[Pater noster Row.] Faringdon Ward within. [Stationers Hall.] | 174 |
[Pater noster Row.] Faringdon Ward within. [Stationers Hall.]
Lord Chamberlain of the Houshold; and the Earl of Seafield carried the Sword before Her. The Lord Bishop of Oxford preached. And the Foreign Ministers were invited to the Solemnity.
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In the Year 1708. Two publick Mercies brought the Queen again to this Place on the 19th of August, solemnly to thank God for the Deliverance from the French King's intended Invasion of the North Part of Great Britain; and for the Victory obtained against him near Audenard in Flanders. Dr. Fleetwood, Bishop of St. Asaph, then preaching before Her.
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In the Times of Usurpation St. Paul's was prophaned, and left in a miserable ruinous Condition. But when Monarchy and the antient Goevernment in the Church, as well as State, was restored, King Charles II. issued out a Commission April the 18th, 1663. in the 15th of his Reign, for the Repair of this Church, and for the restoring of the same unto the antient Beauty and Glory of it; which had so much suffered by the Iniquity of the late Times, that the Repair thereof was become a Work of Necessity to be undertaken. St. Paul's, in this Commission, is called
"The goodliest Monument, and most eminent Church of the King's whole Dominions, and a principal Ornament of our Royal City, the Imperial Seat and Chamber of this our Kingdom: Whither, by reason of the near Residence of Our Self, and the chief and principal Officers of our State, and Courts of Justice, there is continual Confluence both of our own Subjects, and Ambassadors from Forein Parts, and other Strangers."
Commissions for building St. Pauls.
Another Commission from King Charles II. after the great Fire, for the rebuilding of it, was dated November the 12th, 1673.
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Another Commission for the said Purpose, was issued from King James II. dated Jan. 22. the 1st of his Reign.
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Another Commission issued for the rebuilding of this Cathdral, after the ruin of it by the said Fire, from King William and Queen Mary; bore date the 3d of June, the 4th of their Reign.]
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Without the North Gate of Paul's Church, from the end of the Old Exchange, West up Pater noster Row, by the two Lanes out of Paul's Church, the first out of the Cross Ile of Pauls, the other out of the Body of the Church, about the midst thereof, and so West to the Golden Lion, be all of this Ward, as is aforesaid. The Houses in this Street, from the first North Gate of Paul's Churchyard, unto the next Gate, were first builded without the Wall of the Churchyard, by Henry Walleis, Maior, in the Year 1282. The Rents of those Houses go to the maintenance of London Bridge.
Pater noster Row.
Rents of London Bridge.
This Street is now called Pater noster Row, because of Stationers or Text-writers, that dwelled there; who wrote and sold all sorts of Books then in use, namely, A, B C, or Absies, with the Pater noster, Ave, Creed, Graces, &c.
There dwelled also Turners of Beads, and they were called Pater-noster-makers; as I read in a Record, of one Robert Nikke, Pater-noster-maker, and Citizen , in the Reign of Henry IV. and so of others.
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At the end of this Pater noster Row, is Ave Mary Lane, so called upon like occasion of Text-writers and Bead-makers then dwelling there.
Ave Mary lane.
And at the end of that Lane is likewise Creed Lane, late so called; but sometime Spurrier Row, of Spurriers dwelling there. And Amen Lane is added thereunto, betwixt the South end of Warwick Lane, and the North end of Ave Mary Lane.
Creed lane.
Amen lane.
At the North end of Ave Mary lane, is one great House, builded of Stone and Timber, of old time pertaining to John Duke of Britain, Earl of Richmond, as appeareth by the Reocrds of Edward II. Since that, it was called Pembrook's Inn, near unto Ludgate; as belonging to the Earls of Pembrook, in the time of Richard II. the 18th Year; and of Henry VI. in the 14th Year. It was after called Burgaveny House, and belonged to Henry late Lord of Burgaveny.
Duke of Britain's House, since Pembrook's Inn; then Burgaveny House, and now Stationers Hall.
Johan. quæ fuit ux. Willmi de Bellocampo, militis, Dui Burgaveny, tenuit die quo obiit tenementum vocat. PEMBROKES INNE in Parochia Sti Martini juxta Ludgate, London. de Rege in Cap. in libero Burgagio, remanend. Edwardo Nevil de Bergaveny jure uxoris sue Elizabeth. & heredis Comitis Wigorn. filii & heredis predict. Willmi & Johe.]
Esch. 14. H.6. n.35.
Pet. le Neve.
But the Worshipful Company of Stationers, have (since then) purchased it, and made it the Hall for the meeting of their Society; converting the Stone-work into a new fair Frame of Timber: and applying it to such serviceable Use, as themselves have thought convenient.
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Betwixt the South end of Ave Mary lane, and the North end of Creed lane, is the coming out of Paul's Churchyard, on the East, and the High street on the West, towards Ludgate; and this was called Bowyer Row, of Bowyers dwelling there in old time; now worn out by Mercers, and others.
Bowyer Row.
This West part adjoining to St. Pauls's Church, as also the East part opposite to it, belonged to the City for publick Uses. But the Church had afterwards appropriated and inclosed them both, either as Churchyard, or Sanctuary. The Soil of the East part, was the Place of the Folkmote, and the Bell-house; where a Bell was rung, when they were to be called together to the said antient Court of Folkmote. On this West part of the Church, the Citizens had occasonally other Assemblies, to shew their Arms. Hence we find Complaints made to the King's Justices, in the Reign of Edward I. of these Purprestures; viz.
Where the Folkmote Court was held; and the Bell-house.
J. S.
"The Ward of Castle Baynard present, That the Dean and Chapter of the Church of Pauls, now for ten Years past, have appropriated to themsleves, and the Church, a certain Place of Land of the King's Soil. In which Place, the Maior and Commonalty of the City, ought, and are wont to hold their Court, whcih is called Folkmote. And also another Place, where, for keeping the Peace of our Lord the King, they ought to make shew of their Arms. Which said Place, the said Dean and Chapter have inclosed to themsleves, by a Mud Wall: And also have been the Causes of building Houses in the same Place. And contain in length 30 Foot, and in breadth 20 Foot, in some Place, and in some other Place 15 Foot; and where it is least, 8 Foot. And Master William de Bray, now holdeth that House."
In Bago Quo Warranto in the Excheq.
And again, Hamon de Chigwel, Maior of the City of London, and Commonalty of the same, come and say,
"That the foresaid Places in which it is presented, that the foresaid Purprestures are made, are the King's Soil, belonging to the City; and not Sanctuary, nor of the Precinct of the Sanctuary, nor of the "
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