Order for paving and cleansing the Streets. | 45 |
Order for paving and cleansing the Streets.
Beadles whose Walkes are next adjoining, to aid and assist yow therein. And yow shal distribute to them Part of such Money as shal be given unto yow. And yow shal not intrude yourselves to none other Burials out of your Wardes or Walkes, but unto suche as yow shal be called by your Fellow Beadles.
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Item, One of you every Sunday, with the rest of the Beadles of the other Howses, shal give your Attendance at Paul's Cross, at the Sermon Tme; to visit all the Streets and Lanes adjoining, and there to apprehend all such vagrant and idle Persons, as shal be there found by yow or any of yow; and to carry them, as well Men, as Women and Children, to Bridewell, whereby there may be Order taken, according to the Law prescribed.
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And if any of yow shal be found negligent in performing these Orders abovesaid, or any other Orders hereafter made and devised; upon every Fault found, your Staves shal be taken from yow, and to be secluded for evermore for serving in those Roomes. Whereof assure your selves, without any Favour, or otherwise, to be punished according to the Governours Discretion.
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I add one more useful Tract, which is for paving and cleansing the Streets. Being an Act of Common Council: Together with certain Orders, Rules, and Directions, touching the said paving and cleansing the Streets, Lanes, and common Passages within the City and Liberties, and other Things relating thereunto: Made by the Commissioners for Sewers, Pavements, &c. This was pursuant of a former Act of Common Council, relating to the paving and cleansing of the Streets. And it was ordered, for the better dispersing the Knowledge thereof to all Citizens, that the same should be printed in a little Book, and delivered to every Housholder. Which Book follows.
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An Act of Common Council: Together with certain Orders, Rules, and Directions touching the paving and cleansing the Streets, Lanes, and common Passages, within the City London, and Liberties thereof: And other Things relating thereunto.
Veneris primo die Martii, 1671/2.
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By the Commissioners for Sewers, Pavements, &c. in LONDON.
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The Commissioners willing that all Persons concerned may take Notice of a late Act of Common Council, and of several ancient Customs, and other Statutes, Rules, and Orders relating to the paving and cleansing of the Streets and Sewers, and preventing other Inconveniencies to the common Passages in and about the City of LONDON, and Liberties thereof; and that due Conformity may be yielded thereunto, and the Penalties for Breach thereof may be avoided: Have agreed and ordered, That the same be forthwith printed in a small Book, and delivered to, or lest for, every Housholder within this City and Liberties; and which are as follow, That is to say:
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FORD Maior, Octob. 27, 1671.
An Act for settling of Lay-Stalls, preventing several Inconveniencies to Passengers, and relating also to the cleansing of the Streets and Passages within this City and the Liberties thereof.
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WHereas, by an Act of this present Parliament, entitled, An Act for the better paving and cleansing the Streets and Sewers in and about the City of LONDON, the appointing, setting out, and purchasing of Places convenient for Lay-Stalls, and for publick Stores for Materials and Commodities, is vested in the Maior, Aldermen, and Commons, in Common Council assembled; and other Authorities therein mentioned, are thereby vested in the Maior, Commonalty, and Citizens of the said City, to be managed, executed, and done by such Persons as by the said Maior, Aldermen, and Commons, in Common Council assembled, shal be thereunto authorized and appointed, or by any Seven or more of them, (being all Members of the said Court) and no other Persons whatsoever: Be it therefore enacted, ordained, and established, by the Right Honourable the Lord Maior, the Right Worshiful the Aldermen, and the Commons in this present Common Council assembled, and by the Authority of the same, and the said Lord Maior, Aldermen, and Commons, in this present Common Council assembled, do hereby appoint, That the several Pieces or Parcels of Ground hereafter named, that is to say, a Piece or Parcel of waste Ground on the South Side of the hither End of Mile-End Green, adjoining to the High Way there, extending from the Place called the Fort, to the hither End of the Wall of the House and Ground called the Red Lion; a Piece of Ground on the West Side of and contiguous to Dowgate Dock, now or late in the Pos-
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