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The TEMPORAL GOVERNMENT. [The Lord Maior.]154


at the Table next the Cupboard, of the lifte side of the Hall; lyke as of late tyme it hath been used and accustomed. And that the said Mair may have and enjoy the said Fee and Reward, according to the Duetie.

THE like Bill was offered to the same Duke, for the Coronation of the Queen, mutatis mutandis.

The said King and Queen were crowned at Westminster, the 6th of July. And in the day of the Coronation of the said King and Queen, after the Feast was finished; in which as well Edmund Shaa, Maior, as the Aldermen and other Citizens elected by the Common Council, to attend upon the Chief Butler of England, according to Custom, were kindly and honourably handled. And the same Maior, after Dinner ended, as before was said, offered to the said Lord the King, Wine in a Gold Cup, cum Fiola Aurea, i.e. with a Golden Viol full of Water (ad attenuand' Vinum) to temper the Wine. After that the Wine was taken by the Lord King, the Maior retained the said Cup and Viol of Gold to his own proper use. In like manner the Maior offered to the Queen, after the Feast ended, Wine in a Golden Cup, with a Gold Viol full of Water. And after Wine taken by the said Queen, she gave the Cup with the Viol to the Maior, according to the Privileges, Liberties, and Customs of the City of London in such Cases used.

Concerning the Policy of the Government of this City by this Magistrate, his Magnificence and Grandure, and the Freedom of the Citizens under his Influence, thus one unnamed in Queen Elizabeth's Reign, (whom I conjecture to be Recorder Fleetwood) writes. "Strangers do no less envy than admire the manner of it; seeing so populous a City, containing by true Estimation more than five hundred thousand of all sorts of Inhabitants, managed not by cruel Viceroys, as in Naples or Milain; neither by proud Podesta, as be most Cities in Italy, or insolent Lieutenants or Presidents, as are sundry Cities in France, (whose Presidents are Noblemen or Captains, environed with a Guard of Soldiers, and holding their Cities possessed with a Garrison, as well in the quietest calm of Peace, as in the hottest combustion of War) but by a Man of Trade, or a meer Merchant. Who, notwithstanding, during the time of his Magistracy, carrieth himself with that honourable Magnificence in his Port, and Ensigns of Estate, that the Consuls, Tribunes, or Prætors of Rome, (namely, when as the same was reduced to a Monarchy) much less the Podesta of any City in Italy, never bore the like Representation of Dignity; and that not only in Peaceable seasons, but in time of greatest War. For such Credit the Princes of this Land have reposed in their Fidelity and Direction, that we have few Examples in any Chronicle of any Nobleman, or other, appointed to assist the Lord Maior in his Government, much less to be sole Ruler or Lieutenant for the time, were the State never so troublesome, and the Affairs of never so great Consequence and Importance."

The Policy and Grandure of this Magistrate.

I find divers Ordinances and Privileges for the Maiors of London in the ancient Records of the City: As,

That none be chosen Maior again for five Years after the Year he was Maior. Afterwards a Law was made, that none should be Maior again but seven Years after he had been Maior. Another Order was, that none should be Maior but twice.

Ancient Customs and Laws for Maiors. Ex Calend. Camer. Lond.

That no Maiors or Aldermen be Braciatores, i.e. Brewers, [who formerly kept Drinking-Houses sometimes.]

That the Servants of the Maior be sworn to make and take the Rights or Dues of the Maior.

The Maior ought to serve the King on the day of his Coronation.

That the Maior have two Hogsheads of Wine, to forbear making six Men Free, according to an ancient Custom. And again by another Order,

That the Maior have forty Marks to cease to make Men Free.

A Fine of an hundred Marks was laid upon one, for a Rebellion made to a Maior.

One was imprisoned, because he would not come at the Maior's Summons.

One made a Fine of an hundred Hogsheads of Wine, because he despised the Maior, by calling him An evil Maior.

Note, A great Dissention once [about the end of the Reign of King Edward III.] in the Election of a Maior; some favouring one Man, and some another: For which a third Man was chosen; and neither of them contended for was Maior for that Year.]

This great Officer, the Lord Maior, hath divers Privileges belonging to him; some of which are as followeth. As the Head of the City, he is the Principal in all Commissions of Felony, &c. and the Chief Judge for the Goal-delivery at the Sessions for Newgate He is Conservator for the Rivers of Thames and Medway. In all Commissions touching the River of Ley, he is always one. He is Coroner within the City and Liberties. He is Chief Butler to the King at his Coronation, as was shewn before. And if the Commonalty choose a Maior in the Absence of the present Maior, for the next Year, the Election is void. Upon the Death of any of the Officers belonging to the Lord Maior, during his Maioralty, others are to be put in their stead by him; which oft proves very advantageous to him.

Privileges of the Lord Maior

R. B.

For his Domestick Attendance, it is very honourable. He hath four Officers that wait on him, who are Esquires by their Places, as shall be seen in due place; besides twenty nine or thirty other daily Attendants, many of whom have their Servants.

His Attendance.

When the Lord Maior goeth abroad, he is usually accompanied with the Sheriffs either on Horseback or in their Coaches, and other Officers walking by in their Gowns, on each side. The Lord Maior is always habited in a long Robe; sometimes of fine Scarlet Cloth richly furred, sometimes in Purple, and sometimes over his Robes a Hood of Black Velvet (which some say is a Badge of a Baron of the Realm) with a great Chain of Gold hanging about his Neck; or sometimes a Collar of SS, with a rich Jewel pendant thereon.

These are usually the Lord Maior's Attendants, when he goes to the City, or to keep Courts at Guildhall, which is every Tuesday and Thursday throughout the Year, except Holidays, or in Sessions time, and the whole Month of August.

The Maior's Court Days.

But upon the 29th of October, when he goes to Westminster in his Barge, accompanied with the Aldermen, all the City Officers, with the Companies of the City in their several Barges, adorned with Streamers, Pendants, Colours and loud Musick, viz. Drums, Trumpets, Hautboys, &c. to take his Oath in the Exchequer Chamber, administred to him by the Barons of the Exchequer, viz. To be true to the great Trust reposed in him, he makes a gallant Show. The like at his return to Guildhall: Where there is prepared a most sumptuous Dinner: To which many of the Nobility, the Judges, and divers Publick Officers are invited: And many times Kings and Queens have been pleased to honour that Feast with their Presence.

The Ld. Maior's going to Westminster to be sworn.

Upon the Death of the King, the Lord Maior is said to be the Prime Person of England. For


© hriOnline, 2007
The Stuart London Project, Humanities Research Institute, The University of Sheffield,
34 Gell Street, Sheffield, S3 7QY