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Cripplegate Ward. [Present State.] 90

Cripplegate Ward. [Present State.]

It was destroyed in the dreadful Fire of London, and not rebuilt; but the Parish is united unto St. Laurence Jewry, and the Ground converted into the Market.

The Courts and Alleys in this Street, are, Castle Tavern Court, so called from the Castle Tavern therein seated. It hath a narrow passage into Woodstreet. Feathers Court, pretty long and open, with a Free stone Pavement. Robin Hood Alley, hath a passage into Honey lane Market. Crown Court, but small. Mumfords Court, a good large Place, well built, with a Free stone Pavement. About the middle, is a passage into Castle Court, or Alley; which is likewise long, falling into St. Laurence lane, and well inhabited. Clement Court, a very handsome open Place, with good Houses; and hath a Passage up Steps into Fryers Court, which leads into Woodstreet.

Castle Tavern Court.

Feathers Court.

Robin hood Alley.

Crown Court

Castle Court, or Alley.

Fryers Court.

Catteaten street, hath but a very small part in this Ward; viz. from the corner of Aldermanbury unto St. Laurence Jewry Church; the rest is in Cheap Ward, and is a Street of a good Trade.

Catteaten street.

Lad lane, lyeth betwixt Woodstreet in the West, and Milkstreet, and Aldermanbury in the East. It is likwise a Street of a good Trade, and well inhabited. Here is the Swan Inn with two Necks; which is large, and of a considerable Trade for Northern Carriers. More towards Woodstreet, are two small Courts or Alleys, but without Name.

Lad lane.

Swan Inn with two Necks.

Aldermanbury, an open handsome Street, graced with good Buildings; which are very well inhabited by Merchants, wholesale Dealers, &c.


In this Street are these Courts, viz. Fountain Court, on the East side, a large square Place, well inhabited and built; hath a Passage into St. Laurence Church Alley, which leads into Catteaten street; as also to Guild Hall Court, or Yard. This Court was built out of a Large House, formerly the Seat of Sir Erasmus de la Fountaine, Kt. deceased.

Fountain Court.

Dyers Court, very large, and well inhabited by Persons repute; having an open entrance for Coach or Cart. Carpenters Court, a very handsome fine Place, with a Free stone Pavement well inhabited.

Dyers Court.

Carpenters Court.

St. Mary Aldermanbury Church, a large and graceful Building, with a good Front; adjoining to which, is a very neat Churchyard, adorned with Trees, within side of the Wall.

St Mary Aldermanbury Church.

Near unto this Church, on the South side, is a handsome Conduit, built Tower wise; and on the North side, is Hadleys Court, but small, with a Free stone Pavement. Church Alley, hath a passage into Basinghall street, by the Church. Axe Inn, of a pretty good Trade. George Inn, pretty large, chiefly for Stabling and Coaches. Millers Court, indifferent large, but with a narrow Passage.

Hadley's Court.

Church Alley

Axe Inn.

George Inn

Millers Court

Love lane, comes out of Aldermanbury, and falls into Woodstreet, by St. Albans Woodstreet Church; where it divides, and one part incompasseth the Church, except the Front in Woodstreet. In this Lane is Berry Court, which is handsome, and well built.

Love lane.

Berry Court.

Adle street, which also lieth betwixt Aldermanbury and Woodstreet; is yet much inhabited by Joiners, for the making of Bedsteds, Chests of Drawers, Scritores, Tables, and such like Joinery Wares. Here is the Plaisterers Hall, a pretty handsome Building. Not far from this Hall, and on the same side of the way, is Brewers Hall; which is a large and handsome Building, with a graceful Entrance into a large Court; the Pavement of Free stone, cloistered, and the Buildings over it, sustained by handsome Pillars.

Adle street.

Plaisterers Hall.

Brewers Hall.

London Wall, is a long Street, coming out of Little Woodstreet, by Cripplegate, and runs Eastward, as far as Winchester street; but goeth no further in this Ward, than the Checker Inn, which is a little beyond Coleman street. This Street is but of little Trade, and chiefly for Curriers, and the Buildings old and ordinary; the North side having only the City Wall, which gives a passage into Moorfields, and the parts adjacent by Moorgate; and two Posterns, of each side of the Gate one. The Places of Name in that part of this Street within this Ward, are Checker Inn, Fox and Goose Inn, Katharine Wheel Inn, all three of small Account, only for Stablings.

London Wall.

Checker Inn.

Fox and Goose Inn.

St. Alphage Church, very old, seated over against London Wall; and in the Street, at the upper end of Aldermanbury, called Giltspur street. This Church was not burnt in the late Fire of London.

Katharine Wheel Inn.

St. Alphage Church.

Near to this Church, somewhat more Westwards over against London Wall, is seated Sion College, a very handsome Building, erected for the Clergy of this City, and Liberties; where there is a considerable Library of excellent Books, for their use; and a long Library Room to keep them in, one Story high. Having underneath it, 20 Rooms or Chambers, for so many poor People; of which, Ten within the College are for so many Men; and Ten without, which have their Doors in Philip lane, for so many poor Women. But of this College, Notice hath been taken already.

Sion College.

More Westwards of this College, is Philip lane; which goes from London Wall, and falls into Adle street, a Place indifferently built and inhabited. In this Place, are Sion Court, pretty large, with a Free stone Pavement. Burges Court, hath a passage into Woodstreet; the middle part is pretty open, with a Free stone Pavement. Cock Court, but small, also with a Free stone Pavement. Hand Alley, small and narrow. Curriers Court, seated in London Wall street, Westwards of Sion College; a Place but ordinary. At the upper end of which, is Curriers Hall, a pretty good Building, with a handsome coming to it, with Free stone.

Philip lane.

Sion Court.

Burges Court.

Cock Court.

Currier Court.

Curriers Hall.

Hart street, adjoining to Cripplegate, falls into Mugwel street, a Place but of mean Account. The North side of this Street, as also the West side of Mugwel street, belongs to Faringdon Ward within. On the North side of Hart street, are the City Almshouses, for six poor Women. On the South side is Bowyers Court, which is but small; and here was, formerly, Bowyers Hall.

Hart Street.

City Almshouses.

Bowyers Court.

This Street where Lambs Chappel, and the Barber Surgeons Hall stand, Stow placeth in Farrendon Ward within.

J. S.

Mugwel street. This Street is of no Trade, but indifferently well built, and inhabited by private Housekeepers. The Courts and Places of Name, are Lambs Chappel Court, pretty large and well built. Adjoining to which, is Lambs Alley, which is large, narrow, and but ordinary. Gilberts Court, small and mean. Dobins Court, but ordinary. Windsor Court, but ordinary. Winchester Court, a good large open Place, and well built.

Mugwel street.

Lambs Chappel Court.

Lambs Alley.

Gilberts Court.

Dobins Court.

Windsor Court.

Winchester Court.

Barber Surgeons Hall, a very handsome Building, with a Court paved with Free stone; and the Hall or Room where the chief of the Surgeons assemble, to anatomise or dissect the Bodies of dead Persons, is worth the seeing; for the great Curiosity of the Skeletons, the Skins, &c.

Barber Surgeons Hall.


© hriOnline, 2007
The Stuart London Project, Humanities Research Institute, The University of Sheffield,
34 Gell Street, Sheffield, S3 7QY