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Manuscript transcriptions

You can select and compare text transcriptions from any of the 121 text witnesses by using the controls in the upper right-hand corner of this screen.

  • The add witness ... drop-down menu allows you to select and compare up to four manuscripts at any one time.
  • Under Settings you can select your preferred ‘Global Viewing Mode’ applied to the “Browse” viewing mode:
  • Facsimile displays transcriptions with a layout and visual style reflecting the original manuscript as closely as possible.
  • Edition displays transcriptions in a more readable style (resembling that of a modern edition).
  • Synchronise by word is a viewing mode in which every collated word becomes a link. Clicking on a word synchronises all open transcriptions to that word. This mode works well only for chapters for which collation data is available.
  • DMF is a mode in which each word becomes a link to the online Dictionnaire du Moyen Français (DMF). Clicking on a word opens a window listing the relevant lemmatised entry or entries on the DMF website.
  • Under ‘Orientation’ you can choose between ‘Horizontal’ and ‘Vertical’ viewing.
  • Browse” and “Collate are viewing modes.
Browse” is more suitable for exploring documents generally. “Collate” is for conducting word-by-word comparisons across manuscripts (collation of witnesses). This mode works well only for chapters for which collation data is available.
  • Once you have a transcription open, use 'Navigate' (top-right-hand corner, in RED) to navigate through the transcription by either Folio, Manuscript Chapter, or SHF Chapter (click on one of the 3 radio buttons to the left to make your choice). When the manuscript that is opened has been used in a modern edition, a fourth option to navigate becomes available, i.e. using the page numbers of the modern edition.
  • Clicking on ‘Preferences’ (top-right-hand corner, in RED) allows you to alter the Display mode for showing transcriptions (again, click on one of the 3 radio buttons to the left to make your choice).
  • High-resolution images for some of the manuscript witnesses are viewable using the Virtual Vellum external viewer, for which you will need to have pre-installed Java Runtime Environment (JRE) Version 1.5 or above. The Java Runtime download is free and can be obtained from Oracle.