XXXIV. That the Carmen, Undertakers, their Agents or Servants, shall have Liberty to carry Rubbish from all Parts of the City or Liberties, into the Vineyard near Aldgate, for levelling the same, till the first of May next, and to shoot the same there gratis, and after that Time to pay such Sum for what they there shoot as the Commissioners shall require.

XXXV. That inasmuch as the said Carmen have undertaken to do this Work in better Manner and to greater Satisfaction than heretofore hath been done; and the Commssioners believing from what they already observed, that they will accordingly perform the same, do therefore exhort all Persons that shall be rated towards this Work, willingly and readily to pay the same; so to prevent Trouble to themselves, and Discouragement to the said Carmen, in a Work of this Nature, so requisite and necessary to the Health and Trade of the Inhabitants of this City.

XXXVI. That the several Pains and Penalties beforementioned, not particularly expressed to whom to be paid, shall be paid into the Chamber of London, upon Summons or Warning by the Officers attending the Commssioners, or either of them; or in Default, the Offender or Offenders to be indicted at the Sessions for his or their respective Offences.

XXXVII. That if any the aforesaid Carmen, their Agents or Servants, do offend in any the Particulars aforesaid, or otherwise relating to this Affair; that Complaint be made thereof to the Commsissioners at the Guild-Hall, who will deal with then according to their Offences.

XXXVIII. That the Scavengers for the Time being, in the several Wards and Precincts within this City and Liberties, do take Care, either by their own Observations, or Complaints to them by any of the Inhabitants, that the said Carmen, their Agents or Servants, do accordingly perform the several Branches aforementioned to them relating; or to make Complaint thereof to the Commissioners; upon Pain that the said Scavengers shall, from Time to Time, for their Negligence or Remissness, be indicted at the Sessions, unless they shall submit to the Censure and Judgment of the said Commissioners for the Time being.

XXXIX. Lastly, That every Houshoulder do pay to the Person delivering this Book, three Pence at least, for and towards the Charge of Printing and Delivery of the same.

Then followed the Names of the Carmen, Undertakers in the Affair aforesaid, being 37 in Number, their Places of Abode, their Number of Tunbrils or Cars, being 79, and the Wards to which they are designed.     
Ja. Cole, Cler. to the said Commissioners.

That a farther Account may be given of St. Bartholomew's Hospital, the following little Tract is worthy to be inserted.