RECODE is a set of policy recommendations for facilitating open access to research data. The recommendations are targeted at key stakeholders in the scholarly communication ecosystem.
These overarching recommendations are intended to direct consensus-building and action towards ten broad areas that are significant for enabling open access to research data.
Funding bodies are key stakeholders in the open access ecosystem: they develop policies and allocate funding in ways that affect how data is created, managed, accessed, disseminated and preserved
Research institutions hold a focal role in transitioning to open access practices for research data, as the primary loci where researchers carry out and publish their work.
Publishers can contribute towards a culture of openly sharing research data of high quality by linking data to their journals and book publications, thereby adding value to their own products.
Data managers are those charged with the management of data as a scientific and/or cultural digital output, such as data centres, libraries, archives and memory institutions.
RECODE used five disciplinary case studies in open access to research data to examine four grand challenges: