[Order for Marshalling] The MILITARY GOVERNMENT. [the City of Lond.]453

[Order for Marshalling] The MILITARY GOVERNMENT. [the City of Lond.]

13. Item, That upon anye Alarme or Warning geven, everie Inhabitant prepare and have readie in his Howse a Lanthorne with Lighte readye to hange out, when by Authoritie it shalbe so commanded.

14. Item, That straighte Order be taken, that yf any Alarme be proclaymed, that no Masters of Howses goe noe further than the Streete Dores of their Howses; and that noe Servante or other (upon grevous payne) do then issue into the Streete, except the Lord Maior, Aldermen, Sheriffs, Captaynes, Leaders, Officers and Soldiers aforesayd, and their Buketiers and Pyoners and their Leaders; and such others as shalbe especiallie called or commanded by the Lord Maior or Sheriffes.

15. Item, That one of the Watche Howses at the Watersyde be nere the Engine there that servethe the Cittie with Water. For that above all other is most present, and aboundant to that Purpose, and most readye for quenching Fyer: and therefore is speciallie to be garded.

16. Item, That such Recusants as have greate Houses and Lodginges within the Liberties of the Cittie; and likwise all dangerous and suspicious Persons to the State, may by her Majesties Authoritie be removed from Lodging within the Walles of the Citie, (or Suburbs, yf that may be ) for those Howses are most like to harbour and cover dangerous Persons to be nearer and readyer to make sudden invasion upon the Cittie.

17. Item, That some special consideration may be had of all Strangers, having Howses in the Cittie, and which are not of the Frenche or Dutche Churche. And that some Order may be sett downe, especiallie concerning them, as in this Time and State shall be founde requisite.

Again, in the beginning of the Year 1588, the Queen hearing and seeing such vast Preparations making by Spain; and concluding these Clouds to be intended to be discharged upon her; resolved in the best manner she could to put her City into a Condition of Defence. So the Lords of the Council ordered Edmund York, a brave Commander in the Low Countries, to give his Directions how the City should be ordered for this purpose. But still the Lord Maior was to be the Chief Governour of all this Military Preparation in the City, in making Colonels and Captains and other Officers. Which was such a Trust by the Queen imposed upon the Lord Maior, as York said, such an Honour, and such a gracious Favour never happened unto any People; neither was the like ever heretofore done unto them. York's Discourse follows, intituled

Preparation for Defence, An. 1588.

An Order to be observed for the Marshalling of the City of London into a true Form of Discipline, to be used in time of Occasion.


COnsidering the auncient Government of the Citie hath alwayes depended on the Lord Maior and his Brethren; which course hath alwayes been found so pleasinge to our Prynces, and liking to the People, as to alter were inconveniet; If therefore your Lordships shall please rather to give them some authoritie (by your Directions) Marshall, then to derogate anye thinge from them, it will animate them in their accounts and expences. Which authoritie shall contynew till her Majestie and your Lordships shall please to the contrarie. Yet consideringe theire professions and Nurritures not to performe these actions, therefore to joyne unto the Maiors authoritie some man of Judgment, Experience, and Fidelitie, it were convenient, as Marshall. By whose advise with the Maiors consent, all causes Marshall shall be directed, then a Sargeant, Major and a Provost, the one to Marshall the Men, and the other to do justice: wherein the French truly saith, that three things mayneteyne the Warres, which is: Bon chief; Bonne burse; & Boun bureau: Meaning Justice: All which I take able to be performed in the Citie: for the Chief or Marshall being appointed by your Lordships: there is no doubt of his sufficiencie: upon whom the greatest Weight of this burthen must lye: The Purse considering the Charges so small, it will soon be performed: The Justice by your Lordships Directions, and the Provosts Diligence shall be duely administred: So as all things shall proceede to the glorie of God, to the Honour of her Majestie, and to the benefitt of the People. Object they canne not, for that the charges is defrayed by the entertainment onely of three Persons. So as no doubt of the Allowance in respect of Charges. For infringing the Liberties and Priviledges, your Lordships do give them more then every they had. For reputation and trust, her Majestie and your Lordship do putt Armes, and the managing of Armes into their Hands: So as no doubt, but of a most gracious acceptance and acknowledgement of so an especiall gracious Favour and Trust: And may iustlye saye them selves to be the happiest People of the World, in having so gracious a Prynce, who contrarie to the Policie of all other Prynces (who disarme theire Subjects) doth put Armes, and managing of Armes into their Handes: O blessed Prynce, and happie People. By how much therefore are we more bound to her Majestie, then any other Subjects of the World to their Prynce, by as muche, as our Lives, our Wives, our Children, our Goods, our Freedome, and Posteritie is worth.

A Book for Marshalling the City in 1588.

The Marshall, Sargeant, Major, and Provost being by your Lordships appointed, the first thinge they are to doe, (after the receivinge of theire Commissions from your Lordships) is to make a Review general of all the Armes and Munition within the Citie and Suburbes, and thereof to enforme your Lordship.

The next is, to make a Review of all the Garners of Corne as well in private Houses, as in common Magasyns, not onelye of Corn but of all manner of Victuals, and thereof enforme your Lordships.

Theise Reviewes made by the Major, his Brethren, and Marhsall, (to whome all Provision of Munition, Armes, and Victuall belongeth) then shall they warne everie common Marchant of Corne, to have such a quantitie, and to everie common Baker and Brewer; to have allwayes in a readynes such a quantitie of Corne as he uttereth in fortie Dayes, over and above his ordynarie uttering. And so shall geve like order of Provision to eurye severall Person that lives and gaynes by selling of Victualls: for as the Marchaunt of Armes and Munitions, the Baker, the Brewer, the Butcher, and all other Trades have a contynuall getting, so lett them be bound to have an overplus always in theire handes, to serve her Majestie, and to susteyne themselves uppon any occasion of Warres, Dearth, or the Sustenaunce of distressed Frendes.

This done, the Citie shall be devided into so many Quarters, as there is Fifteene Hundreth Men: In everie Quarter shalbe chosen one Collonell, a Man there Dwellinge, and a Citizen of Honestie, Reputation and Wealth, elected by the Maior and Marshall (after your Lordships Al-
