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The moderate, Number 54, 17th-24th July 1649 E.565[23]

The Moderate:
Impartially communicating Martial
Affaires to the KINGDOM of
From Tuesday July 17. to Tuesday July 24.1649.
When Power ceases, and Policy takes no effect, Fear breaks
out in a threacening Language, and at the same time
endevors the lest security for its self; not onely by consultation
in publike, and private, but likewise by a
speedy Provision against the Tempest; which not
onely threatens Ruine to the Marriners, in case of neglect,
but likewise to all the Pilots themselves, In case of
default, or unskilful steering in this troubled Ocean.
This Storm much encreasing, the Seamen cast out some
ponderous Treasure for Self-Preservation; and finding
yet no security, begin to examine the extraordinary cause of this dreadful judgment,
and destructive Destiney; and upon a strict enquiry thereof, finde a Jonas
with others in the Ships, which they must cast out for security of the whole, of else
presently perists. The Question being put, their Resolution admits of a speedy
execution; which no sooner effected, but the Tempest ceased, and the Ships full
fraught safely arrive at their desired Haven, in Peace and Plenty, with the lose
onely of Jonas, and his wicked friends, and their particular Treasure.
July 17.
Upon Mr. Scots report from the Councel of State, it was ordered, that upon
consideration had of a moving body of Horse and Foot, out of forces remaining
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