Gates, and Posterns. 14

Gates, and Posterns.

The white Part, which hath only Streets, Lanes, Churches, and some remarkable Places, and Things described in it, is that Part which was consumed by the dreadful Fire, Sept. 2d, 3d, 4th, Anno 1666, both within and without the Walls.

That Part both within, and without the Walls, which is but faintly shadowed, is that Part which escaped the Fire.

But forasmuch as the Map is but small, yet significant enough for what it is intended, and be- cause the Names of such Things as are contained in it, could not be express'd in Words, therefore I have marked all Churches with Numerical Figures, as 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and the like. Other eminent Things, or Places, I have noted by Capital Letters, as A B C D E, and the like. And other Things or Places of lesser moment, with small Italick Letters, as a b c d e, &c, denoting what they signify by this following Table.]



The Gates made through the Walls of the City . I. The Postern-Gate by the Tower . II. Aldgate . III. Bishopsgate . IV. Moregate . V. Creplegate . VI. Aldersgate . VII. The Postern-Gate out of Christ's-Hospital . VIII. Newgate . IX. Ludgate . The Water-Gates . Queenhith , Downgate , Wolfs-Gate , Ebgate , Oister-Gate , Bridge-Gate , Belingsgate . Wharfs and Keys .

GATES in the Wall of this City of old Time were Four; to wit, Aldgate for the East; Aldersgate for the North; Ludgate for the West; and the Bridge-gate, over the River of Thames for the South: But of later Times for the Ease of Citizens and Passengers, divers other Gates and Posterns have been made, as shall be shewed.

Gates of the City, Four, East, West, North, and South.

In the Reign of Henry the Second (saith Fitz-Stephen) there were seven double Gates in the Wall of this City: But he nameth them not. It may therefore be supposed, he meant for the First the Gate next the Tower of London; [which then served as a Postern, (and now so commonly called for Passengers out of the East. From thence through Towerstreet, Eastcheap, and Candlewickstreet, to Londonstone, the middle Point of that Highway. Then through Budge-row, Watlingstreet; and leaving St. Paul's Church on the Right Hand to Ludgate, in the West;] the next to be Aldgate; Bishopsgate, Creplegate, Aldersgate, Ludgate; and [the Seventh] the Bridgegate over the Thames.

Seven double Gates in the Wall of the City.

So in the First Edition, omitted in the Later.

Since the which Time hath been Builded Newgate, the Postern called Moregate, a Postern from Christ's Hospital towards St. Bartholomew's Hospital in Smithfield, &c. Now of every of these Gates, and Posterns in the Wall, and also of certain Water-Gates on the River of Thames, severally somewhat may, and shall be noted, as I find Authority, or reasonable Conjecture to warrant me.

Other Gates Builded besides.

The First Gate Eastward.


The First was the Postern-gate next unto the Tower of London, [which at the length fell down in the Year 1440, the 18th of Henry VIth, and was never Re-edified again of Stone, but an homely Cottage, with a narrow Passage, made of Timber, Lath and Loam, hath been in Place thereof set up, and so remaineth.] It sheweth by that Part, which yet remaineth, to have been a fair and strong Arched Gate, partly builded of hard Stone of Kent, and partly of Stone brought from Caen in Normandy, since the Conquest, and Foundation of the High Tower, and served for Passengers on Foot out of the East, from thence through the City to Ludgate in the West.

Postern by the Tower.

So in the First Edition: omitted in the Later.

The Ruin and Overthrow of this Gate began, in the Year MCXC, the Second of Richard I. when William Longshampe [or Long-champ,] Bishop of Ely, and Chancellor of England, caused a Part of the City Wall; to wit, from the said Gate toward the River of Thames to the White-Tower, to be broken down, for the enlarging of the said Tower; which he then compassed far wide about with a Wall Embattelled; and is now the Outer-Wall of the Tower. He also caused a broad and deep Ditch to be made without the same Wall, intending to have derived the River of Thames, with her Tides, to have flowed about it, which would not be. But the Southside of this Gate being then, by undermining at the Foundation loosed and greatly weakened; at length, to wit, after 200 Years and odd, the same fell down in the Year 1440 (as was mentioned before.)

The Ruin of this Gate.

Wall embattelled about the Tower of London. Ditch made about the Tower.

The Postern falls down:

This was reckoned among the Faults or Follies of that Bishop and Lord Chancellor, and procured him the Hatred of the Citizens. Of which Matter thus did our Historian of the Bishops write: which he gathered from Records. "Among other his Follies, it is remembred, that he built the outer Wall about the Tower of London, and spent an infinite deal of Money in making a deep Ditch about the same, thinking he could have caused the River of Thames to go round about it. Those and many other his Misbehaviours, incited the People and Nobility wonderfully against him. Insomuch as he feared greatly lest some Sedition being raised, Force would be offered unto him." ]

Occasioned by Walling and Ditching about the Tower.

J. S.

This Postern-Gate was never since by the Citizens Re-edified, such was their Negligence then, and hath bred some Trouble to their Successors, since they suffered a weak and wooden Building to be there made, inhabited by Persons of Lewd Lives; oftentimes by Inquest of Portsoken Ward presented; but not reformed. Whereas in former Times the said Postern was accounted of as other Gates of the City, and was appointed to Men of good Credit. Among other I have read, that in the 49 of Edward III. John Cobbe was admitted Custos of the said Postern, and all the Habitation thereof for Term of his Life, by William Walworth then Maior of London. Anno 1374, being the first time of his Maioralty, for he was Lord-Maior again Anno 1380.] More, that John Credy, Esq; in the 21st of Richard II. was admitted Custos of the said Postern and Appurtenances, by Richard Whittington, Maior, the Aldermen, and Commonalty, &c.

Never Rebuilded.

Custos of this Postern.

A. M.

Near the End of London-Wall, South, over-against the Tower, this Postern-Gate is now all taken down, and in the room thereof a few Posts are set to keep off Carts and Coaches; there being only a narrow Passage left for Foot-passengers there.

The Postern Gate now taken down.

J. S.
