Broadstreet Ward. Mr. Kendrick's Will. 126

Broadstreet Ward. Mr. Kendrick's Will.

by them and their Successors for ever imployed, bestowed and used in like manner, as I have by this my Will devised and appointed another Stocke common for the Poore in the same Town of Reading: As by my said Devise and Disposition (before herein more at large expressed) doth and may appeare.

In the like manner also my Will and Meaning is, that in case of such Non-performance of my Will and Intent, by the said Maior, Aldermen and Burgesses of the Towne of Newbury, the House and Garden by them so to bee purchased and built, as aforesaid: Shall be by the said Maior, Aldermen, and Burgesses of the Towne of Newbury, and their Successors; conveyed and made over by their Deed sufficient in Law, unto the Maior and Burgesses of the said Towne of Reading, and their Successors for ever; to be by them sold and converted into Money, and the same Money to be used and imployed in their common Stocke for the Poore im the said Towne of Reading aforesaid, in such sort, as I have formerly hereby expressed.

For non-performance of the Testators Will and Intent in the Towne of Newbury.

And for the performance of the said Trust and Uses, by the said Maior, Aldermen and Burgesses of the Towne of Newbury aforesaid, my will and meaning is: That the said Summe of foure thousand Pounds so to them bequeathed and devised as aforesaid; shall be paid unto them, or their Successors, in manner as followeth; that is to say, one thousand Pounds thereof at the end of one yeere, next ensuing after the Day of my decease: One other thousand Pounds thereof, at the end of two Yeers from and after my said decease. And the residue (being two thousand Pounds) shall be paid them, at the end of three Yeeres next after my decease.

In what manner the foure thousand pounds is to be paid to the Town of Newbury.

Item, I give and bequeath to the Company of Drapers of the City of London (of which Company I am free) the Summe of two thousand and foure hundred Pounds, to purchase Lands and Hereditaments, to the cleare yeerly value of one hundred Pounds for ever: Over and above all Charges and Reprises. And with the same to performe these good Uses hereafter mentioned; that is to say:

Two thousand foure hundred pounds given to the Company of Drapers London.

The Summe of twenty foure Pounds thereof yeerly for ever, to be bestowed in the Moneth of December, for the releasing of sixe poore Prisoners, out of these Prisons in London, to wit, the two Compters, Ludgate, Newgate and the Fleet, by foure Pounds for each Prisoner.

For the yeerely releasing of six poore Prisoners.

Or if such cannot bee found in the said Prisons, or some of them to be released for these Sums: Then the same (or the residue thereof) to be bestowed in like releasing of other Prisoners, out of some Prisons neere London, and out of the Liberties thereof; as to the Wardens of the said Company (for the time being) shal seeme meet.

For releasing Prisoners in other Prisons, &c.

More, twenty Pounds yeerely for ever, to the Curate of the Parish of St. Christopher, wherein I now dwell: To read divine Service in the said Parish Church at sixe a Clock in the Morning every Day of the Weeke for ever. In like manner as is now used in the Chapell at the great North Gate of St. Pauls Church in London.

To the Curate of the Parish Church of S. Christophers.

More, to the Clerke and Sexton of the said Parish of Saint Christopher, to each of them fifty Shillings yeerely for ever: To doe their severall attendance and assistance at the time of divine Service every Morning.

To the Clerk and Sexton of S. Christopher.

More, to the Churchwardens of the same Parish of Saint Christopher: Five Pounds yeerely for ever, for the maintenance of Lights in the Winter time.

For Lights in the Winter.

More, three Pounds yeerely for ever, to the Poore of the said Parish of Saint Christopher.

To the poore of the Parish.

More, to the poor Prisoners in London ten Pounds yeerely for ever: Namely, to the Prisoners of the Compters in the Poultry and Woodstreet, and in Newgate; to each of these Prisons forty Shillings yeerely for ever.

To the Compters and Newgate.

To the poore Prisoners in Ludgate and in the Fleet; to each House thirty Shillings for ever.

To Ludgate and the Fleet.

And to the poore Prisoners in Bethlem, or Bedlem, twenty Shillings yeerely.

To Bedlem.

More, to the Clerke of the Company of the Drapers, for the time being: for his paines herein, forty Shillings for ever.

To the Clerk of the Drapers.

More, to the Beadle of the said Company; thirty Shillings for ever.

To the Beadles of the Livery and Yeomanry.

More, to the Beadle of the Yeomanry of the same Company; ten Shillings yeerely for ever.

More, five and twenty Pounds yeerely for ever to be distributed by the said Wardens, among poore and religious Men and Women in the City of London; to some more and to some lesse, as the said Wardens shall find their necessity and desert to be: Wherein my desire is, that poore Clothworkers and their Widdowes shall bee first preferred; and next, the poore of the Drapers Company. The residue of the same Sum of one hundred Pounds a yeere, being foure Pounds yeerely for ever, I entreat the foure Wardens of the said Company, to accept for their paines, to bee equally divided between them by twenty Shillings to each of them, for the time being for ever.

For poore Clothworkers and their Widdowes.

A remembrance to the foure Wardens.

And if the said Company of Drapers, doe either of purpose or negligence, omit and not performe the Premisses; but shall leave the same unperformed one whole Yeere, after they shall have received this my Legacy of two thousand and foure hundred Pounds (which I will shall be paid them at the end of one yeer next after my decease:) Then my will and minde is, that the Governours of Christs Hospitall in London, shall recover the whole two thousand and foure hundred Pounds, before specified, or the Lands and the Hereditaments, that the said Company shall have bought with the same Money: And keepe twenty Pounds yeerely for ever of the same rent, for the maintenance of the poore Children in the said Hospitall, as if the same had been first given them. And the Drapers Company to have nothing to doe with it,or the rest of the said hundred Pounds yeerely for ever.

If the Drapers omit Performance of this Legacy of two thousand and four hundred Pounds.

And that in this case, the yeerely payment of eight Pounds unto the Clerke, Beadles, and Wardens of the said Company, as also twelve Pounds, parcell of the said five and twenty Pounds a Yeere before devised, to be paid and distributed by the said Company, among the poore and religious Men and Women in the City of London, utterly and for ever to cease.

A restraint of the other Legacies given and bequeathed to the Company.

But this twenty Pounds a Yeere, being so converted (as aforesaid) to the use of the Hospitall, the residue of the said yeerly Rent of one hundred Pounds a Yeere, I will that the Governours of the said Hospitall, shall pay and distribute yeerely for ever, in manner and forme as the said Company of Drapers should have done.

Concerning the Residue of the yeerely Rent.

Item, I give and bequeath to the said Company of Drapers, one hundred Pounds, to be paid within a Yeere after my decease; and by the Warden of the said Company to be bestowed in Plate: Such as they shall thinke good, for the use of their common Hall in London, at their Meetings and Dinners there.

An hundred pounds to be bestowed in Plate.

Item, I give and bequeath to the poore of Christs Hospitall in London, five hundred Pounds, to be by the Governours thereof bestowed in Lands and Hereditaments, for and towards the yeerely maintenance of the Children of the said Hospital for ever. This Summe to bee paid to

Five hundred pounds given to Christs Hospital in London.
