[Stationers.] The TEMPORAL GOVERNMENT. [Marblers, &c.] | 225 |
[Stationers.] The TEMPORAL GOVERNMENT. [Marblers, &c.]
cupy the said Science and Craft of Printing. But since, many of the Kings natural Subjects had so diligently learned and exercised the same Art, that at that Day there were within the Realm [as that Statute of 25 Henry VIII. set forth] a great Number, cunning and expert in the said Science and Craft of Printing; as able to exercise the Craft in all Points, as any Stranger. Whence we see how long Printing hath been used in England, even from the time of King Richard, who reigned in the Year 1485. And how well stocked the Nation was with them about the middle of the Reign of King Henry VIII. which was little more than 40 Years after.
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The Stationers Anno 8 Regin. Annæ, 1709/10 presented a Bill to the Parliament, to have a Right to their Copies, confirmed to them, and the Sole power of Printing their respective Books. For it was now become common for others to be Interlopers, as they called them, and to Print upon them; that is, to Print again the Copies that they had bought: and that usually of a worse Paper and less Letter, that it might be afforded cheaper. By which means the first Printers (who were at great charge in the purchasing of Copies and Printing the same) received great Dammage.
An Act to confirm to the Stationers their Copies.
They set forth to the Parliament, that when the Author had conveyed over his Copy to any of them, they had a just and legal Property thereunto. And that rhey had given Sums of Money for Copies: and had settled those Copies on their Wives at Marriage, or on their Children at their Deaths. And that at this time many Widows and Orphans had none other Subsistence: And that the Copies then in use had cost the present Possessors (exclusively of all other Charges of Print and Paper) at least 50000l. Urging further, that this Property was the same with Houses and other Estates, being agreeable to Common Law and good Reason. To which might be added, that unless this Liberty of Printing upon the Owners of Copies were stopped, it would prove a great discouragement to the printing of many good Books, offered by Authors to the Booksellers: who would not care to meddle in such uncertain Gain. And thereby might ensue great prejudice to Knowledge and Learning.]
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This produced an Act of Parliament Ann. 8 Regin. Annæ, to this import: It was enacted, That after the 10th of April, 1710, the Author of any Book already printed (who had not transferred the Copy thereof) or the Bookseller, or other Person, who hath purchased any Copy to print or reprint, shall have the sole Right of printing it for 21 Years. And the Author of any Book not yet printed, or of any Book hereafter to be composed, shall have the sole liberty of printing it for 14 Years, to commence from the day of Publishing thereof. The Offender against this, who shall publish any such Book without the Consent of the Proprietor under his Hand, with Witnesses, to forfeit the Books to the Proprietor. Who shall forthwith damask them, and make them waste Paper; and forfeit 1d. beside for every Sheet found in his Custody.
No Book to be printed without the Author's or Proprietor's Consent.
The Title to the Copy of the Book to be published, to be entred in the Register-Book of the Company at the Hall of the said Company: And the Consent of the Proprietor entred.
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If any Proprietor after the 25th of March 1710, shall set an unreasonable Price upon any Book, any Person may complain to the Archbishop of Canterbury, to the Lord Chancellor, the Bishop of London, the Lords Chief Justices, or Chief Baron, &c. who may call the Bookseller before him, and enquire into the Cause of the Dearness; and upon Examination may reform and redress, and settle the Price. And if, after such Price set, the Bookseller shall expose to sale, or sell any Book at an higher rate, he forfeiteth 5l. for every Book so sold.
Prices of Books not to be excessive.
Nine Copies of each Book printed on the best Paper, after the 10th of April 1710, are to be delivered to the Warehouse-Keeper of the Company of Stationers at their Hall, before the Books shall be published, for the use of the Royal Library, the Libraries of the Universities of Cambridge and Oxford, for the Libraries of the four Universities of Scotland, of Sion College in London, and the Library of the Advocates in Scotland. And the Warehouse-Keepers shall deliver the said Copies within ten Days after demand, upon Forfeiture of the Value of the Book, and 5l.
Nine Copies of every Book printed for as many Libraries.
After the end of fourteen Years, the sole Right of printing or disposing Copies shall return to the Author for another fourteen Years.
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These are the Matters I have gathered, concerning this Company of Stationers.]
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William Lamb gave to the Company of Stationers a Legacy of 6l. 13s. 4d. for perpetual Relief of the Poor in the Parish Church of St. Faith's under St. Paul's: viz. To Twelve poor People, 12d. in Money, and 12d. in Bread, every Friday thro' the Year.
Legacies to the Poor of the Company.
R. B.
William Norton, Stationer (Treasurer of Christ's Hospital) gave to his Company 6l. 13s. 4d. yearly, to be lent to young Men free of the same Society.]
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THE Company called by the name of MARBLERS, for their excellent Knowledge and Skill in the Art of insculpting Personages for Tombs, Grave-stones, and Monuments in Churches, and elsewhere in Religious Places. Their Antiquity, and what respect they have carried, is unknown to me; nor can I find them to be incorporated, but to hold some Friendship with the Masons, and are thought to be esteemed among them in Fellowship.
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THE Company of WOOL-PACKERS, I know not what to say of them, because it seems that there were such Men in the Haunse-days, when the Wool-Staple flourished, and our Wool-Merchants had their Eminency. Further I cannot speak of them, but leave them and their Arms to your Consideration.
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