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The man in the moon, Number 10, 13th-20th June 1649 E.560[21]

(Numb. 16.)
The Man in the Moon,
Discovering a World of
Vnder the
Both in the Parliament, the Councell of State, the Army, the City
and the COUNTRY.
With Intelligence from all Parts of England, Scotland,
Die Luna, From June 13. to Wednesday, June, 20. 1649.
Ye glorious States that rule th' Land,
and Tax us as you please,
Our Lives, Goods Lands at your command;
is this free Subjects case?
The Ministry you doe maintine
ingrosing but the Tythes;
The People sure must bless your resigns,
since you are growne so wise.
Faith Sirs, get money, all you can,
for as the case now stands,
None ought (except a Parliament-man)
t'have mony, goods or Lands.
Your Flect; alas! Introath 'tis pitty
that they should have the worst;
Tw[unr] spoil your trading in your City,
and make you all acurst.
BOunce Gunnes, take off his chooes there; one of the Mighties
of our Aew Israel is fallen; a Regicide is gon wich honor
to his grave; and this is good Newes: By my troath
Gentlemen it deserves a Thanksgiving from all loyall bears, since
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