Strype, Survey of London(1720), [online] (hriOnline, Sheffield). Available from:
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The Stuart London Project, Humanities Research Institute, The University of Sheffield,
34 Gell Street, Sheffield, S3 7QY


[Coach-makers.] The TEMPORAL GOVERNMENT. [Patten-makers.]241

[Coach-makers.] The TEMPORAL GOVERNMENT. [Patten-makers.]

that they might have Liberty to follow their Trade in that City without Interruption; and presented her with a Chest of their handy Work. They set forth in their Petition, that they were the first, which brought in, and exercised the said Science in this Realm: and were at great Charges, before they could find the Materials in this Realm. And that the same Science was so acceptable to King Henry VIII. that he offered to the same Jasper's Father good Wages and House-room, to come and exercise the same here: Which then came to none effect. They beseeched her, in recompence of their great Cost and Charges, that she would grant them House-room in, or without the Liberties of London, by the Water side; and Privilege for the time of twenty Years, that none but they, their Wives and Children, and Assigns, might exercise the same Science in this Realm; and to sell and transport the same, as well outward as inward, to all Men, free of all Custom.


[ Click here to view Image of coat of arms, Coach and Coach-Harness Makers' Company   ]

THE Company of COACH-MAKERS and COACH-HARNESS MAKERS, were incorporated by Charter, the 31st Day of May, in the 29th Year of the Reign of King Charles II. by the Name of the Master, Wardens, Assistants, and Commonalty of the Company of Coach-makers and Coach-Harness-makers of London. Their Privileges to extend to the Cities and Suburbs of London and Westminster, and twenty Miles round.

Confirmed by King James II. by Charter dated the 12th Day of May, in the third Year of his Reign.


[ Click here to view Image of coat of arms, Pinners' and Needlers' Company   ]

FOreign Pins and Needles being brought in about the Year 1597, did much prejudice these Callings; which employed abundance of poor People: who were put off their working, because these foreign Pins and Needles could be afforded cheaper than they could afford them that wrought them here at home: Therefore in the aforesaid Year, in the Month of December, they petitioned the Lord Treasurer for Restraint of these Pins and Needles. The bringing in whereof was the Cause, that so many idle Persons perished and miscarried for want of Work. For that in foreign Lands these Commodities were wrought in Hospitals, which found the Workers of them in Meat, Drink, and Clothing; and the Artists had the Work only, for instructing them. But in this Land (for that there was not such Provision for the poor Suppliants using this Trade) they could not live to sell their Wares at so low a rate, as those foreign Wares were sold. But if they were restrained, many Thousands would be set on work, and made Commonwealths Men, that now died in the Streets. The Premisses considered, and for that there were above 40000l. worth of Pins and Needles yearly brought into the Realm, and which were nothing so good and well wrought as those were, which were made and wrought within the Land, and that the Restraint of bringing them in, would be the Means of setting many Thousands of our Poor on work: and that lame Soldiers, tho' they had no Legs, and Children, might work on this Trade. They prayed his Lordship therefore to give his Furtherance for reviving a Statute for Restraint of foreign Wares, of 3 Edw. IV. 4. 1 Ric. III. 12. 5 Eliz. 7. 14 Eliz. 11.

Foreign Pins and Needles imported, the destruction of the Trade here: Petitioned against

J. S.


[ Click here to view Image of coat of arms, Patten-Makers' Company   ]

PAttens and Clogs were anciently worn by Persons of Quality, as well as others. And the Makers of them were an ancient Company. And there is a Parish Church in London, denominated from them, viz. St. Margaret Pattens, those of that Trade probably having their Shops chiefly there. In an Act 4 Edw. IV. cap. 9. they are called the Mystery of Pattenmakers of London. These had an Act of Parliament made in their Behalf, upon a Complaint which they made of the grievous Hurt and Damage which they and other Persons in time past of the same Occupation, had suffered by an Act of Parliament of 4 Hen. V. that abridged them the using of Timber of Asp in making Pattens and Clogs, upon a Penalty; for the Benefit of the Fletchers, who used that Wood; that they might sell their Shafts at easier Prices. But they shewed, how that this Wood was the best and lightest Timber for Pattens and Clogs; and most easy for the wearing of all Estates, Gentlemen, and other People. And that Persons of other Crafts and Occupations, as Turners, Carpenters, Woodmongers, and Colemakers used this Wood, and had no Restraint put upon them: And that there was much Asp-Timber, and fit for the Fletchers use to make Shafts, which they should not use. Hereupon the Parliament enacted, that it should be lawful from thenceforth, that the Pattenmakers might make Pattens of such Timber of Asp, as was not apt nor convenient to be made into Shafts.

This Trade ancient.

J. S.

An Act of Parliament in their behalf.


© hriOnline, 2007
The Stuart London Project, Humanities Research Institute, The University of Sheffield,
34 Gell Street, Sheffield, S3 7QY