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The moderate, Number 49, 12th-19th June 1649 E.560[17]

The Moderate:
Impartially communicating Martial
Affaires to the KINGDOM of
From Tuesday June 12. to Tuesday June 19. 1649.
MAn Spends his days in studying how to maintain himself and
family, not onely according to his discent, education, or Present
condition; but above all, if his genius and ability, can
both compass and manage, his greedy desire, and aspiring ambition,
as to his intended, and future glory. In prosecution
hereof (after setled in his desired station)he labors night and
day, to become most rich, honorable, wise, and all that this
world can confer upon him, the better to exalt himself, and bring all other people
in Subjection unto him. Hence arises, the in equality amongst the people, through
all the world, at this day; and likewise, the raine of so many Monarchs, Princes,
and other great Politicians and Statesmen, that have had the Managing the affairs
of several Nations. Who no sooner came to the height of self in their publike
transactions, and neglected the unum necessarsum (the good, safety, and wel being
of the people) but God left them to themselves, and the temptations of Satan, to
fail from the highest Pinnacle of the Temple, to the lowest valley of Shame and
The Heads of the Act for Providing maintenance for Preathing - Ministers, and other
pious uses.
1. That all Tythes appropriate, oblations, obventions, pentions, portions of
Tythes appropriate, offerings, Fee farm Rents, issuing out of Tythes of
Bishops, Deans, and Chapters, &c. Lands; which within ten years before this
Parliament belonged to any of them: And Charters, Papers, &c. belonging to
them. Shall after 6. January 1649. be in the actuall possession of Sir Henry Holcraft,
Sir Jo. Thurowgood, Mr. Steel, Mr. Cook, Col. West, Mr. Danvers, Mr.
Pecock, Their Heirs and Assignes 3.25 Trustees for the common wealth.
2. That all the first fruits, payable by vertue of the Acts of Parliament, 26.11 8.
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