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Great Britaines painefull messenger, II, 23rd-30th August 1649 E.572[9]

Af-FORD-ing true notice of all Affairs in England,
Wales, Scotland, Ireland and other Forraign Parts,
with the most materiall Passages of the Parliament,
Councell of State and Army, to this whole Nation.
Letters to the Councell of State in confirmation of the Lord Lievtenant
and Major Generall Iretons safe landing at Dublin. The King of
Scots Message and Commands to Ormond. The Scots last Message to
their gracious King. Ormond, Inchequin, and Ards declared Traitours.
A Strange and ominous Atparition visible in Scotland. The
Surry mens Petition. Free Quarterers and abusive Souldiers to be tryed
by Martiall Law. Ormonds Army numerous, burning and wasting
Ireland. The Lancashire and Cheshire Petition. Ormond retreated
with his Forces to Tredagh.
From Thirsday Aug. 23. 1649. to Thirsday 30. of the same.
WHere strength cannot, there Policy commonly
prevaileth; & where Soveraignty once
gaines an Inch it usually stretcheth it selfe
into an Ell. Whence (too too oft) flowes
unaccustomed imposures (the reall fruits
of a Martiall Conquest) which (of ore long
continued on a wasting people) render
them heartlesse, else Mutinous. But where
an equally poiz'd Republique is establish't, Injustice, Tyranny,
and Oppression, are excluded; and the Trading (The very soule
and life of the flourishing Commonwealth) refresh't; the People
daily receiving new comforts, from the continuall studies
of their faithfull Patriots to that end imploid.
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