Order for paving and cleansing the Streets. | 47 |
Order for paving and cleansing the Streets.
by such Car or Dray so standing; nor shall stand any longer Time than for Loading or Unloading, or other Case of absolute Necessity; And that, if any Person or Persons shall cause his or their Car or Carriages to be set otherwise in Loading or Unloading; he or they shall forfeit three Shillings four Pence for every such Offence; and upon the Penalty, that every Owner and Owners of every Dray standing contrary to this Act, shall forfeit three Shillings four Pence for every Offence. And the Horse and Dray shall be impounded by any the Officers aforesaid, till Payment thereof.
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And be it farther enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That from and after the tenth Day of December next ensuing, all the Dung, Soil, Filth, Seacoal Ashes, and other Dirt, as well from all the Streets, Lanes, and Passages, as from all the Houses of the Inhabitants within this City and Liberties thereof, shall be carried away by such Persons or their Servants, who are at present, or that shall or may from Time to Time hereafter, be permitted or allowed to work any Car or Cars within this City or Liberties thereof, by the said President, Treasurer, and Governours of Christ's Hospital, in such Manner and Method, and for such Consideration as by the said Commissioners, or any Seven or more of them, and the Fellowship of Carmen, shall from Time to Time be agreed upon: And in Case the said Commissioners and Fellowship cannot or shall not agree for or touching the carrying away the Soil as aforesaid, That then and in such Case, it shall and may be lawful to and for the said President, Treasurer, and Governours of Christ's Hospital, and they are hereby required and impowered, upon Certificate from the said Commissioners, to license such Number of Cars, as the said Commissioners, or any Seven or more of them shall think fit, not exceeding eighty over and above the four hundred and twenty licensed by former Acts of Common Council. Which said Cars are to be disposed of by the said Commissioners, for the better carrying on their Work, and are hereby enabled to do such other Work as other Street-Cars do or may do, and the Owner and Owners thereof shall in all Points (excepting for carrying of Soil and other Works to be done by Order of the said Commissioners) be under the Regulation of the said President, Treasurer, and Governours, as other Street-Cars, and shall pay such Rent as by the said President, Treasurer, and Governours with the said Commissioners, or any Seven or more of them, shall be adjudged fit and reasonable, not exceeding seventeen Shillings four Pence per Annum apiece.
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And it is enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That one Act of Common Council, bearing Date the one and twentieth Day of June 1665, touching the ordering and disposing of Cars, and all and every the Clauses therein contained, be put in due and effectual Execution by the said President, Treasurer, and Governours, and that the said Commissioners be assisting to them therein.
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And it is enacted, That all Pains, Penalties, and Forfeitures, in and by this Act before limited and appointed, in Case the same shall not be paid to the said Commissioners, or Seven or more of them, upon Summons to the respective Offenders beforehand made for their Appearance before the said Commissioners concerning Payment thereof, shall and may be recovered by Action of Debt, Bill, or Information, in the Name of the Chamberlain of this City for the Time being, in his Majesty's Court holden before the Maior and Aldermen of the said City in the Chamber of the Guildhall of the City of London, wherein no Essoin or Wager of Law shall be admitted or allowed for the Defendant; and after Recovery thereof, one third Part shall be to the Prosecutor, and the other two Parts and Residue thereof (after all Charges out of the said two Parts deducted) to the Poor of Christ's Hospital in London, to be employed for and towards the Relief: In all which Suits to be brought by this Act, the Chamberlain shall recover his ordinary Costs and Charges, to be expended in and for Recovery of all such Forfeitures against the Offender or Offenders: And in Case the same Pains, Penalties, and Forfeitures shall be paid to the said Commissioners, or any Seven or more of them, upon Summons as aforesaid, without any farther Process, one third Part shall be disposed by the said Commissioners, for Encouragement of their Officers who shall take Pains in the Matter aforesaid, in such Manner as they shall think fit, and the other two Parts shall be disposed to the Poor of the Hospital as is aforesaid.
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And lastly, be it enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That the Wardens and Assistants of the Fellowship of Carmen, now consisting of twenty three in Number, shall be forthwith increased and made up to the Number of forty one, and shall so continue forever hereafter: And that the Eighteen to be so added, and so upon any Choice or Election of others for the Future, upon any Avoidance, shall be such Persons as have or shall actually serve an Apprenticeship to the said Calling of a Carman, and no other. AVERY.
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Rules, Orders, and Directions.
I. Item, That hereafter all Streets within this City, called, known or set down to be High Streets, shall be paved round, or Causeway Fashion: And upon Notice given to the Commissioners, of any defective Pavements in any of the Streets, Lands, and Passages within this City and Liberties, the same shall be forthwith made good and amended, unless by general Consent some better Expedient be found and published.
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II. That inasmuch as it hath been found by common Experience that the Paviers, to hide and cover their bad Workmanship, have oftentimes spread and laid great Quantities of Gravel over their Pavements, to greater Charge of the Persons setting them on work, than was needful, and which, upon a sudden Rain, did either choak the Common Sewers, or turn to dirt and Mire in the Streets; therefore the said Paviers are required, that hereafter they do forbear to lay or spread any more Gravel on the Pavements than will only fill up the Joints of their Work, and cause the same to be swept and well rammed, and leave the Pavements bare of Gravel, and keep a regular Method of Paving, not paving one Door higher than another, upon Pain of Paying five Shillings for every Complaint.
III. That the Breadth of six Foot at the least from the Foundation of the Houses in such of the said High Streets which shall be allowed to be posted, shall be paved by the Inhabitants or Owners with flat or broad Stone for a foot Passage, unless such Parts thereof as shall lie before any Gateway, which may be done square Rag by the said Breadth of six Foot, upon Pain of paying five Shillings for every Week the same shall be omitted to be done after Notice given.
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IV. That every Person having Occasion to rebuild or repair any House or Houses fronting any Street, Lane, or common Passage, do first pro-
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