Online Froissart

About the Edition

From Print to Digital

The Online Froissart brings a holistic, dynamic approach to the manuscripts of Jean Froissart’s Chroniques. It establishes a robust and sustainable platform for the delivery of electronic transcriptions of the Chroniques, of annotation and other secondary materials pertaining to those transcriptions, and of digital reproductions of several of the original manuscripts in high-resolution format. Users of the Online Froissart can query textual data interactively, collate text across several witnesses, or use a special viewing mode allowing them to look up the definition of a word used by the chronicler in the online Dictionnaire du Moyen Français. These and other features offer users of the Online Froissart a range of non-textual (palaeographical, codicological, art-historical and lexicographical) information present on the manuscript page but normally not immediately accessible or even present in more traditional print editions. For more detailed information about the edition and its contents, please explore the menu to your left.

The current edition of the Online Froissart is version 1.5 (publication 20 December 2013).