[A general Muster.] The MILITARY GOVERNMENT. [The Trained Bands.]456

[A general Muster.] The MILITARY GOVERNMENT. [The Trained Bands.]

semble, to avoyde that dangerous Mischief of assembling in Confusion, and to put them in true Order and Forme of the use of theire Armes, and in their Gardes. So as if at any instant hereafter, her Majesty and your Lordships shall please to use their Service, they are at all tymes readie without further Direction or Trouble, to performe theire Duties, and to obey her Majesty and your Lordships Commandements, havinge onlye a Sargeant and two Corporalls to everye Regiment; which three shall bring the whole Regyment in order, being Souldiers of Worth; without the which it is impossible to reduce them into anye Order; so as by this meanes her Maiesty shall continually have xxx Souldyers of worth in readynes.

Thus to obey your Honours Commandments, I shew my Wants, which I will rather do, then disobey you, knowing your honourable Vertues such, and your Care of me so favourable, as that which is Superfluous, you will forget; and that which is wanting, you will with your honourable favour help: Being therefore neither Scholler, nor Learned, I hope your Honour will beare with my Imperfections; but fearing you should trye the Opinion of a great Man of Warre, who sayed, a Souldier ought never to be without his Sword or his Penne in his Hand, (meaning in tyme of Warre to followe those Accounts, and in tyme of Peace, or idle tyme which I have, (whereof I am ashamed) to observe that which by Experience he hath learned. Wherein I finde my self farre unable to accomplishe your Lordships Expectation, yet rather then to neglect my Dutie, I bewraye my Ignorance. Thus beseeching God to geve you long Life, and greate Honour, I commit your Lordship to his Tuition, and my self to your Direction, this Day of March, 1588.     
Your Honours most humbly
to doe you Service,

Now as to the Strength of the City, in regard of its Force which it is able to furnish out, one writes thus; That so long ago as 1293, the City set forth a Fleet of ninety-five Ships. And another Record shewed, That in K. Stephen's Reign the City raised 60000 Foot, and 20000 Horse for Land Service. And that in his time (which was Anno 1657.) London had 12000 Trained Bands, Citizens perpetually in a Readiness, and excellently armed. He esteemed the Circumference of the City to be about twelve Miles, and the number of Inhabitants therein to be ten hundred thousand; not allowing but the tenth Part able to bear Arms, the City and Suburbs might raise an hundred and fifty thousand fighting Men. Of which the third Part were enough for a brave Army, viz. 50000 Men, according to the modern Discipline of War.

The Strength of the City.

Howel's Londinopol.


J. S.

In the Year 1614. there was a great Muster of the City; the King having appointed after Harvest a general Muster all England over: which every Shire performed with much cheerfulness. Then did the Citizens also shew themselves very forward, as well in making new Provisions of Ammunition, as in practising all Points of War and Military Discipline. And for the well managing of this Muster, the Lord Maior and Commonalty appointed twenty Captains to be selected of the most active and able Citizens; and unto every of them he allotted 3000 Shot and Pikes, viz. 6000 in all for that time, being for the most part Housholders, bravely furnished. These twenty Catpains performed all things with such Expedition, Bounty and Bravery, as, except in the Year 88, the like was never before. And such of them as were not formerly of the Martial Society, and Practice of the Artillery Garden were then admitted.

A general Muster of the Citizens.

E. Howe's Abridgement.

But to come to Musters of a later date, and to shew how the Military Government is now established.

About the middle of April, in the Year 1660, the time of the Restauration of King Charles II. there were in London, and the Liberties thereof, that were mustered in Hide Park,

Trained Bands.

R. B.

6 Regiments of Trained Bands.

6 Regiments of Auxiliaries.

1 Regiment of Horse.

The 12 Regiments of Foot consisted of 80 Companies, and in each Company not less than 250 Men. By which Account the whole Number did amount unto 18000 Men.

The Trained Bands consisted of 18000 Foot, and the Horse 600.

The Regiment of Horse consisted of 6 Troops, and each Troop of 100 Men.

This Force of the City's being judged to be highly useful for the Defence, not only of the City, but safety of the King's Person, his Majesty was pleased some few Months after to send the City a Commission of Lieutenancy, appointing several Persons to act as his Lieutenants in London; giving them the same Power that the Lord Lieutenenats of the Counties in England have. And in pursuance of that Commission the Regiments were new settled.

K. Charles II. granted a Commission of Lieutenancy for the Trained Bands.

The MODELL thus.


There were 6 Regiments of Trained Bands commanded by 6 eminent Citizens, who were all Knights; and their Lieutenant Colonels were also Knights.

Six Regiments of Trained Bands.

There were also 6 Regiments of Auxiliaries. And in these 12 Regiments there were 20000 Men.

Six of Auxilaries.

There were also at that time listed 2 Regiments of Horse, each consisting of 5 Troops, and in each Troop 80 Men; which makes the 2 Regiments to contain 800 Men.

Two Regiments of Horse.

When this Model was settled, they were all drawn into Hide Park, where his Majesty did view them, with divers Persons of Quality, and innumerable other Spectators, to the general Satisfaction. And besides these, in case of Necessity, it is certain, that in London, and within the Liberties, there may on a few Days be raised at the least 40000 Men.

The Colonels of the six Regiments of the City in the Reign of the late King William of happy Memory, were Sir Robert Clayton, Sir Tho. Stamp, Sir Will. Ashurst, Sir Tho. Lane, Sir Tho. Abney, and Sir Owen Buckingham. But upon the late Queen's Commission of Lieutenancy, opened at Guiild-Hall, July 9. 1702. (where was a very great Appearance of the Commissioners) they chose Sir William Pritchard, Sir John Fleet, Sir Francis Child, Sir Samuel Dashwood, Sir Tho. Cook, and Sir Charles Duncomb.

The Six Colonels in K. William's Reign.

J. S.

May 23. 1707. The Queen appointed a new Lieutenancy for the City. The Commission of which Lieutenancy was opened June the 27th following; and then were chosen Colonels, Sir Will. Ashurst, Sir Owen Buckingham, Sir Jeffrey Jeffreys, Sir Gilbert Heathcote, Sir Charles Thorold, and Sir Samuel Stanier. Nicolas Baker, Clerk, Captain Joseph Hyde, Mustermaster.]

The six Colonels after them.

Moreover, One Regiment of Trained Bands in Southwark, consisting of 1500 Men.

R. B.

Two Regiments within the Tower Hamlets, consisting of 3000 Men.

The Holborn Regiment, consisting of 2000 Men.

And Westminster Regiment also of 2000 Men.
