[Sopemakers.] The TEMPORAL GOVERNMENT. [Glass sellers.] | 240 |
[Sopemakers.] The TEMPORAL GOVERNMENT. [Glass sellers.]
"like Authorities, for the better Government of the said Hatmakers. In the Execution of all which Ordinances, there were joyned yearly to the said Wardens five Feltmakers; who had hitherto dealt as effectually as they could, in reforming all Abuses: and had not spared to do anything (to the great Charges of the Company) which was required of them to do by the said five Feltmakers. In all which time they never required the Master and Wardens to search Foreign Wools, or complained of any Necessity of Search therein to be made. Which the Wardens and others, if need had been, either known to themselves, or informed by others, would not have failed to have done what had been requisite. And finally, he moved his Lordship, that if by any reason he thought it needful that this Garbling should be put in Execution, then that he would be a means, for indifferency sake between the Merchant and the Hatmaker, that the Master and Wardens for the said Company, with some other such skilful Persons as they should thereunto appoint, might, upon Information, deal in the same in such manner and sort, as should be thought needful and expedient."
And in this State were these Hatmakers before they were a Corporation.
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It was not before the Year 1604. An. 2 Reg. Jac. I. that these Feltmakers were incorporated, by Letters Patents from King James I. by the Name of Master, Wardens and Commonalty of the Art or Mystery of Feltmakers of London: Granting unto them divers Privileges and Liberties for the good Government of the same Corporation: being the first Company incorporated by this King: and was obtained by the humble and earnest Suit of Richard Banister, John Sandes, Hugh Philips, Robert Brown and others, Feltmakers of London.]
Abridg. of Eng. Chron p. 446.
TOwards the middle of Queen Elizabeth's Reign three Sorts of Sope were made. First, Coarse Sope, made of Train Oyl, and Danske Sope Ashes. Secondly, Sweet Sope, made of Sivil Oyl, and Danske Sope Ashes. And Thirdly, Specle Sope, made of Tallow and said Ashes. This was commonly called Gray Sope. This last was forbid by the Common Council of London: And that by Order from the Board. The Reason was, it would so wast in short time the Tallow of the Realm, that the Poverty would have no Candles, but must pay 6d. or 7d. yea and more, for a Pound of Candles. And besides, it smelt worse than the Sope made with the Train Oyl.
Three sorts of Sope.
Gray Sope forbid.
J. S.
This Speckle Sope, if allowed, would have endangered the making Sope with Oyl; because they made their Sope cheaper with Tallow. And the Common People more desired this made with Tallow, than that made with Oyl: because the Specks in this Sope shewed fair and white in Winter by the congealing of the Cold. And the Makers of Sope with Oyl would be fain to corrupt their Sope, to make it as good cheap as the Speckle Sope, to be able to sell with them in cheapness of price. And then the Realm should have neither good Sope nor sweet Sope any more.
The Inconvenience of Speckle Sope.
There were now about eight or ten Sopemakers in London: and they able to serve the whole Realm; yea and send beyond Sea also, if they might have Vent. They had four, five, or six Men apiece, and some more, besides their Houshold, that tended their Fats, and the beating of their Ashes. And besides, set many Men at work in the Realm, as Coopers, Labourers, Carters, &c. and made use of all manner of Carriages both by Land and Sea; being a Trade that sent out weekly out of London great Quantities of this Commodity over the Realm, and most Northward. Yet there was Sopemaking also already at York, at Hull, and at Bristol. These things were urged before they were a Corporation, to recommend them to the Countenance of the State.]
Now not above eight or ten Sopemakers in London.
ONE James Verselyn, a Stranger, a Venetian, about the Year 1580, or perhaps somewhat before, was the first that set up a Glass-house in London, for making Venice Glasses. For which the Queen granted him a Privilege under her Great Seal. But the Glass-Sellers in London were much aggrieved at this, and shewed the Lords of the Privy Council, that it was the Overthrow of fifty Housholds, using only the Trade of selling of Glasses; besides the hindrance of the Merchant-Adventurers, bringing Glasses into this Realm beyond the Seas, the Loss of her Majesty's Custom, and the consuming of 400000 Billets every Year in burning the same in one Glass-house; and the enhancing of the Prices of Glasses, prejudicial to all the Queen's Subjects; there being a Prohibition in the same Patent, that none should sell such Glasses, but the said Verselyn only.
The first Glass-house in London, by Patent to a Venetian.
J. S.
ABOUT the Year 1567, Jasper Andries and Jacob Janson, Potters, came away from Antwerp, to avoid the Persecution there, and settled themselves in Norwich; where they followed their Trade, making Gally paving Tiles, and Vessels for Apothecaries and others, very artificially. Anno 1570 they removed to London, with the Testimonial of Isbrand Balckius, the Minister, and the rest of the Elders and Deacons of that Church; and desired by Petition, from Queen Elizabeth,
Gally Tiles, and Apothecaries Vessels.
J. S.