Worthy Citizens. Their Loyalty. | 300 |
Worthy Citizens. Their Loyalty.
Majesty commanded that they should Dine, before they left the Court.
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His Majesties Command was fully and effectually performed. For as soon as they
in most humble Manner taken their Leaves of their Majesties, they were brought
by the
Right Honourable the Earl of Dorset, and by Mr. Comptroller, and other Officers
of the
Court, into a Room; where a Table was prepared for them, and none other, to Dine
Where they were bountifully Feasted; being honoured with the Presence of the
Earl of
Dorset: Who vouchsafed to Dine with them. And in their Majesties Names gave
exceeding great Welcome; expressing to them that Love, which he ever hath
manifested to the City. Mr. Comptroller likewise Dined with them; using them
very great Respect.
Dine at Court.
While they were at Dinner, there came Two Gentlemen to them, one from his
the other from the Queen; to let them know, that their Majesties had remembred
Health of the Lord Maior, and the whole City. Which they all entertained with
all due
Respect; returning their humble Thanks, for that their Majesties extraordinary
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Dinner being done, they took their Leaves of the Honourable Earl, and other
Officers of
Quality and Eminency of the Court, and departed: Returning to the Lord Maior
great Joy and Comfort. To whom they made Relation of their Majesties Grace and
Favour to his Lordship, the whole City, and themselves.
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Thus have you seen (as briefly as we could) the Work of this Day; and in it, as
well the
Demonstration of the Cities Love, and dutiful Affection to his Majesty, and his
Consort, as their Majesties gracious and loving Acceptance of it. The former
being but
the bounden Service of Good and Loyal Subjects; the other, an extraordinary Act
Favour and Grace, worthy to be graven in Tables of Brass, to be preserved to all
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And of later Times, however, the City, upon the fatal putting to Death of King
the First, was forced to comply with the Government that was then set up by a
prevailing Hand; yet for the lasting Memory of the City's Stedfastness to the
Kingly Government, and to the Maintenance of the English Freedom, the Maior, and
several of the Aldermen, utterly refused to publish an Act made by the Commons,
after the said King's Death, Intituled, An Act for the Exheredation of the Royal
the Abolishment of Monarchy in the Kingdon, and the setting up of a
These that so refused, were Sir Abraham Reinardson, Maior, Thomas Adams, John
Langham, and James Bunce, Aldermen. For which the Maior was put out of his
Maioralty, and he, with those Aldermen, committed to the Tower. In April
the Three Aldermen were to be brought to the Bar of the then Governing Lords.
they hearing of, bravely and stoutly, as good Citizens, and true Englishmen,
their Authority; and signified to the Lieutenant of the Tower, that they would
not obey
his Order to bring them before the Bar of that House, declaring their firm
Resolution to
stand for the Defence of the established Laws of the Land, and their
Protestation against
the Lords Jurisdiction over them, or any other Commoners in Criminal Cases: With
Appeal from the said Lords to their proper and competent Judges, i.e. a Jury of
Equals, and Judges sworn to proceed according to the known Laws of England. All
this may be seen by the Letter and the Petition following.
The Maior and Aldermen in 1648, will not proclaim an Act for a Commonwealth.
A Salva Libertate, sent to Colonel Tichburn, Lieutenant of the Tower, on Sunday,
23. by Thomas Adams, John Langham, James Bunce, Aldermen of London, now
Prisoners in the Tower. Being occasioned by the Receipt of a Paper sent unto
them by
the said Lieutenant, wherein the said Lieutenant was seemingly authorized to
carry them
before the Lords on Tuesday next, being the 25th of April.
To our Honoured Friend, Colonel Tichburn Lieutenant of the Tower.
"WE received a Paper from you, seeming to authorize
you to carry our Persons before the Lords, to answer to a Charge: We are
to inform you hereby, that our Persons ought not to be hurried to and fro, or
at the Pleasure of any Man, neither can we yield Obedience to the Commands of
which are not Legal. And therefore in case you intend to disturb us on Tuesday
we expect to see a Legal Warrant from some Person or Court, which have a
over us, in case of a real or supposed Crime: And we must acquaint you, that the
have no Legal Power to summon us to answer to any Crime, whereof we are accused
or suspected: And therefore you must expect to answer for whatsoever Injury you
to our Persons: And know hereby, that we shall not voluntarily go from hence to
Westminster, by Virtue of the Paper received, but shall suffer you to carry us,
if you
shall send Force which we cannot resist."
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From our Chambers in the Tower of London, April the 23d, 1648.
Your Friends and Servants,
Thomas Adams,
John Langham,
James Bunce.
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To the Right Honourable the Lords Assembled in Parliament. The Humble Petition
Thomas Adams, John Langham, James Bunce, Aldermen of London, &c.
THAT if your Petitioners shall submit to your
Lordships Jurisdiction over Commoners in those Criminal Cases or Novalisms in
Intituled, Articles of Impeachment of High-Treason, and other Misdemeanors: They
shall not only be Feloes de se, but also shall murther the Persons, and ruin the
of all the Freeborn People of England; and that which is more, they shall betray
Common-Law, which is the Supream Authority (under God) of the Nation, and the
Inheritance of every Freemans Posterity. And that which is worst of all, they
shall be
instrumental to pull down all the Judicatories of the Kingdom, and reedify an
Government many Stories higher than ever the Star-Chamber, High-Commission, or
Council-Table were. And by the same Rule that your Lordships have Fined several
Commoners Five Hundred Pounds a Man, for not Kneeling or Submitting to your
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