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Gates and Posterns. 20

Gates and Posterns.

"After many Mercies shewn You, are now appointed to dye to Morrow in the Forenoon: Give Ear and understand, that to Morrow Morning in the greatest Bell of St. Sepulchres shall Toll for You, in Form and Manner of a passing Bell, as used to be tolled for those that are at the Point of Death, To the End that all Godly People hearing that Bell, and knowing it is for You going to your Deaths, may be stirred up heartily to pray to God to bestow his Grace and Mercy upon you, whilst you live; I beseech you for Jesus Christ his sake to keep this Night in Watching and Prayer for the Salvation of your own Souls, while there is yet Time and Place for Mercy: as knowing Tomorrow you must appear before the Judgment-Seat of your Creator, there to give an Account of all Things done in this Life, and to suffer Eternal Torments for your Sins committed against him, unless upon your hearty and unfeigned Repentance, you find Mercy, through the Merits, Death, and Passion of your only Mediator and Advocate Jesus Christ. Who now sits at the Right Hand of God, to make Intercession for as many of you, as penitently return to him. "

The Admonition to be pronounced to the condemned Criminals, as they are passing by St. Sepulchre's Church-Wall to Execution.


" All good People pray heartily unto God for these poor Sinners, who are now going to their Death, for whom this great Bell doth Toll."

"You that are condemned to Dye, Repent with lamentable Tears: Ask Mercy of the Lord for the Salvation of your own Souls, through the Merits, Death, and Passion of Jesus Christ, who now sits at the Right Hand of God, to make Intercession for as many of you as penitently return unto him."

Lord have Mercy upon You.     
Christ have Mercy upon You.
Lord have Mercy upon You.     
Christ have Mercy upon You.]



In the West is the next and Sixth principal Gate, and is called Ludgate, at first Builded, (saith Geoffrey Monmouth) by King Lud a Britain, about the Year before Christ's Nativity, 66. Of which Building, and also of the Name, as Ludsgate or Floodsgate, hath been of late some Question among the Learned, wherefore I overpass it as not to my Purpose; only referring the Reader to that I have before written out of Cæsar's Commentaries, and other Roman Writers, concerning a Town or City amongst the Britains. This Gate I suppose to be one of the most Ancient; and as Aldgate was Builded for the East, so was this Ludsgate for the West. I read, as I told you, that in the Year 1215, the 17th of King John, the Barons of the Realm being in Arms against the King, entred this City, and spoiled the Jews Houses; which being done, Robert Fitzwater, and Geffrey de Magna villa, Earl of Essex, and the Earl of Gloucester, chief Leaders of the Army, applyed all Diligence to repair the Gates and Walls of this City, with the Stones of the Jews broken Houses. Especially (as it seemeth) they then repaired (or rather Builded) Ludgate. For in the Year 1586, when the same Gate was taken down to be new Builded, [which cost the City more than 3000l.] there was found Couched within the Wall thereof, a Stone taken from one of the Jews Houses, wherein was engraved in Hebrew Characters these Words following,: xxx, Hæc est statio Rabbi Moses, filii insignis Rabbi Isaac; which is to say, This is the Station or Ward of Rabbi Moses, the Son of the Honourable Rabbi Isaac. And it had been fixed upon the Front of one of the Jews Houses, as a Note or Sign that such an one dwelled there.


The Sixth Gate.

Roger Windover.

Mat. Paris.

Ludgate new built.

Jews Houses spoiled.

Thus I have corrected these Hebrew Words, which in all the former Editions had almost as many Mistakes as Letters. J. S.

The Lord Coke takes notice of the Antiquity, and dates it earlier than here it is set; namely, before the 23. of Henry 2, Anno 1177. And further, will not have this to be an Inscription upon an House, but an Epitaph upon some Jews Grave. And taking that for granted, he shews from Hovenden, that before the 23d Year of K. Henry II. all the Jews were Buried within the City of London; but that Year the King gave License to the Jews of his Land to have a Burying-Place in any City in England, but without the Walls, where they could buy a fit Place to Bury their Dead; and this from that Writer's Words, Prius enim omnes Judæi Mortui Londonia ferebantur sepeliendi; but this may be interpreted, that the Dead Jews were carried from London to be Buried, as well as in London, and perhaps better; that is, at a greater distance, but now they had the Favour to be Buried nearer, even in the Suburbs. But however that be, that Learned Judge was undoubtedly mistaken in the Hebrew Word xxx, which always signifies a Station, (as Stow hath set it) or a Place where a Man's Station or Dwelling is, and never for and Epitaph.]

Institut. Part 3. P.203.

A Jews Station. Inscription on it.

J. S.

In the Year 1260, this Ludgate was Repaired and Beautified with Images of Lud, and other Kings, as appeareth by Letters Patents of License given to the Citizens of London, to take up Stone for the making of those Images, Dated the 25th of Henry the Third. These Images of Kings, in the Reign of Edward the Sixth had their Heads smitten off, and were otherwise defaced, by unadvised Folks, and such as judged every Image to be an Idol; and in the Reign of Queen Mary were Repaired, as by setting new Heads on their old Bodies, &c. All which so remained until the Year 1586, the 28th of Queen Elizabeth when the same Gate (being sore decayed) was clean taken down, the Prisoners in the mean time remaining in the large South East Quadrant of the same Gate adjoining; and the same Year the whole Gate was newly and beautifully Builded, with the Images of Lud and others (as afore) on the Eastside, and the Picture of her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth on the Westside. All which was done at the common Charges of the Citizens, amounting to 1500l. or more.

Ludgate repaired.


Images there.

Ludgate again new Builded.

Ludgate enlarged in the Reign of Q. Elizabeth.

This Gate was made a free Prison in the Year 1378, the First of Richard the Second, Nicholas Brembar being Maior. The same was confirmed in the Year 1382, John Northampton being Maior, by a Common-Council in the Guildhall. By which it was Ordained, that all Freemen of this City, should for Debt, Trespasses, Accompts, and Contempts, be imprisoned in Ludgate; and for Treasons, Felonies, and other criminal Offences, commited to Newgate, &c.

Ludgate a free Prison.

Record Guildhall.

In the Year 1439, the Tenth of K. Henry the Sixth, John Wells being Maior, a Court of Common Council Established Ordinances, (as William Standon and Robert Chicheley, late Maiors, before had done) touching the Guard and government of Ludgate, and other Prisons.

Also in the Year 1463, the Third of Edward the Fourth, Mathew Philip being Maior, in a Common Council, at the Request of the well disposed, blessed, and devout Woman, Dame Agnes Forster, Widow, late Wife to Stephen Forster, Fishmonger, sometime Maior, for the Comfort and Relief of all the poor Prisoners, certain Articles were Established. Imprimis, That the new Works,

Memory of a worthy Woman.


© hriOnline, 2007
The Stuart London Project, Humanities Research Institute, The University of Sheffield,
34 Gell Street, Sheffield, S3 7QY