The SPIRITUAL GOVERNMENT. [Charities.] | 54 |
day next after the Feast of St. Michael, by the major Part of the eight, for Master. Which Persons, and their Successors so elected, were declared a Corporation and Body Politick, impowered to purchase Lands and Moveables, &c.
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This Patent, after Recital as above, of the first, granteth Leave to the Corporation to erect an Hospital within the Cities of London and Westminster, or Liberties thereof; appoints eight honest Men, Natives of Scotland and Inhabitants of London, Westminster, or Liberties thereof, for Governours of the said Hospital; with Power to elect Assistants, not to exceed 33: All to be Scots Men, or of Scots Extraction. Which Assistants are yearly, on the 30th of November, called St. Andrew's Day, or the next Day after, to present to the Governours two of the Governours Number, who have not been Masters, &c. out of the which two, the Governours, or major Part, to choose one for Master.
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The Lands, &c. and Profits thereof to be applied to the Supportation of old, honest and decayed Persons; and in instructing and employing poor Orphans, being all Scots, or come of Scots, but by no means of vagrant Beggars, or desolate Persons, &c.
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One particular Instance of the Charity arising from this Corporation was, that during the Sickness Years, when their Beginnings were but small, there were 300 Scots, or of Scots Extraction, who died of the Plague in and about London, buried at their Charge, with as much Decency as the Publick Calamity would permit. And many of the Infected were maintained, and taken Care of, un-
til they recovered, and by God's Blessing the Contagion ceased.
The Charity of this Society to the Scots in the Plague Year.
Wanting a Hall for their Meeting, at length, in the Year 1670, a pious Lady being told the good Use to be made of it, granted a Lease of the Ground to the Corporation for a Thousand Years; situate in Black Friers.
Their Hall in Black Friers.
After many Collections made, and voluntary Gifts, they were enabled gradually to build, first, Four Dwelling-houses, which front the Street in Black Friers that leads to the River; with an Inscription on the Frontispiece, declaring them to be for the Use of the Poor of their Country: And next, the Hall it self, and a House contiguous to it, with an Emblem of Charity cut in Stone upon the side of the Hall facing Fleet-Ditch. Which were finished in the Year 1672. And afterwards another House was built upon a Parcel of disputed Ground, with a Kitchen and two Rooms over it, for a Dwelling-house for the Beadle; finished in the Year 1676. The Charge of all amounting to about 4450l. Sterling.
Their Buildings; finished, 1672.
There is a large Table, hung up in the Hall, of the Names and particular Benevolences of all those that were Contributors.
In the Year 1718, the said Society thought fit to publish in Print, the Original Design and Present State of this Corporation. To which is added, A List of the Masters, Assistants, Treasurers, and all the Benefactors: From which I have extracted what is above written. Among the Benefactors is placed Gilbert, late Lord Bishop of Sarum, a Native of Scotland: Who gave to this Corporation 30l. and 5l. per Annum.
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An Account of the Gifts and Charities committed to the Trust of the Twelve Companies, and the Names of the Donors; Appropriated to Hospitals, Alms-Houses, Free Schools, Livings endowed, Lectures, Exhibitions, Annual Gifts, &c.
THAT the extensive Charity of this City may more appear, it is worth while to have recourse to the several Companies of London; with which are entrusted very ample Donations, by such as have been Members of those Companies, or others, confiding in their Faithfulness and Integrity: Which are yearly, or otherwise, to be
distributed for such and such Charitable Uses, according to the Wills and Directions of the Benefactors. And for this Purpose, with no small Pains, I have gotten a brief Account of the Charities lodged in the Twelve Companies (except some few more modern) with the Names of the several Benefactors; which will appear in the Tables following.
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The Stuart London Project, Humanities Research Institute, The University of Sheffield,
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