Online Froissart


The current version of the Online Froissart is version 1.5, published 20 December 2013.

The Online Froissart is a collaborative, interdisciplinary and incremental project. Given the sheer size of Froissart’s Chroniques, the number of surviving manuscripts and their dispersal across many libraries in several different countries, it has been decided not to delay publication of available transcriptions until all of these materials have been transcribed and annotated. The Online Froissart, therefore, publishes all currently available transcriptions and other materials produced by the project team, plus updates, and augments the website and its underlying datasets on a regular basis (annually from 2012 onwards).

Currently online are materials produced by the project team and associated researchers that have been through a number of checks. Some of the materials available to the project are not yet online. Some of our transcriptions still need further checking, marking up or annotating; commentaries need additional information for them to be complete; some images are still unavailable to the public due to copyright restrictions, though permissions have recently been given allowing us to publish additional facsimiles (see below). Some of the materials accessible online need further work but have nevertheless been made available to users; they will be updated as soon as further work on them has been completed.

Version 1.5: published on 20 December 2013. Some bugs fixed; information on website updated. Added components: Quick start page; clickable list of miniature pages; Book I sample extended to include SHF § 47, 319, 421, 697 (select manuscripts only); chapter summaries of Grandes chroniques de France interpolations. Main transcriptions added: Book I: Brussels, Royal Library, MS II 2551, all rubrics; Glasgow, Hunter 42, fol. 8r-v, 228v-230r; London, Arundel, 67-I, fol. 364v-373v and rubrics fol. 16r-265r; Paris, ms. fr. 2640, fol. 24v-25v, 86v-87r, 162v-163r, 191v-192v, 335v-336r, 360v-361v; Paris, ms. fr. 2655, fol. 128r-143r; Paris, ms. fr. 2663, fol. 3r-4r, 7v-405v; The Hague, MS 72 A 25, fol. 343r-372v and rubrics fol. 146r-372v; Toulouse, MS 511, fol. 96r-118v; Book II: Chicago, Newberry Library, MS f.37, vol. 2, fol. 156v-164r; Book IV: London, BL, Harley 4379-4380, fol. 60v-113r. Transcriptions amount to a total of 5,376,600 words transcribed from 17,942 manuscript pages. 724 chapters have collation data (1,275,800 words). A total of 233,000 references to named entities in the transcriptions are linked to the name index. Added codicological descriptions: Paris, MSS fr. 2640, 2641, 2642, 2649, 2655. Added facsimiles: Antwerp, Plantin-Moretus, MSS 15.4, 15.5 and 15.6 (made available by kind permission of the library). A total of 9,413 high-resolution manuscript images are available via the Virtual Vellum viewer. New essay by G. Croenen and S. Loomans.

Version 1.4: published on 30 November 2012. Some bugs fixed; information on website updated. Added components: navigation of the transcription using printed reference editions; text of Book IV (partially, based on London, BL, Harley 4379-4380). Main transcriptions added: Book I: London, Additional MSS 38658, fol. 2r-8v, 104r-107r, 222r-222v; London, Arundel, MS 67-I, fol. 361v-364v; The Hague, ms. 72 A 25, fol. 2r-10r, 18r-19v, 33r-34v, 162v-164v, 212v-218r, 367v-368r (also rubrics fol. 11r-145v); Toulouse, ms 511, fol. 14r-42v; Book II: Rouen, ms. 1147, fol. 290r-303r, 345v-379v; Book IV: London, BL, Harley 4379-4380, fol. 1r-60v; Mons, UL, ms. 240-359, fol. 209v-210r. Transcriptions amount to a total of 4,733,400 words transcribed from 16,118 manuscript pages. 98 chapters have collation data (409,600 words). A total of 182,000 references to named entities in the transcriptions are linked to the name index. Added codicological descriptions: Rouen, MS 1147.

Version 1.3: published on 15 May 2012. Some bugs fixed; information on website updated. Added components: better cross-referencing and easier navigation of the name index; better handling of editorial emendations. Main transcriptions added: Book I: Chicago, Newberry Library, ms. f.37, vol. 1, fol. 42r-179r, vol. 2, fol. 1r-36v, 37v-53v; Book II: Chicago, Newberry Library, ms. f.37, vol. 2, fol. 55v-62r, 63-73v, 74-78r, 78v-81v, 82v-88r; Book III: Besançon BM, ms. 865 fol. 363-451 (completed). Transcriptions amount to a total of 4,521,700 words transcribed from 15,162 manuscript pages. 93 chapters have collation data (30,600 words). A total of 155,000 references to named entities in the transcriptions are linked to the name index. Added codicological descriptions: Cambridge, Chicago, Glagow, London 38658-9, Paris 2663-4, Toulouse. Added facsimiles: Paris, BnF, ms. fr. 2663-4, The Hague ms. 72 A 25 (made available by kind permission of the libraries concerned). A total of 6,938 high-resolution manuscript images are available via the Virtual Vellum viewer.

Version 1.2: published on 25 May 2011. Some bugs fixed; information on website updated. Added components: chapter summaries for transcriptions, ToC for chapters in English translation, codicological descriptions. Main transcriptions added: Book I: Chicago Newberry Library, ms. f.37, vol. 1, fol. 9r-42r, Valenciennes, ms. 638, fol. 26r-31v, 67r-68v; Book II: rubrics, SHF § 31-32 added to the sample transcriptions, Brussels KBR ms. II 2552, fol. 4r-10r, Vérard edition (sample completed); Book III, Besançon BM, ms. 865 fol. 281-363. Transcriptions contain a total of 4,003,000 words transcribed from 14,368 manuscript pages. 94 chapters have collation data (147,500 words). A total of 61,000 references to named entities in the transcriptions linked to the name index. Added facsimiles: Austin, ms. 48, Brussels KBR mss II 88 and IV 251, and Toulouse BM, ms. 511 (made available by kind permission of the libraries concerned). A total of 4,908 high-resolution manuscript images made available via the Virtual Vellum viewer. New essay by C. Raynaud.

Version 1.1: published 5 May 2010. Some bugs fixed; update to information on website. Transcriptions contain a total of 3,745,000 words transcribed from 12,475 manuscript pages. A total of 45,000 references to named entities in the transcriptions linked to the name index. A total of 2,594 high-resolution manuscript images available via the Virtual Vellum viewer. On 14 May 2010 a round table discussion about the Online Froissart took place at the 45th International Congress on Medieval Studies in Kalamazoo. On 10 September the Online Froissart was presented and discussed at a workshop held at Trinity College Dublin.

Version 1.0: published at project launch on 31 March 2010. Full transcriptions of 10 manuscripts; translations into English of select chapters of Books I-III; facsimiles of three complete manuscripts (Besançon mss 865-865, Stonyhurst ms. 1); 7 essays; manuscript viewing, search and collation functionality. The launch coincided with the inauguration in Paris on 31 March 2010 of an international exhibition on Froissart’s Chroniques and the Hundred Years' War at the Musée de l'Armée, Hôtel national des Invalides, which ran until 4 July 2010 attracting many thousands of visitors of all ages and from all over the world.