
Bibliographical database

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     bullet point descriptive overview
     bullet point introductory essay
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    Enter your search criteria below:


(see also name guide)

First name(s):







(see also journal guide). Alternatively, select from drop-down list below:



Search Tips: General

The Russian Visual Arts bibliographical database can be searched by any combination of fields. You can search simply by surname or surname in combination with first names or the title of a work. You can also search by publication or by publication date. If you know the alias name of an author, you can type it into the surname field.

Keyword searches can be undertaken on the keyword field. Both English and Russian language fields are searched.

Search Tips: Specific

  • Surname If you are unsure of a spelling, please use the wildcard character % - eg. 'stas%' for 'stasov', or even 'sta%v'. A guide to names and their transliteration is also available.
  • First Name The database includes patronymics wherever possible. If you know only the first name, or simply an initial, please use the wildcard character - eg. 'aleksandr%', 'aleks%' or 'a%'.
  • Title Again, if you are unsure of a full title, please use the wildcard character - eg. vystavki%.