessor.

At this his Commandment, the Work was nobly begun, even from the Foundation, and happily proceeded, 'till the same was finished: The Charges bestowed, or to be bestowed, are not regarded. He granted to this Church great Privileges, above all the Churches in this Land, as partly appeareth by this his Charter.


His Charter.

Edward, King, greets William Bishop, and Leofstane and Ælfsie Portrieves, and all my Burgesses of London, friendly: And I tell you, that I have this given and granted to Christ and St. Peter, the holy Apostle, at Westminster, full Freedom over all the Land that belongeth to that holy Place, &c.

He also caused the Parish Church of St. Margaret to be newly builded, without the Abbey Church of Westminster, for the Ease and Commodity of the Monks. Because (before that Time) the Parish Church stood within the old Abbey Church in the South Ile, somewhat to their Annoyance.

Parish Church of St. Margaret.

This Church of St. Margaret (which that King Edward builded) continued 'till the Days of Edward the First, at what Time the Staple of Wools was at Westminster; and then the Parishoners and Merchants of the Staple builded it all of new, the great Chancel excepted, which was done by the Abbots of Westminster, as is afore shewed.

Stow's First Edit.

King Henry the Third, in the Year of Christ 1220, and in the fifth of his Reign, began the new Work of our Lady's Chapel, whereof he laid the first Stone in the Foundation; and in the Year 1245, the Walls and Steeple of the old Church (builded by King Edward) were taken down, and enlarging the same Church, caused them to be made more comely. For the Furtherance whereof, in the Year 1246, the same King (devising how to extort Money from the Citizens of London towards the Charges) appointed a Mart

Ladies Chapel.

Matthew Paris.

A Mart at Westminster.
