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The man in the moon, Number 11, 20th-27th June 1649 E.561[20]

The Man in the Moon,
Discovering a World of
Vnder the
Both in the Parliaments, the Counsell of State,the Army,the City
and the COUNTRY.
With Intelligence from all Parts of England,Scotland,
Die Lune,From June 20. to Wednesday, June.27. 1649.
The Cause again goes to the worst,
which makes Noll fret and swear
Sure Bresbren, sure we are accurst,
and then they rear their haire.
We know not what to say nor do
since stats do prove unkind,
But now we shall to Ireland go
when that the Devil's blind.
What shall we do cryes Martyn then
our Members do decrease,
Unless we have more Money and Men,
we mere must look for Peace.
Then in comes Poppum to the left,
and cryes on for more Ships,
Cromwel Instructs which way is best
then to the City trips,
WEre ever poor States put to such pittiful shifts before?
sure Deans and Chapters Lands are be witch'd,they'd of
beuer else; new Discoveries and the Revenue of the late King,
with all their Assessements, Taxes,&c. will nor do the feare:
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