Online Froissart
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pb 1r
Here begins the second volume by Sir Jehan Froissart, which encompasses the recent wars of France, England, Scotland, Spain, Flanders and Italy, and many other parts of the world. SHF 2-83 syncYou have heard it reported earlier how the lord of Mussidan went over to the French and how he came to see the king of France and stayed a good year or more in Paris until he grew tired of it. He had thought to find more there than he did, and in consequence greatly repented of having gone over to the French camp, but he alleged that he had done so under duress. So he resolved to get away from Paris and return to the English side, which he did, telling all those who asked him about it that he was unwell. He left Paris one evening incognito and rode towards his own country until he reached Bordeaux. There he found Sir John Neville, seneschal of Bordeaux, to whom he remarked that he preferred to break his word to the king of France rather than to the king of England, his natural lord.
The lord of Anjou was most displeased about this, but could do nothing to redress the situation. SHF 2-84 syncThe lord of Langoiran remained committed to the French cause. He was a most able man-at-arms and had visited hostile action and damage upon the lands which bordered his own and belonged to those lords who had turned to the English such as the lord of Mussidan, the lord of Rauzan and the lord of Duras, who were furious as a result and made every effort to seek an encounter with him, for he was their bitter enemy. The lord of Langoiran, an enterprising and astonishingly courageous knight, rode out one day accompanied by forty lance of good men. He advanced quite close to a garrison of the English party known as Cadillac which was part of the estate of the Captal de Buch and his brother. pb 1v