session of Job Clark; a Piece or Parcel of Ground on the East Side of and contiguous to Puddle Dock, now or late in the Possession of John Cock; and a Piece or Parcel of Ground on the West Side of and contiguous to White Fryars Dock, now or late in the Tenure and Possession of Robert Gosling, shall be from henceforth Places for common Lay-Stalls, to be employed for the publick Use and Benefit of this City, and Liberties thereof, in such Manner as the Commissioners authorized or to be authorized by this Court according to the said Act of Parliament, or any Seven or more of them shall order and direct, and the said Commissioners or any Seven or more of them, shall by Warrant under their Hands and Seals direced to the Chamberlain of this City for the Time being, order the Payment of all such Sums of Money as are or shall be agreed upon concerning the same, between the resepective Proprietors of the said Grounds and the said Commissioners; which Agreements the said Commissioners are hereby empowered to perform and make. And the said Chamberlain for the Time being, shall make Payment thereof accordingly out of the Moneys arising by the Imposition upon Coals, according to the aforesaid Act of Parliament.
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And the said Commissioners, or any Seven or more of them, are hereby farther authorized, as Need shall require, to appoint and set out such and so many other Parcels of Ground for common Lay-stalls, and for publick Stores, for all Sorts of Fuel, and for all Sorts of Materials for Pitching, Paving, and Cleansing the Streets, and for other Commodities for publick Use, as from Time to Time shall be by them found requisite and necessary; and to make Agreement with the Proprietors of the said Grounds, and to order Payment for the same, in Manner as aforesaid; and the Ordering and Managing of the said Places, when set out and appointed, shall be in the said Commissioners, or any Seven or more of them. And that all the Profits thereof shall be paid unto the Chamberlain of this City for the Time being, for the Use of the Maior, Commonalty, and Citizens of the same, and distinct Books of Accompts shall be kept concerning the same. And the said Profits shall be disposed of from Time to Time, as the said Commissioners, or any Seven or more of them, shall appoint, to be approved of by this Court.
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And be it enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That the said Commissioners, or any Seven or more of them, shall from henceforth have Authority, and are hereby impowered from Time to Time, to summon, enquire after, examine, and, in default of Appearance upon such Summons or Submission to the Censure or Judgement of the said Commissioners, or any Seven or more of them, to cause to be indicted or informed against at the Sessions of the Peace to be held for this City, all such Persons as have made and shall continue within this City and Liberties thereof, any Bulks or Stalls, contrary to the ancient Usage and Custom of this City, and several late Acts of Parliament, or have made and shall continue any Stall Boards above the Breadth allowable by the said ancient Usage and Custom, and Acts of Parliament, or shall set Goods and Commodities, or Materials for Buildng, into the common Streets and common Passages within this City or Liberties thereof; or shall hang out Goods to the Hindrance or Damage of Passengers, or their Neighbours Trade, or streightning the common Passage; or shall throw out or cast into the Streets any Dust, Soil, or Rubbish; or shall dig any Pits, or Drains, or otherwise intermeddle with the Pavements, (without License from the said Commissioners, or any Seven or more of them) which shall tend to the Obstructing or Annoyance of the Ways, Passages, or Water Courses of this City.
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And farther, be it enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That from henceforth, no Beggars or Vagrants, Tankard-Bearers, Porters, or other Persons whatsoever, bearing any kind of Burthens on their Heads, Backs, or Arms, Horses, or any kind of Cattle, shall be permitted at any Time of the Day, from Six of the Clock in the Morning, until Nine of the Clock at Night, to go, or pass, or be led upon the said flat Pavements in any Street between the Houses and the Posts adjoining to the said flat Pavements, except only for going into the said Houses directly cross the said Pavements, under the Penalty of five Shillings for every Horse or other kind of Cattle whatsoever, and three Shillings four Pence for every Tankard-Bearer, Porter, and other Person carrying Burthen as aforesaid, for every Offence, and the said Beggars and Vagrants to be punished according to the Laws already in Force: And that all Constables within this City and Liberties thereof, and other Officers, employed or to be employed by the said Commissioners, or any Seven or more of them, (who shall have Power, and are hereby authorized and directed to employ such Persons accordingly) and all Marshals and their Men, and Warders, are to take special Care to prevent the said Offences,and to apprehend all such Offenders. And in Case the said Marshals or their Men, or Warders, shall be negligent in doing their Duty herein, it shall be lawful for the Lord Maior for the Time being, and his Successors, upon due Proof of such Neglect, to amove such Marshals and their Men, and other inferiour Warders; and others to put in their Places.
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And farther, be it enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That no Street-Car, or Brewers Dray, shall from and after the Tenth Day of December next ensuing, be drawn with more than one Horse within this City or Liberties thereof, unless in such Case only where the Load cannot be divided, and that the Weight thereof shall require more than one Horse for the Draught thereof; and in Case also of drawing up any the Hills from Thames Street, and up Holborn Hill, upon the Penalty of ten Shillings by the Owner of such Cart or Dray which shall break this Law, for the first Offence, twenty Shillings for the second Offence, and thirty Shillings for the Third, and every other Offences. And that the supernumerary Horse and Horses shall and may be seized and impounded by the Officers appointed to take care of the beforementioned Offences, or any of them; or by such Officer or Officers as are or shall be appointed by the President, Treasurer, and Governours of Christ's Hosiptal for the Time being, for taking care of Cars and Carmen, until the said Penalty be paid.
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And be it farther enacted, That all Cars, Wagons, Drays, and other Carriages, during all the Time of their Loading and Unloading within the Streets of this City and Liberties thereof, unless before Six of the Clock in the Morning, and after Eight of the Clock in the Evening from Lady Day to Michaelmas, and before Eight in the Morning and after Six in the Evening from Michaelmas to Lady Day, shall stand Side Ways the long Way of the Street, and not cross the same, that so Passengers may safely go between the Houses and Carriages, (except for such Goods and Commodities as are not portable) and that no Dray, upon any Occasion whatsoever, shall from henceforth stand in any Street or Passage within this City or Liberties thereof, but where a Coach or other Dray may pass
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