[Plaisterers.] The TEMPORAL GOVERNMENT. [Weavers, &c.]219

[Plaisterers.] The TEMPORAL GOVERNMENT. [Weavers, &c.]

per End, with excellent Carving. Their Skreen at the lower End cost (as they say) 130l.

Their Parlour is likewise wainscotted with more curious Artifice and Embellishments. And so is the Cieling fretted with Wainscot Work. In which are three Circles: wherein are excellent Painting of Angels, &c. The middle Circle, which is the largest, hath a Draught of St. James, the Patron of their Company, with a Square in his Hand, as it were giving his Orders to several Persons standing about, and directing their Work.

The Parlour.

On the Chimneypiece is a very curious Picture, representing several Persons of the Company, sitting at a long Table in their Livery Gowns; and Mr. Whiting, (sometime of this Company) and his Man, laying a Model before them of the Work of their Hall, or some Rooms in it; with some of the Assistants viewing and considering it. This Parlour, they say, cost 300l. wainscotting and painting.

This House was burnt down in the great Fire; and the Hall of it burnt down again Anno 1694. but the Parlour saved, (suffering some little Damage) by the Diligence of Mr. Burroughs, the Clark, employing Engines, and good Engineers, to throw great Quantities of Water in at a Window in the Parlour, that fronted the Door entring into the Hall.

Burnt down.

Charles Hobson, Esq; soon after Knighted, was of this Company: Who was employed by the late Queen Anne about her Works in White-hall, Chelsea College, and other Places Anno 1708. He was drunk to by the Lord Maior for Sheriff of London the ensuing Year. He told her Majesty of it; and she seemed pleased, and enjoined him to hold. Which he did.

Charles Hobson.

There are in this Company about 260 upon the Livery.]


[ Click here to view Image of coat of arms, Plasterers' Company   ]

THE Company of the PLAISTERERS, of larger Antiquity than leisure will admit to be delivered, of good and mutual Agreement among themselves, like affable and loving Brethren, were incorporated in the Time of King Henry VII.


[ Click here to view Image of coat of arms, Weavers' Company   ]

THE Company of WEAVERS (not meaning them which are now called Silk-Weavers) were of very ancient Note indeed, as having several Societies of themselves, the Woolen Cloth Weavers, the Arras Weavers, and the Linnen Weavers. All which I refer to a further Relation.

Divers Freemen of the City of sundry sorts, under the Reign of Queen Elizabeth, and since the Flight of Strangers into these Parts, had by their Industry learned of these Strangers, and otherwise, the Art of Silk-weaving; namely, making of Silk-lace, and such like things in the Loom; and so did lawfully use the same. But the Company of Weavers, who would not allow any kind of weaving to any one but such as were Members of their Mystery, about the Year 1583, impeached these Weavers, and exhibited a Bill to the Lord Treasurer, Mr. Chancellor of the Dutchy, and Barons of the Exchequer, against the said Freemen, as using the Art of Silk-weaving, being free of other Mysteries. Upon this a great number of these Freemen so complained of, brought to the Maior, Sir Edward Osborn, and the Aldermen his Brethren, their Complaint, that the Bailiff and Company of the Guild of the Weavers, had disturbed their Liberty. Hereupon the Lord Maior wrote a Letter to the Lord Treasurer, relating the Cause in favour of those Silk-weavers, against the Company: "Shewing him, that the ancient Liberties of the City had ever been, that a Freeman of any Company might lawfully use any lawful Art within the same City, and being free of one, was free of all. And that without which general Freedom, both the Commonweal might receive great Prejudice, and the Order and Governance of the Companies, and of the whole City, should receive such a Confusion, as the State thereof could no way bear. And that the Weavers themselves did for the most part live by the Use of other Arts, and took the Fruit of that general Freedom which they denied to others."

The Company's Complaint against the Silk Weavers.

J. S.

Osborn Maior his Judgment of the Freedom of the City.

The same Weavers also (and a Note was produced to the Lord Treasurer for that purpose) took upon them for Money, to admit a number of Strangers, as well not Denizens as others, to use their Art, to the great Hindrance of the Queen's natural Subjects. Which Matters the said Treasurer by his Letters willed to be enquired upon, by occasion of a Libel spread, and sent to him. Sir Thomas Blank, the former Maior, and his Brethren, called the said Weavers, and required them to hold them content with the general Liberty, for others to use their Art, as they might others: And did offer to them, if any Lack were to them in Search, Correction, or good Order, they should be reasonably assisted. This they refused; and in great Contempt, and to the Peril of the Dissolution of the whole State of the Company, they pursued their Bill before-mentioned.

Blank Maior, his dealing with the Weavers.

Osborn, then Maior, prayed the Lord Treasurer, that by his Order the said general Liberty might be maintained, and the Weavers remitted to the Maior and Aldermens Consideration, according to the Laws and Orders of the City. Wherein he promised, they should, as Citizens, have reasonable Favour, as the State of the Commonweal, and this City should require.]


[ Click here to view Image of coat of arms, Fruiterers' Company   ]