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pb 260 vThere was great feasting and merriment in the city of Lisbon before the barons and knights who were present departed, as well as the councils of the towns and cities of the realm. A parliament was held to deliberate and discuss the affairs of the kingdom, and how they could conduct themselves and persevere honourably while holding firmly, resolutely and with honour to their cause, for as some of the country's wisest said, "Now did the strong come together to consider straightway amongst themselves what counsel they might adopt". And so they began to explore how they could so fortify themselves against the might of the king of Castile and his power that they might enjoy their victory with honour, and allow it to continue to swell and intensify. At the parliament which took place at Lisbon in the cathedral church of São Domingos, a number of proposals and suggestions were put forward, not all of which deserve a mention, but the decision of the assembly was that an envoy would be sent to England to the duke of Lancaster who claimed the kingdom of Castile in the name of my lady Constanza, his wife, who was the eldest daughter of the late king Pedro. They would write letters to him to the effect that, should he ever wish to claim rights to the kingdom of Castile and not resign from this enterprise which had hung in the balance for some time and was very nearly lost, he should come to Portugal with a great force of men-at-arms and archers for the time was right. Count Nuño, constable of Portugal, then made a fine speech,

"Since we are all agreed that an emissary be sent to England to the duke of Lancaster, from whom we hope to have aid and counsel, and it is the best way for us to inspire fear and dread in our enemies, let us search our kingdom for shrewd and distinguished men to carry this message and inform the duke of Lancaster and his council in such a way that he will readily come to this land with a force great enough to resist our enemies, with the assistance he will receive from us. We must suppose and expect that the king of Castile will strengthen himself through the support of the king of France and the French. They have been at a loose end since a truce was declared between themselves and the English until St John the Baptist's day, not to mention that peace is now well established between the French and the Flemings who have occupied them for quite a few years now."

SHF 3-75 syncCount Nuño's speech was well received, for it was said that it was good and fitting, and his advice was to be followed. After much deliberation the grand master of Santiago of the kingdom of Portugal and Lourenço Fogaça, an astute and prudent squire who spoke good French, were appointed to carry the message to England, for according to the opinion of the king of Portugal's council, there was, at this time, nobody else better equipped to handle the matter. pb 261 r