The Parish of St. Mary Savoy. Monuments.108

The Parish of St. Mary Savoy. Monuments.

neither by Masters or Scholars any tampering or meddling, to persuade any one from the Profession of his own Religion. But few there were but did believe, nay could not believe otherwise than that this pretended charitable Project was for the Advantages hereby to be compassed for the promoting the Roman Religion. These Schools were soon dissolved, upon the ceasing of the Government of King James: And the Clock that was made for the Use of this Savoy School, was afterwards bought and set up upon a Gentleman's House in Low Leyton, as was said.

In this Savoy were placed by King William the Third, many Families of poor French Protestants; and where they that had Skill in Trade and Manufacture, wrought to get something for their Livelihood; however they were opposed and complained of by many of the Tradesmen of London, as hindring and prejudicing them. Here also was, and is, a Church for them. The late Bishop of London came thither himself sometimes, and passionately desired their Good, and maintained many of their Proselytes. The poor French here inhabiting with their Families had many of them three Shillings Allowance Weekly, and some four. To countenance them the more, to this Church came many of the said Kings Privy Counsellors, Secretaries of State, and other great Officers of the Kingdom. And thro' them and their Contributions, the Church chiefly was able to subsist. They use the Liturgy of the Church of England, turned into French; and their Ministers are Episcopally ordained.]

Families of French Protestants placed in the Savoy.

The Deans of Westminster hold themselves Visitors of the Savoy. And when some Exchange of Lands, belonging to this Hospital was in Hand, Anno 1565. with Mr. Fanshaw, Dr. Goodman, the Dean, out of his great Care, that no Wrong might be done to that charitable Foundation, thereby wrote an earnest Letter to the Lord Treasurer, "That being in Conscience much bound to that poor Hospital, and considering the good meaning of the most noble Founder, he desired him for God's Sake, that in that Bargain of Exchange, that was towards, nothing might pass to the Prejudice thereof." Suspecting, it seems, and not without Cause, the Integrity of that Master, which is more particularly mentioned in another Book.]

Dean of Westminster, Visitor.

Annals of the Reformation. Chap. xlvi.

The Parish of St. MARY SAVOY.

The Chapel of this Hospital, serveth now as a Parish Church, to the Tenements thereof near adjoining, and others, and is called St. Mary Savoy.

St. John, now St. Mary in the Savoy.

This is but a small Parish, and yet hath a Division, to wit, the Liberty of the Savoy, which is only the House of the Savoy, and that of the Parish; and each have their Parish Officers apart; likewise one side of the Church belongs to the Savoy, and the other to the Parish, but the Minister and Clerk are for the whole. The Church now made use of as the Parish Church is seated in the large Court, which is descended to by Steps; a fair Church, and in Dr. Horneck's Time, a pious Man and excellent pathetick Preacher, much resorted to: And his Death by his Parishioners and other his Auditors, much relented.

R. B.

The Church.

The repairing and trimming of this Church (which was performed with great Cost and Beauty) was in the Year of our Lord God 1600, at the sole Cost and Charge of the Parishioners.



James Houson,}
Thomas Martin,} Churchwardens.

In the Year 1618. there was a fair Gallery built at the lower End of this Church.

Rowland Hodges,}
Daniel Hall,} Churchwardens.



[The ancient Monuments of such as were buried in this Church are but few.

Monuments of the Dead.

I find, Robert Willoughby, Kt. Lord Brook, bequeathed his Body, by his Will, Anno 1521. to be buried in the Hospital of the Savoy, London.

Brook Lord Willoughby.

J. S.

Monuments of later Times are these that follow. Among which yet some of Antiquity will be met with.]

A very fair Monument at the upper End of the Church, having this Inscription.


Ecce! Pudicitia, & Pietas,
Cœli utraque proles
Accingunt, Dextra hæc,
hæc tibi leva latus.
Juro, salo coluere, Polo
Rapuere, nec usquam
Te neque jam tumulum
destituere tuum.

Da. Humius Theag. Non delendæ Amicitiæ sempiternum Monumentum.


Siste paululum quisquis es, & paucis quid Marmor hocce te volet, scies.

Hic sacrum beatissimæ Animæ depositum, & felicissimæ quiescunt exuviæ Nicolaæ Moraviæ, ex clarissima Moraviorum, cum Tilibardinorum, tum Abircaniorum gente, per utrumque parentem ortæ, & Roberti Duglassii, Equitis Aurati, conjugis lectissimæ, Quæ incredibili ingenio, rarissimo judicio, summæ Pietate, singulari Prudentia, omnique virtutis genere, imprimis modestia, pudicitia, & suavissimis moribus ornatissima. Cum omnem propè Ætatem, contemptis mundi hujus, fœcibus, in Rerum divinarum speculatione, & assidua meditatione consumpsisset, in Theologicis porro, ad miraculum usque docta, doctissimos quosque Theologos in admirationem sui & stuporem rapuisset, Nihilque unquam, per universam vitam quam Christum sperasset ad eundemq; tota jam adspirarat, primo partu longissimis & acerrimis doloribus divexata, ubi mœstissimum Conjugem, & circumsusos amicos ad vitæ hujus fluxæ ac caducæ contemptum, & ad certissimam immortalitatis spem erexisset, prolixissimâ etiam & suavissimâ oratione, ipsam se suosque omnes, maxime vero conjugem, Deo commendasset, gratissimam Christo animam reddidit, & extincto Fœtu, in summo omnium mœrore expiravit.

Abi jam quisquis es, & non dissimilem vitæ exitum ipsi tibi opta, & vale. Obiit die Novemb. Anno 1612. Ætatis sua .

A fair Monument on the West side, close to the former, with this Inscription.

Morieris. Resurges.

Janua vitæ Sepulchrum.

Here lieth Nazareth Coppin, Wife to George Coppin, of London, Gentleman, Daughter to Thomas Thwaits, of Hardington, in the County of Norfolk, Esquire. Who being of the Age of twenty four Years, in the Prime of her Youth and Beauty, as she lived most vertuously, so she died most godly, the 22d of June, 1592. in the 34th Year of the most happy Reign of Queen Elizabeth.

Mors corta, inevitabilis, incerta.
