[Chapter House.] Faringdon Ward within. [Black Friers.] | 177 |
[Chapter House.] Faringdon Ward within. [Black Friers.]
Daughter of Ralph Woodcocke, Citizen and Alderman of London) three Sonnes and two Daughters, viz. Thomas, John, Richard, Elizabeth and Margaret.
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Here under lieth buried Amy Edlyn, and her Sonne with her; the Daughter of Richard Edlyn, of Woodhaule, in Middlesex; and the Wife of Robert Gomersall, Citizen and Ironmonger of London. Who departed this Life the 2d day of September, 1586. and left behinde her one Sonne and one Daughter.
A small Monument in the same Wall.
M. S. Here lyeth the Body of Thomas Allen, of London, Gent. who died the 22d of October, 1630. Divers of whose Ancestors have been interred in this Church. No Epitaph need make the just Man fam'd, The Good are prais'd, when they are only nam'd.
A handsome Monument at the upper end of the Chancel.
On the North side of Pauls Churchyard, is a fair House, called The Chapter House, belonging to St. Pauls. And here the Convocation of the Province of Canterbury useth to sit, to consult about Ecclesiastical Matters, and to frame Canons, for the better and more orderly Government and Peace of the Church. The Clergy whereof consisting of an Upper and Lower House, are called by the Kings Writ, whensoever the Parliament sits; and are prorogued and dismissed by his Authority. Thus Anno 1718. after a Prorogation of this Synod, by Authority of the King's Writ and Licence,
"Full, free and lawful Power, was given to the Archbishop of Canterbury, and the rest of the Bishops of the Province, or the greater number of them; and the rest of the Clergy of this present Convocation, (that is the Lower House) or the greater number of them, from time to time, during this present Parliament, to propose, confer, treat, debate, consult, and agree of, and upon such Canons, &c. as they shall think necessary, fit and convenient, for the Honour and Service of God, the Good and Quiet of the Church, and the Government thereof, as by Law established. And farther, they are authorized, to set down in Writing, and exhibit to the King, all such Canons and Things, so by them, from time to time, agreed upon. Provided always, that they be not contrary, nor tend to make any Alteration in the Doctrine, Discipline, or Government of the Church of England, as established, by any Act of Parliament now in Force.]"
Chapter House.
J. S.
The Wo ds of the King's Writ.
The Parish of St. ANNE, Black Friers.
On the South side of Ludgate Street, is the turning into the Black Friers. Which Order (sometime) had their House in Old-borne, where they remained fore the space of Fifty five Years. And then, in the Year 1276. Gregory Rocksley, Maior, and the Barons of this City, granted and gave to Robert Kilwarby, Archbishop of Canterbury, two Lanes or Ways next the Street of Baynards Castle; and also the Tower of Mountfichit, to be destroyed: In place of which, the said Robert builded the late new Church of the Black Friers, and placed them therein. King Edward I. and Eleanor his Wife, were great Benefactors thereunto *. This was a large Church, and richly furnished with Ornaments; wherein divers Parliaments, and other great Meetings, have been holden. Namely, in the Year, 1450. the 28th of Henry VI. a Parliament was begun at Westminster, and adjourned to the Black Friers in London, and from thence to Leicester.
The Black Friers.
Maior and Barons of this City.
*Nay the reputed Founders.
In the Year 1522. the Emperor Charles V. was lodged there.
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In the Year 1524. the 15th of April, a Parliament was begun at the Black Friers; wherein was demanded a Subsidy of 800000l. to be raised of Goods and Lands, 4s. in every Pound; and in the end was granted 2s. of the Pound, of their Goods and Lands, that were worth 20 Pounds, or might dispend 20 Pound by the Year; and so upward, to be paid in two Years
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This Parliament was adjourned to Westminster, amongst the black Monks, and ended in the King's Palace there, the 14th of August, at Nine of the Clock in the Night; and was therefore called the Black Parliament.
Parliament at the Black Friers, called the Black Parliament.
In the Year 1529. Cardinal Campeius, the Legate, with Cardinal Woolsey, sate at the said Black Friers; where, before them, as Legates and Judges, was brought in question the King's Marriage with Queen Katharine, as to be unlawful; before whom the King and Queen were cited and summoned to appear, &c. whereof more at large in my Annals I have touched.
Campeius and Wolsey, Cardinals, sit here.
The same Year, in the Month of October, began a Parliament in the Black Friers; in the which, Cardinal Woolsey was condemned in the Premunire.
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This House, valued at 104l. 15s. 5d. was surrendered the 12th of November, the 30th of Henry VIII.
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King Edward VI. in the 4th of his Reign, of his special Favour, granted to Sir Thomas Cawarden, Kt. the whole House, Scite or Circuit, Compass and Precinct, of the late Friar Preachers within the City of London; and divers other Lands and Tenements in London. The Patent dated March the 12th; the yearly Value being reckoned at 19l. But the Hall and the Scite of the Priors Lodgings, within the Precinct of Black Friars, was sold in the 1st of King Edward VI. to Sir Francis Brian, Kt. being valued at 40s per Ann.
The Scite and House of Black Friers, granted to Cawarden.
Book of S les.
J. S.
In this House of the Friar Preachers of London, the antient Kings of this Land had their Records and Charters kept, as well as at the Tower of London, and other Castles in England; as appears by this Patent following, of the16th of Edward II.
The Records kept here.
Rex omnibus as quos, &c. Sal. Sciatis quod assignavimus dilectos Clericos nostros Rob. de Hoton, & Thomam de Sibthorp, ad scrutand. arraiand. & recto ordine ponend. Chartas nostras de Pontefracto, Tutbury, & Tonnebrug, [i.e. Tunbridge,] existentes; necnon illas quæ de novo venerunt, & sunt in Custodia Custodis Turris n'ræ London. & etiam oia illa [scripta] quæ sunt in Domo Frum' Prædicatorum infra Civitat. London. In cujus Testimonium Rex apud Aldewerck xxiiii Julii.
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Et mandatum est Custodibus & Constabulariis Castrorum predictor. ac Priori Ordinis Frum' Predicator. London. quod ipsos Robertum & Thomam Castra Turrim & domum dictor' Frum' ex causa predict. ingredi permittant.
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In Queen Elizabeth's Time, this Black Friars was much inhabited by Noblemen and Gentlemen, as before: For the spaciousness of it, Parliaments often sat there, and Noble Personages were there harboured.
Black Friers inhabited by Persons of Quality.
In the Year 1586. the City and the Owners of Black and White Friars in London, had a great Contest. The Cause was tried before the Lords Chief Justices. The City claimed the Liberties of both these Friers, upon such Ar-
A Contest with the City, about the Liberty of the Friers.