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Suburbs. St. Giles in the Fields. Streets. 84

Suburbs. St. Giles in the Fields. Streets.

advanced by him to the Title of a Dutchess: Being by the foresaid Robert the Mother of five Daughters, Alice Douglas, Frances, Wife of Sir Gilbert Kniveton, Kt. Anne Wife of Sir Robert Holbourne, late of Lincolns Inn. All these deceased; And Katharine, the only surviving Picture, in Piety and Goodness, of her Lady Mother, and Widow of Sir Richard Levison, Kt. of the Bath. She was born in the Town of Stonely.
There is a Catalogue of her Charities to the Reparation and Rebuilding of the Church, and the Ornaments of the Altar: Besides her Charities to Stonely, where her Body lies entombed; and many other Churches and Augmentations of poor Vicarages. She purchased a fair House and Garden near the Church of St. Giles, for the Incumbent there; and other Charities: Which are all set down in an Account of her good Deeds in her Life, and at her Death.

There is an Alms House in St. Giles, not far from the Church, in the middle of the Street: Which hath this Inscription.

St. Giles Alms House.

This Ground was given and granted unto this Parish by the Right Honourable the Earl of Southampton, for the Term of 500 Years, for the only and sole Use of Alms Houses for aged Widows; and no other Use. Whereupon there was built these five Alms Houses, and enclosed within the Bounds of the said Ground. Which Fabrick was erected and built at the Cost and Charges of the said Parish, in the Year above written.

That which was writ above was St. Giles Alms House, Ann. Dom. 1656.]

Near the Church is an antient Hospital founded by Maud Wife to King Henry I. mention'd before.

R. B.

Eastward of this Church is Kendrick Yard, which hath a Passage into Monmouth street, being a Place chiefly taken up for Coach Houses and Stablings. Near to this is the Angel Inn, which is a Place of a good Resort. Then fronting Monmouth street and King street are the abovesaid Alms Houses, built in the middle of the Street for poor Widows, being the Parishes Charity, each allowed about seven Farthings a Day besides Coals and other Bounties; and near these Alms Houses is a small middle Row of Houses. More Eastwards is Bowl Yard. Which hath a narrow Passage into Shorts Gardens; and in the middle of this Yard is a Passage into Crown Court, which Eastwards falls into an Alley so called, which also leads into Shorts Gardens; as also into St. Giles. And on the West side of Bowle Yard, is a small Alley called Sharps Alley; all which said Places have ordinary Buildings and mean Inhabitants.

Kendrick Yard.

Angel Inn.

Alms Houses.

Bowl Yard.

Crown Court.

Sharps Alley.

Next to Bowl Yard is Salutation Yard, a very small Place: and more Eastward is Lamb Alley, also but small. Crown Court, which for its Length, running into Shorts Garden, may be called an Alley; but of Account. Near to this is Cock Alley, also but small and ordinary.

Salutation Yard.

Lamb Alley.

Cock Alley.

A little beyond Drury Lane Eastwards is The Coal Yard, which hath a Passage into Drury Lane, already spoken of. Then farther is the Red Lyon Inn, a Place of a pretty good Trade. Eastwards from Little Queen street is New Turnstile Alley already spoken of. Monmouth Court, a small Place, but hath a Passage into Lincolns Inn Fields by Little Turnstile.

The Coal Yard.

New Turnstile Alley.

Monmouth Court.

Gregory Court, of small Account, having Houses but on one side. Partridge Alley, small and narrow, running into Philips Yard, as also into Vine Yard, all three of little Account.

Gregory Court.

Partridge Alley.

Philips Yard.

More Eastwards is Red Lyon Inn and Yard chiefly for Coach Houses and Sablings. Pargiters Court, a small Place. George Inn, of pretty good Account, all these three last mentioned Places have a Passage into Whetstone Park. Nearer to Great Turnstile Alley, are these two Places, viz Titchborn Court, and Flowers Alley, both scarce worth the naming. Then a little beyond Great Turnstile Alley are two small Inns, viz. the St. Johns Head, and the White Horse and Star; and a little farther is Grid Iron Alley, by the Griffin and Parrot, which is the Eastward extent of the Parish.

Vine Yard.

Red Lyon Inn.

Pargiters Court.

George Inn.

Titchborn Court.

Flowers Alley.

Then for the description of the Places on the North side, I shall begin at Kingsgate, a Road or Passage which runneth on the backside of King Street, and turning Eastward leadeth to the upper end of Grays Inn Lane.


Fountain Court, over against the Watch House, hath a small Passage into Bloomsbury Market.

Fountain Court.

Lyon Street falls into Bloomsbury Market, a Place of no great Account. Dums Alley, but small, and falls into Hide Street. Hides Alley, also runs up into Hides Street, but the middle Passage is stopt.

Lyon Street.

Dums Alley.

Hides Alley.

Vine Sireet runneth into great Russel Street.

Vine Street.

Plumbtree Street, almost against the Alms Houses a new built Street, with pretty good Houses, runs up to the back side of great Russel Street. This Street is crost by Phenix Street, as also lie Buckeridge Street, and a little above that is Plumbtree Court, which is but indifferent, and beyond that is Nottingham Street, where this Street falleth into Bambridge Street, which runneth to St. Giles Pound.

Plumbtree Street and Court.

Phenix Street.

Eagle and Child Court, opposite to the Alms Houses, is indifferent large. Banisters Alley, over against St. Giles Church; it leadeth into Church Lane, and Church Street. All these Streets, Alleys, and Courts, are but ordinary Buildings, and for the generality but meanly inhabited. And thus much for the Courts and Alleys in Holborn and St. Giles; I shall next proceed to Bloomsbury and the Places therein, and so conclude with this Parish.

Eagle and Court.

Banisters Alley.


King Street very long running Northwards to the Fields; that side towards the East is best inhabited, as having Gardens on the back sides; this Street hath a small Passage about the middle into Red Lyon Square, also one into Southampton Square, and another into great Russel Street; and here are several small Inns for Stablings and Coach Houses, for the Accommodation of the Gentry residing in these Parts.

King Street.

Southampton Street, very spacious, with good Houses, well inhabited and resorted unto by Gentry for Lodgings, which said Street comes out of High Holborn, and fronts the Square called Southampton Square, being a large open Place railed in, with Rows of large Buildings on all sides; that on the East side called Seymour Row; that on the South, Vernon Street, that on the West, Allington Row, and that on the North is fronted by Southampton House, which is a large Buildings, with a spacious Court before it for the Reception of Coaches, and a curious Garden behind which lieth open to the Fields enjoying a wholsome and pleasant Air.

Southampton Street.

Southampton Square.

Out of Southampton Street, on the West side is Silver Street, which runneth up into the Market Place, indifferent well built and inhabited, and at the End of this Street towards the Market is Fountain Alley, which gives a Passage into Holborn.

Silver Strret.

Fountain Alley.

Bloomsbury Market is a long Place with two Market Houses, the one for Flesh, and the other for Fish: but of small Account, by Reason the Market is of so little Use, and so ill served with Provisions; insomuch that the Inhabitants are served elsewhere.

Bloomsbury Market.

On the North side is Hart Street, large and open, with well built Houses: Which Eastwards falls into the Square, and Westwards into Castle Street; and in this Street, are three Outlets into Little Russel Street, viz. the Hole in the Wall Yard, of Note for the Cheese Cakes, Pyes, Tarts, &c.

Hart Street.

The Hole in Wall Yard.


© hriOnline, 2007
The Stuart London Project, Humanities Research Institute, The University of Sheffield,
34 Gell Street, Sheffield, S3 7QY