Bridge Ward within. The Monument. 180

Bridge Ward within. The Monument.

Then at the upper end of New Fishstreet, is a Lane turning towards S. Michael's Lane, and is called Crooked Lane of the Crooked Windings thereof. Above this Lane's end, upon Fishstreet Hill, is one great House, for the most part builded of Stone, which pertained sometime to Edward the Black Prince, Son to Edward III. who was in his Life-time lodged there. It is now altered to a common Hostery, having the Black Bell for a Sign.

Crooked Lane.

Edward the Black Princes House.

Above this House, at the Top of Fishstreet Hill, is a Turning into Great Eastcheap, and so up to the Corner of Lumbardstreet, over against the North West Corner of Grasschurch. And these be the whole Bounds of this Bridge Ward within.

The North Bounds of this Ward.

Now for the present State of this Ward, as it is since the Great Fire, it stands thus:

The present State of this Ward.

The Streets and Places of note in this Ward are London Bridge, New Fish Street, Grass Church Street as far as Fenchurch Street.

Chief Streets in this Ward.

R. B.

Thames Street from New Fish Street unto the Old Swan Lane in the West, of which it takes in but the East side.

St. Martin's Lane about 100 Foot of the South end next to Thames Street.

St. Michael's Lane about 150 Foot of the South end next to Thames Street.

Crooked Lane about 120 Foot of the East end of it.

We begin with London Bridge; a Bridge not inferior to any in Europe for its Length, Breadth and Buildings thereon, being sustained by nineteen great Stone Arches, secured by Piles of Timber drove to the bottom of the River, having a Draw Bridge towards Southwark, as also strong Gates; and by its Houses built thereon on both sides, it seemeth rather a Street than a Bridge, being now garnished with good Timber Buildings, which are very well inhabited by sufficient Tradesmen; who have very considerable Dealings, as being so great a Thoroughfare from Southwark into London. And amongst these Buildings some are very large with curious Fronts in that part near the Draw Bridge, where it hath an open Prospect on both sides into the River Thames. The Rents of these Houses on the Bridge do belong to the City for and towards the maintenance of the said Bridge, the Bridge House and Officers thereto belonging, which are very considerable. But of this Bridge see more in the first Book where the Bridges of the City are treated of.

London Bridge.

Rents of the Houses here.

Fish Street Hill is a Street very well built, and inhabited by great Dealers, and the rather as being so great a Thoroughfare in and out of the City Southwards.

Fishstreet Hill.

On the East side near the Bridge is St. Magnus Church, seated in the Corner going into Thames Street; it is in the Diocess of London, the Abbots of Westminster and Bermundsey were Patrons. It was destroyed by the Fire of London; since which it is rebuilt with Free Stone, and a Tower Steeple all of a curious Workmanship; to which Church is united the Parish of St. Margaret New Fish Street, that Church not being rebuilt.

St. Magnus Church.

On the West side of the Bridge is the Water House, being a lofty wooden Building which by Wheels, Iron Chains, &c. drinketh, or rather forceth up Water through leaden Pipes to the top, where there is a Cistern, and from thence descendeth in other leaden Pipes to the bottom, and thence received by other Pipes, is comveyed under the Pavements of the Streets, and so serveth many Families in this part of the City with Water; who have Branches, or small Pipes laid from the main ones unto their Houses to their great conveniency, and no small profit to the City.

The Water-House.

Then passing Thames Street on the East side of Fish Street Hill is the Hoop Tavern, of a pretty good trade, hath a Passage into Thames Street.

Hoop Tavern.

King's Head Court, pretty open, with indifferent good Buildings, hath a Passage into Pudding Lane.

Kings Head Court.

Pudding Lane.

Globe Yard, a open and somewhat large place, having several Turnings, with a Freestone Pavement, and is indifferently well inhabited.

Globe Yard.

Crooked Lane on the West side of the Street hath a turning Passage into St. Michael's Lane, but the greatest part being in Candlewick Ward is there treated of.

Crooked Lane.

On the East side stands the Monument seated in a Square open to the Street; erected in perpetual Memory of the dreadful Fire of London, that happened the second Day of September, 1666. with Inscriptions and divers Figures artificially cut out in Stone, importing the History thereof. Which said Monument was by Act of Parliament ordered to be erected near the place where the Conflagration began, and was accordingly set up where the Church of St. Margaret New Fish Street stood: Which is not above 130 Foot from the very House where the Fire first broke out. And against the side of the said House now erected is cut in a Stone the Inscription before mentioned importing the same.

The Monument on Fishstreet Hill.

This Monument stands upon an Ascent from the Street three or four Steps of Stone, upon a large Vault of Stone arched. The Column is of the Dorick Order, built all of excellent Portland Stone, the Plinth whereof is twenty seven Foot square. Upon three sides of the Pedestal which is twenty one Foot and half square, there are Inscriptions. On the West side Figures.

Of this Column there is a fair Print extant, with this Inscription:

This famous Column was erected in perpetual Remembrance of the dreadful Fire. It consumed 89 Churches, the City Gates, many public Hospitals, Schools, Libraries, 13200 Houses, 400 Streets. The Ruines of the City were 436 Acres. Of the 26 Wards, it utterly destroyed 15. And left eight others shattered and half burnt.

Inscription upon a Print of the Column.

J. S.

The Basis is said to be 27 Foot, and from the Basis the heighth 202 Foot: Begun Sir Richard Ford, Maior, 1671. Finished Sir Joseph Shelden Maior, 1676.

The Basis of the Monument on that side toward the Street hath a Representation of the Destruction of the City by the Fire, and the Restitution of it, by several curiously engraven Figures in ful proportion. First is the Figure of a Woman, representing LONDON, sitting on Ruines, in a most disconsolate Posture, her Head hanging down, and her Hair all loose about her; the Sword lying by her, and her left Hand carelessly laid upon it. A second Figure is Time, with his Wings and bald Head, coming behind her, and gently lifting her up. Another Female Figure on the side of her, laying her Hand upon her, and with a Sceptre winged in her other Hand, directing her to look upwards; for it points up to two beautiful Goddesses sitting in the Clouds; one leaning upon a Cornucopia denoting PLENTY; the other having a Palm Branch in her left Hand, signifying VICTORY, or TRIUMPH. Underneath this Figure of LONDON, in the midst of the Ruins is a Dragon with his Paw upon the Shield of a Red Corss, London's Arms: Over her Head is the Description of Houses burning, and Flames breaking out through the Windows. Behind her are

The Figures upon the Basis of the Monument.
