[Orders for Marshalling] The MILITARY GOVERNMENT. [the City of Lond.]454

[Orders for Marshalling] The MILITARY GOVERNMENT. [the City of Lond.]

lowance) who shall haue under hym Tenne Captaynes, all Dwellers in that Quarter; and everie Captayne shall have a Hundreth and Fiftie Men, all Inhabitants in that Quarter, which shalbe either the Housholder, his Sonne, or his contynewed Servant. Provided that the Collonells be none of the Aldermen; because they are already chosen to the Civill Government.

The Regiment being all Dwellers togeather in one Quarter, doth make the Collonells Governement easye, and make the Assemblye of the Souldiers speedie.

The Collonells chosen, and the Quarters devised, then shall everie Collonell choose Six Captaynes, which shalbe allowed by the Maior and Marshall, (after they have enformed your Lordships) being all Dwellers in the Collonells Quarter.

After the Captaynes chosen, the Lord Maior, his Brethren, and the Marshall, shall deliver so many Housholders, theire Sons or Contynewed Servaunts, as will furnish eurye Captayne 150 Men with Weapons thus devided, that is, eight Halberdiers, 60 armed Pikes, 30 Musketiers, and 50 Harquebusiers, and the two odd Men shalbe for the Sargeants. For to put into these trayned Companyes any Archers, or a superfluous number of short Weapons, it were inconvenient, for that the mutlitude uppon any alarum, will come furnished with those Weapons: And therefore to teach that by Art which Nature geves, were tyme lost: and to charge a People with that which is not wanting, were frevolous.

The Companies furnished, as is aforesaide, then the Sargeant Major, or his Corporalls shall visitt every Mans particular furniture in their private Howses; aswell to see the Goodnes of their Armes, as to see it in order, least they should dishonour their Commanders; for not performing that which apperteynes to Men of Judgment and Souldiers to doe.

After your Armes provided and reviewed, a Muster General of all the Armye shalbe held in some convenient Place: at which Musters shall onely be the shew of the Men with their Armes without any Exercise: Which shalbe held in the Presence of such Honorable Persons as your Lordship shall appoynt, ioyned with the Maior, his Brethren, the Marshall, and Sargeant Major: At which tyme the Marshall, Sargeant Major and Provost, shalbe presented unto all the Collonells, Captaynes and Souldiers, theire Commissions published:

When your Collonells, Captaynes, and Souldiers know this, then everie Night at 6 of the Clock shall five Companyes of severall Regiments putt themselves in Armes. And so with theire Ensignes shall marche unto the Excahnge, and there shall stand in Battell a quarter of an Houre: To whom the Marshall shall come with the Word, which he shall take from the Major, who shall haue it from her Majestie (if she be neare London) which the Marshall shall deliver to the Sargeant Maior with great Duetie and Respect: who shall geve it unto the Capteyne of the Watche, and to everie Officer that is in Garde that Night: After the Word delivered; A Prayer for her Majesties Estate and Kingdome, the Lord's Prayer shalbe sayed. Then the Sergeant Maior shall putt five Billetts in a Hatt, which the Captaynes that are in Garde drawe for their Places of Gardinge; So as he that draweth the Billett of the Exchange, shall that Night be Capteyne of the Watche: He that drawes the Billett of the Bridge, shall Gard it, and St. Catheryns Gate by the Tower: He that draws Aldgate shall Garde it, and Bushopsgate: He that drawes Creplegate shall Garde it, and Aldersgate: He that drawes Newgate shall Gard it, and Ludgate: As for Mooregate, it is no Avenew, but a Passage, as the Posterne and the Graye-Fryers are. Why I devide the Companyes into two Gardes, is, for not overtoylinge the Souldiers, being Men of Trade: For by this meanes they Garde but once in 20 Dayes, which else would come everie tenne Days.

When the Companyes are thus entred into Garde, the chief Cordegard for the Captayne of the Watche, shalbe kept at the Exchange, by his whole Companye, and the other Cordegards at the Gates by halfe Companyes. Upon everie Cordegard, shall contynuallye stand in Armes, five, or sixe Souldiers: who shall be relieved everie halfe Hour. And considering the contynuall styrringe and travayle that is in London, it shall not be inconvenient to shut the Gates tyll Tenne of the Clocke or after: and then at Eleven to put forth the Centenells, which ought to be placed uppon the Walles, or as neare as may be. And so shall stand Centeneld tyll 3 in the Morninge; and shalbe changed eurye Houre: And eurye half Houre they shall make the Round, which is the surest Garde in the World: But consideringf how impossible it is to place the Centenells, by reason of the disorderlye and dangerous Buildinge of Howses which are upon the Walles: By which means I haue knowne many Townes surprized and greate Intelligence passed to their utter Ruine; for where your Centenells canne not come to the Walles, nor your Round haue free Passage, it is impossible of ant certen Safetie, which manner of Buildinge ought carefully to be looked unto, especially in any Place of Importance, as the Towre, or suche like Forts are: Therefore must the Centenells be placed in the Streetes, who, after they are once pozed, shall not suffer anye to passe without the Worde, which manner of severe Gardinge shalbe used tyll the Companyes have once all gone over: Whiche is onelye to teache them to knowe how to stande upon theire Gardes, duringe which tyme onelye the Gates shalbe shutt, and the Keyes delivered to the Maior, and no Man to come in, but by commandement from your Lordships: in as good and orderly Forme, as in anye Towne of Warre.

And the Orders and Ordynances for this Disciplyne shalbe published by the Provost, that in offending no Man pleade ignorance hereafter. At this Muster a perfect Rolle shalbe made by some sufficient Person, of all Persons and Weapons in theire Army, which shalbe delivered to your Lordships, and Registred in the Guildehall. And at this Musters everie Collonell shall bringe his Stampe and Marke particular, with the which everie Corslett, Pike, Harquebuze, Muskett, Murrion, and Furniture of his Regiment shalbe marked, to avoyde this unmeete lendinge of Armes; whereby they neglect theire Duties to her Majestie, Dishonour theire Commanders, and utterly deceave themselves. I remember when I was first brought up in Piedmont, in the Countie of Brisacks Regiment of the old Bandes, we had our particular Calibre of Harquebuze to our Regiment; both for that one Bullett should serve all the Harquebuzes of our Regiment, as for that our Collonell would not be deceaved of his Armes: Of which worde of Calibre, came first this unapt Terme wee use to call a Harquebuze a Calliver, which is the height of the Bullett and not the Piece. Before the Battle of Moungunter, the Prynces of the Religion caused 7000 Harquebuzes to be made all of one Calibre, which were called Harquebuse du Calibre de Monseur le Prince. So as I think some Man not understandinge Frenche, brought hither the Name of the height of the Bullett for the Peece: which word of Calibre, is yet contynued with our good Cannoniers.
