Loyalty of Citizens.
And further, to prevent the Cities good Intentions for the Restoration of the
King and
Ancient Government, the Parliament finding the Common Council of London to be
against them, ordered, it should be discontinued, and an Act brought in to
constitute a
new Common Council. Yet notwithstanding the City brought their Counsels to bear
soon after: And a Free Parliament was proclaimed in London, which voted in the
Wherein, (as we see) the City had a prevailing Hand.
Common Council of London violated.
And further, after the Restoration, the Citizens, to shew their Abhorrence of
arbitrary Doings of those Times, formally made an Act of Common Council, Anno
1683, Sir William Pritchard, Maior, for Repealing the Treasonable and Disloyal
and Proceedings of that Court in the Time of the late Rebellion; a certain
Number of
Eminent Citizens, Aldermen, and Commoners, having been appointed diligently to
over all past Acts of Common Council made in those Times; and to report them.
appears more at large by the said Act of Common Council, viz.
Former Seditious Acts of Common Council repealed.
"The 6th of June, 1683, at a Common Council. This Day a Report was brought
this Court, by the Committee appointed to inspect the Acts and Proceedings
entred into
the Journal of this Court, in the Times of Usurpation, or at any Time before or
that might be fit to be Explained or Repealed: The Tenor of which Report is as
followeth, that is to say:
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To the Right Honourable the Lord Maior, Aldermen, and Commons of the City of
London. Whereas by a late Order of this Honourable Court it was referred unto
whose Names are Subscribed, [these were Sir William Turner, Sir James Edwards,
John Moor, Sir Henry Tulse, Sir Thomas Langham, Francis Griffith, Nathaniel
Hawes, Henry Loads, Peter Ailworth, Nicholas Charleton, Thomas Vernon,] to
the Acts, and other Proceedings entred in the Journal of this Court, in the
Times of
Usurpation, or at any Times, &c. that may be thought fit to be explained or
they did humbly certify, that in Pursuance of the said Order, they had perused
examined those Journals; wherein they found not only many Innovations and
Irregularities brought into that Court and the Government of the City, but also
pernicious and abominable Proceedings, in abetting and carrying on those wicked
unnatural Divisions then raised in the Kingdom, and serving the Usurpations of
Times. All, or most of which, they persuaded themselves could never have had
in this Court, had not Violence been offered to the Government of the City. The
Maior first arrested and imprisoned, divers Loyal Aldermen and Commoners were,
some imprisoned, others displaced, and all Loyal Citizens generally
and discouraged; and others of factious, and unquiet, and turbulent Spirits, got
themselves into the Common Council, and made up the greater Number therein.
all these Actions and Proceedings might (as they deserved) be obliterated and
expunged, that no Remembrance thereof might be transmitted to Posterity, to the
and Dishonour of this Court and City; but that other Matters were therewithal
intermixed, which (for the Substance of them) were in their Opinion inoffensive,
and fit to be continued. That several Committees had been appointed formerly
by this Court, to obliterate the said unjust Proceedings, and there were Lines
over divers of them, which they presumed were made by the said Committees: But
being thereby obliterated, but still remaining in the Books of the Acts and
of this Court, and never having been particularly disclaimed and repealed by any
or Act of this Court that they had observed; they thought it very fitting, that
the said,
and all other like disloyal and irregular Proceedings, should, by an express Act
of this
Council, be renounced, repealed, and made absolutely null and void. Which
Proceedings, or the most of them, they set down, and presented to this Court for
Purpose: And desired that some few of them might be openly read; to beget in
Court, as it had done in them, a just Aborrence and Detestation of such
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And then follow a Catalogue of them, from the Year 1641, and so yearly down to
Year 1657.
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"All which Particulars (as the said Committee did proceed) being highly
and favouring of the Faction and Usurpation of those unhappy Times, they thought
should by Act of this Court be disclaimed, revoked, abrogated and repealed, to
Intents and Purposes whatsoever: Both to demonstrate the Love to, and good
of the present Members of this Court to his Majesty, and the established
and to vindicate them from all Imputation of the like pernicious Principles and
and express their Dislike of all factious Innovations. So also it will prevent
any ill Use
that may be made in Time to come, of the said irregular Actions."
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After the reading of which Reports openly in the Court, they were approved of
agreed to and confirmed. And it was Enacted by the Lord Maior, Aldermen, and
Commons, in that Common Council Assembled, that all the several Acts, Orders and
Proceedings therein propounded to be Disclaimed and Repealed, be Repealed and
Void. And they, and every of them, were by the Authority of this Court,
Repealed, and made Null and Void.
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The City is thus Loyal to their Princes; but yet jealous of the Invasion of
their Religion
and Liberty. This was the Cause the Citizens so readily received the Prince of
An. 1688. as appears by their Address, which was to this Tenor:
The City's Address to the Prince of Orange, 1688.
To his Highness the Prince of ORANGE. The humble Address of the Lord Maior,
Aldermen, and Commons of the City of London, in Common Council assembled.
"MAY it please your Highness. We taking into
Consideration your Highness's fervent Zeal for the Protestant Religion,
manifested to
the World in your many and hazardous Enterprizes, in which it hath pleased
God to bless you with miraculous Success: We render our deepest Thanks to the
Majesty for the same: And beg leave to present our most humble Thanks to your
Highness, particularly for your appearing in Arms in this Kingdom, to carry on
perfect your glorious Design, to rescue England, Scotland, and Ireland, from
and Popery; "
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