Oxford, Bodleian Library, Douce 302
England |
Oxford |
Bodleian Library |
Douce 302 |
SC 21876 |
s. xv1 |
English |
Scribe 1 - Scribal dialect: Staffordshire. Linguistic Atlas Grid Reference: 383 336, 189 (McIntosh, Samuels and Benskin 1986, p. 237). Scribe 2 - Scribal Dialect: Staffordshire. Linguistic Atlas Grid Reference: not mapped but Benskin and McIntosh state 'N. Staffs language, very like that of the main hand' (1986, p. 239). |
A mid fifteenth-century (c. 1420-1426) collection of devotional and didactic texts with some in Latin, compiled by the author, .
Item: 1ff. 1r-2r |
Instructions in Christian Living (IMEV *39) |
'In hel ne purgatore non ožer plase'. |
Item: 2f. 2r |
Verse on the day of doom |
'The day of dome shuld come in here'. |
Item: 3ff. 2r-7r |
Counsels to Those in Religious Life (IMEV 947) |
'God haž grauntyd grace vnto oure lerny[n]g'. |
'De concordia inter rectores fratres et rectores ecclesie'. |
Item: 4f. 8r |
On Nine Virtues (IMEV *71) |
'To ži ne?bour fore loue of me'. |
'Explicit de salutare'. |
Item: 5ff. 8r-9r |
Prayer on the Blood of Christ (IMEV 292) |
'An holy prayer here begynnes'. |
'De effusione sanguinis christi in remissione peccatorum'.'Explicit de sanguine christi'. |
Item: 6f. 9r |
Prayer on Christ's Passion (IMEV 2452) |
'O god že wyche žou woldust lorde'. |
'Quomodo ihesus fuit reprobatus a iudeis'. |
Item: 7-11f. 9r-v |
Psalter of the Passion |
'De psalterio passionis'. |
A sequence of Latin prayers with English instructions. |
Item: 7f. 9r |
Instructions for prayer (IMEV 3888) |
'Wele is him žat wele can'. |
Item: 8f. 9r |
Latin verse prayer |
'Anima christi sanctifica me'. |
'Amen'. |
Item: 9f. 9r |
Instructions for prayer |
'And say on ži bedis in žis manere'. |
Item: 10f. 9r-v |
Latin verse prayer |
'O deus qui voluisti'. |
Item: 11f. 9v |
Latin prose prayer |
'Tu domine per has sanctissimas penas tuas'. |
Item: 12ff. 9v-10r |
Seven Utterances of Christ on the Cross (IMEV 2468) |
'O ihesu crist hongyng on cros'. |
'De septem verbis ihesu christi pendentis in cruce'.'Explicit septem verba domini nostri ihesu christi'. |
Item: 13-18f. 10r-v |
Devotions at the Levation |
'De salutacione corporis ihesu christi'.'Explicit salutacio'. |
A sequence of prayers and instructions. |
Item: 13f. 10r |
Instructions for the Salutation to Christ's Body (IMEV 4052) |
'When žou seyst že sacrement'. |
Item: 14f. 10r |
Salutation to Christ's Body |
'Hayle gracious lord in ži godhede'. |
Item: 15f. 10r |
Instructions for the Prayer at the Levation (IMEV unnumbered, p. 186) |
'He žat wil say žis oreson'. |
Item: 16f. 10r-v |
Prayer at the Levation (Not in IMEV) |
'O lord ihesu christ fore ži hole flesche most worži'. |
Item: 17f. 10v |
Latin prose prayer |
'Adoramus te christe'. |
'Amen'. |
Item: 18f. 10v |
Latin verse prayer |
'Laudes deo dicam per secula'. |
'Amen'. |
Item: 19ff. 10v-12r |
Virtues of the Mass (IMEV 1986) |
'Lordis ?if ?e wil lyže'. |
'De meritis misse quomodo debemus audire missam'.'Explicit meritis misse'. |
Item: 20-22f. 12v |
For Remission of Sins |
A devotional sequence to obtain a reduction of time in purgatory. |
Item: 20f. 12v |
St. Gregory's Indulgence (IMEV 3834) |
'Apon a day saynt gregore'. |
'žen loke žou say anon Dewowtle žis confession'. |
'Quomodo dominus ihesus christus apparuit sancto gregorio in tale effugie'. |
Item: 21f. 12v |
Prayer of General Confession (IMEV 3233) |
'Swete ihesu crist to že'. |
'Loke ?e say žis orisoun Dewoutle with deuocion'. |
'De confesione generali'. |
Item: 22f. 12v |
Prayer for Forgiveness (IMEV 2489) |
'O [l]ord ihesu crist hongyng on cros'. |
'Amen'. |
'Quomodo ihesus in cruce rogabat patrem pro inimicis. Oracio'. |
Item: 23ff. 12v-14v |
On Visiting the Sick and Consoling the Needy (IMEV 2853) |
'Saynt ancelyne žat hole bischop'. |
'De visitacione infirmorum et consolacione miserorum'.'Explicit visitacio infirmorum et consolacio miserorum'. |
Item: 24f. 14v |
Instructions for reading items 25-26 (IMEV unnumbered). |
'I pray ?ou serys pur charyte When ?e han red žis treuly žen redis žis passion What cryst sofryd fore synful m[o]n Here schul ?e here a treu lessoun Hou fayž and charyte away is gon'. |
Item: 25ff. 14v-15r |
On the World's Folly (IMEV 1211) |
'Mone days now agone'. |
'Multis diebus iam peractis...cauete' . |
Translation of Latin aphorisms. |
Item: 26-28ff. 15r-16r |
Devotions on the Passion |
Item: 26f. 15r-v |
Pope John's Passion of Our Lord (IMEV 2764) |
'Pope ion že xii at auyon was'. |
'De passione domini nostri ihesu christi et de horis canonicis'. |
Item: 27f. 15v |
Audelay's Signature to Pope John's Passion (Not in IMEV). |
'Amen ihesu now i že pray Haue mynd and merce on blynd Audlay Žat mad in englesche žis passion Fore synful men to haue mynd žeron'. |
Item: 28ff. 15v-16r |
The Hours of the Cross (IMEV 623) |
'Crist žat was crucifyd on cros for our synnus sake'. |
'Hic incepiunt hore canonice passionis ihesu christe'. |
Item: 29ff. 16r-17r |
Lord's Epistle on Sunday (IMEV 2324) |
'Now here žis pistil I ?ou pray'. |
'Audite hec omnes gentes'.'De epistola domini nostri ihesu christi de die dominica'. |
Item: 30ff. 17r-18v |
Vision of St. Paul (IMEV 3481) |
'Že sononday is godis oun chosyn day'. |
'Incipit narracio quo michel duxit paulum ad infernum'. |
Item: 31ff. 18v-20r |
An Appeal of God to Men (IMEV 171) |
'All cristyn men y bid ?ou cum'. |
'Hec dicit dominus deus conuertimini ad me et salui eritis'.'De misericordia domini'. |
Item: 32ff. 20r-22v |
Counsel of Conscience: Epilogue (IMEV 1200) |
'Here i conclud al my makyng'. |
Item: 33f. 22v |
Colophon to The Counsel of Conscience |
'Finito libro sit laus et gloria christo liber vocatur concilium conciencie sic nominatur aut scala celi et vita salutis eterni iste liber fuit compositus per iohannem awdelay capellanum qui fuit secus et surdus in sua visitacione ad honorem domini nostri ihesu christi et ad exemplum aliorum in monasterio de haghmon anno domini millesimo ccccmo visecimo vito cuius anime propicietur deus. Amen'. |
Item: 34ff. 22v-23v |
Salutation to Mary with embedded salutation to Christ (IMEV 1068) |
'Hayle mare to že i say'. |
'Hic incipiunt salutaciones beate Marie virginis'. |
Item: 35f. 23v |
Prayer rubric in two couplets (Not in IMEV) |
'I pray že fader omnipotent Graunt mercy to-fore žy iugement And alle žat don ?ow here seruyse Žou graunt hom part of paradyse'. |
Item: 36f. 23v |
Prayer (Not in IMEV) |
'O allmy?ty god euerlastyngle'. |
'Amen'. |
Item: 3723v |
Instructional Conclusion to Prayer |
'Wel ys hym žat wil and may Say žis prayere euerday'. |
Item: 38ff. 23v-24r |
Salutation to Mary (IMEV 1083) |
'Haile že fayrst žer euer god fond'. |
'Explicitur'. |
'Alia oracio de sancta maria virgine'. |
Item: 39f. 24r-v |
Gabriel's Salutation to the Virgin |
'The angel to že vergyn said'. |
'Hec salutacio composuit angelus gabrielus'. |
Item: 40ff. 24v-25r |
Song of the Magnificat (IMEV 2271) |
'My soule my lord hit magnefyž'. |
'Hic incipit psalmus de magnificat'. |
Item: 41ff. 25r-26r |
Salutation to St. Bridget (IMEV 1058) |
'Hayle maydyn and wyfe h[ayle] wedow brygytt'. |
'Hic incipit salutacio sancte brigitte virginis...quod awdelay'. |
Item: 42-45ff. 26r-27r |
Devotions to St. Winifred |
Item: 42f. 26r-v |
Carol Salutation to St. Winifred (IMEV 413) |
'As žou were marter and mayd clene'. |
'Wenefrede žou swete may Thow pray for vs bož ny?t and day'. |
Item: 43ff. 26v-27r |
Salutation to St. Winifred (IMEV 1084) |
'Hayle wenefryd žat worchipful with ži vergenete'. |
'Hic incipit salutacio sancte wenefrede virginis'. |
Item: 44f. 27r |
Latin verse prayer to St. Winifred |
'Virgo pia wynfryda pollens in myraculis'. |
'Hic incipit oracio'. |
Item: 45f. 27r |
Latin prose prayer to St. Winifred |
'Deus qui beatam virgenem tuam wenfredam'. |
First scribe: 'Oremus'. Second scribe: 'collecte'. |
Item: 46f. 27r |
Salutation to St. Anne (IMEV 894) |
'Gaude felix anna že moder of mari'. |
'Quicumque hanc salutacionem in honore sancte anne matris marie...morietur'. |
Item: 47f. 27r-v |
Latin prose prayer to St. Anne |
'Deus qui beatam annam diu sterilem' (face drawn in initial). |
'Ora pro nobis beata anna quia de fructu ventris tui est nobis gratia data. Oremus'. |
Item: 48-51f. 27v |
Meditations on the Saviour's Face |
Item: 48f. 27v |
Latin accessus to Salutation to Our Saviour |
'Quicumque hanc salutacionem in honore...saluatoris'. |
Item: 49f. 27v |
Drawing of the Holy Face on the Vernicle |
Fein 2003, fig. 1
Item: 50f. 27v |
Salutation to our Saviour (IMEV 3073) |
'Salue i say hole face of our saueour'. |
'Signatum est super nos lumen vultis tui domine dedisti leteciam in corde meo'. |
Item: 51f. 27v |
Latin prose prayer to the Holy Face |
'Deus qui nobis signatum vultis tui memoreali'. |
First scribe: 'Oremus'. Second scribe: 'collecte'. |
Item: 52f. 27v |
Introduction to collection of carols |
'I pray ?ow syrus boothe moore and las Syng žese caroles in cristemas'. |
Item: 53f. 27v |
Ten Commandments (IMEV 304) |
'And loue ži god ouer al žyng'. |
'Hic incipiunt decem precepta in modum cantalene'.'A mon ?if žou wold sauyd be'. |
Item: 54ff. 27v-28r |
Seven Deadly Sins (IMEV 858) |
'Foresake ži pride and žyn enuy'. |
'De septem peccatis mortalibus'.'In wele be ware ore žou be woo'. |
Item: 55f. 28r |
On the Seven Works of Mercy (IMEV 792) |
'Fede že hungere že žirste ?if drenke'. |
'De septem opera misericordie'.'Wele is him and wele schal be'. |
Item: 56f. 28r |
Five Senses (IMEV 3346) |
'Že furst hit is ži heryng'. |
'De quinque sensus'.'Thy v wittis loke žat žou wel spende'. |
Item: 57f. 28r-v |
On the Seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit (IMEV 2173) |
'Mynd resun vertu and grace'. |
'De septem dona spiritus sancti''God haž ?euen of my?tis most'. |
Item: 58f. 28v |
Day of the Nativity (IMEV 3877) |
'Welcum be žou heuen kyng'. |
'In die natalis domini'.'Welcum ?ole in good aray'. |
Item: 59f. 28v |
On the Day of St. Stephen (IMEV 3057) |
'Saynt steuen že first martere'. |
'In die sancti stephani'.'In reuerens of oure lord in heuen'. |
Item: 60f. 28v |
On the Day of St. John the Evangelist (IMEV 2929) |
'Synt ion is cristis derlyng dere'. |
'In die sancti iohannes appostole et ewangeliste'.'I pray ?oue breder euerechon'. |
Item: 61ff. 28v-29r |
On the Day of the Holy Innocents (IMEV 601) |
'Crist crid in cradil moder baba'. |
'In die sanctorum innocencium'.'With al že reuer[en]s žat we may'. |
Item: 62f. 29r |
St. Thomas of Canterbury (IMEV 838) |
'For on a tewsday thomas was borne'. |
'De sancto thome archiepiscopo cantuarienci'.'I pra[y] ?ou sers al infere'. |
Item: 63f. 29r |
On the Day of the Circumcision (IMEV 21) |
'A babe is borne of hye natewre'. |
'In die circu[m]cicionis domini'.'What tyžyngis bryngst vs messangere'. |
Item: 64f. 29r-v |
On King Henry VI (IMEV 822) |
'Fore he is ful ?ong tender of age'. |
'De rege nostro henrico sexto'.'A perles pryns to že we pray'. |
Item: 65f. 29v |
On the Four Estates (IMEV 1588) |
'In wat order or what degre'. |
'Fac ad quod venisti'.'Hit is že best erele and late'. |
Item: 66ff. 29v-33v (Items 66-81) |
Childhood (IMEV 840) |
'Fore pride in herte he hatis all one'. |
'Cantalena de puericia'.'And god wold graunt me my prayer'. |
Item: 67ff. 29v-33v (Items 66-81) |
On the Day of the Epiphany (IMEV 3526) |
'Žer is a babe born of a may'. |
'In die epephanis'.'Nowel nowel nowel'. |
Item: 68ff. 29v-33v (Items 66-81) |
St. Anne (IMEV 3244) |
'Swete saynt anne we že beseche'. |
'De sancta anna matre marie'.'The moder of mary žat merceful may'. |
Item: 69ff. 29v-33v (Items 66-81) |
On Mary, Flower Sprung of a Tree (IMEV 3603) |
'Žis flour is fayre and fresche of heue'. |
'Alia cantalena de sancta maria'.'There is a floure spr[u]ng of a tre'. |
Item: 70ff. 29v-33v (Items 66-81) |
Mary, Mother and Maiden (IMEV 895) |
'Gaude maria cristis moder'. |
'Et alia de sancta maria'.'Aue maria now say we so'. |
Item: 71ff. 29v-33v (Items 66-81) |
On Mary, Peerless among Women (IMEV 536) |
'Blessid mot žou be žou berd so bry?t'. |
'Et de sancta maria'.'Heyle of wymmen flour of alle'. |
Item: 72ff. 29v-33v (Items 66-81) |
On Virginity of Saints (IMEV 535) |
'Blessid mot be oure heuen quene'. |
'De virgin[i]tate'.'For the loue of a maydon fre'. |
Item: 73ff. 29v-33v (Items 66-81) |
On Virginity of Maidens (IMEV 1595) |
'In word in dede in wyl in žo?t'. |
'I pray ?oue maydys žat here be'. |
Item: 74ff. 29v-33v (Items 66-81) |
On Chastity in Married Women (IMEV 1630) |
'Hit is ful heue chastite'. |
'De matrimonio mulierum'.'Avyse ?oue wemen wom ?e trust'. |
Item: 75ff. 29v-33v (Items 66-81) |
Love of God (IMEV 831) |
'Fore loue is loue and euer schal be'. |
'De amore dei'.'I haue a loue is heuen kyng'. |
Item: 76ff. 29v-33v (Items 66-81) |
On Dread of Death (IMEV 693) |
'Dred of dež sorow of syn'. |
'Timor mortis conturbat me'.'Lade helpe ihesu merce'. |
Item: 77ff. 29v-33v (Items 66-81) |
St. Francis (IMEV 44) |
'A hole confessoure žou were hone'. |
'De sancto fransisco'.'Saynt frances to že I say'. |
Item: 78ff. 29v-33v (Items 66-81) |
Instructions to the 'Meditative Close' (IMEV 2795) |
'Rede thys offt butt rede hit sofft And whatt žou redust for?eete hit no?t For here že soth žou maght se What fruyte comež of žy body.' |
Item: 79ff. 29v-33v (Items 66-81) |
The Sins of the Heart (IPMEP 124-25) |
'These synnys of že hert arne žese'. |
'De peccatis cord[is]' - in margin.'[Q]uicumque inspexerit'. |
Prose extract from Richard Rolle's The Form of Living (IPMEP 351). |
Allen 1931. Horstmann 1895.
Item: 80ff. 29v-33v (Items 66-81) |
Over-Hippers and Skippers |
'Ouerhippers and skippers moterers and mumlers'. |
Item: 81ff. 29v-33v (Items 66-81) |
An Honest Bed |
'Whan že chambur of ži soule is clensid fro al syn'. |
Prose allegory. |
Item: 82ff. 33v-34r |
Pater Noster (IMEV 3445) |
'The pater noster to expone may no man hit prise'. |
'Pater noster qui es in celis' |
Item: 83f. 34r-v |
Three Dead Kings (IMEV 2677) |
'An a byrchyn bonke žer bous arne bry?t'. |
'De tribus regibus mortuis'. |
Item: 84f. 34v |
On Worldly Vanity |
'Cur mundus militat sub vana gloria'. |
'Non honor set honus assumere nomen honoris'. |
Item: 85f. 35r |
Conclusion (IMEV 1210) |
'Here may ?e here now hwat ?e be'. |
'Cuius anime propicietur deus'. |
'Sapiencia huius mundi stulticia est apud Deum'. |
Codex |
Parchment |
270 x 195 mm |
Uncertain. Possibly originally ten quires of six .
Collation: Quire 1(lost); 2(lost; 3(lost); 46 (lacking 1-2); 56 (lacking 3-6); 66; 76; 86 (lacking 1); 96; 106 (See Fein 2003, p. 98, n. 3).
There appear to be four sections to the book: 1. ff. 1r-22v - Audelay's The Counsel of Conscience (acephalous). 2. ff. 22v-27v - Audelay's Salutations and Prayers. 3. ff. 27v - 32r - Audelay's Carols. 4. ff. 32r-35r - A meditative close. English prose and alliterative verse, Latin verse, Audelay's Conclusion. |
Pricking for frame visible. Double columns with 45-51 lines. Each column is 220 x 70 mm with a gap between the columns of 10 mm. Left margin - 17 mm; right margin - 22 mm. Ruled in drypoint - very slight hint of russet in places. |
Scribe 1: Anglicana. Wrote the texts and left room for incipits and colophons. A small neat hand. Characteristics: dotted y; hooked ascender on d, b and h; double compartment w. Probably an Augustinian canon at Haughmond Abbey.
Scribe 2: Provided titles, incipits, explicits, numerals, coloured initials, paraphs, indicators (item 3), a long colophon (item 33), last poem (item 85) and drawing (item 49).
Probably an Augustinian canon at Haughmond Abbey.
In red: scribal numbering; titles; colophons; brackets; paraphs.
Two-line red initials.
Three-line blue initials with red penwork flourishing.
Drawing of the Holy Face on the Vernicle. Nine lines deep over one column with lips of the Holy Face tinted red (Fein 2003, p. 106, fig. 1).
Not medieval.
ff. iii + 35 + ii. The initial flyleaves, i-ii are modern paper as are the final two flyleaves. |
A U.V. photo of f. 35rb is pasted onto f. 37r. A print has been pasted onto the inside of the back cover which depicts a hunting scene, c. ?sixteenth century. |
Only 35 of the original 60 folios remain. |
F. 22v - - scribal colophon in Latin to The Counsel of Conscience: 'Finito libro sit laus et gloria christo liber vocatur concilium conciencie sic nominatur aut scala celi et vita salutis eterni iste liber fuit compositus per iohannem awdelay capellanum qui fuit secus et surdus in sua visitacione ad honorem domini nostri ihesu christi et ad exemplum aliorum in monasterio de haghmon anno domini millesimo ccccmo visecimo vjto cuius anime propicietur deus. Amen'. F. i - , fifteenth-century hand. According to Doyle 1995, 'John Audelay, a blind chantry priest at the Augustinian Haghmond Abbey, Shropshire, in and possibly after 1426', p. 181. The manuscript 'later passed through the hands of a Coventry minstrel to an Austin canon of Laude, Leicestershire', p. 182. |
Catalogued and encoded by Rebecca Farnham, University of Birmingham, July 2003.Described with reference to Fein (2003).
- Bennett, M. 1982. John Audelay: Some New Evidence on his Life and Work Chaucer Review, 16, 344-55.
- Braswell, L. 1987. The Index of Middle English Prose, Handlist IV: A Handlist of Douce Manuscripts Containing Middle English Prose in the Bodleian Library, Oxford, Cambridge: D. S. Brewer, pp. 70-71.
- Brown, C. 1916. A Register of Middle English Religious and Didactic Verse, 2 vols, Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 916-20, pp. 113-118.
- Dennison, L., Driver, M. W., Eljenholm Nichols, A., and Scott, K. L. ed, 2001. An Index of Images in English Manuscripts from the Time of Chaucer to Henry VIII c. 1380-c.1509: Fascicle 2, MSS Dodsworth-Marshall, London, Turnhout: Harvey Miller Publishers, p. 39, p. 173 (fig. 1), no. 484.
- Dickins, B. 1932. The Rhymes in MS. Douce 302, 53 and 54, Proceedings of the Leeds Philosophical and Literary Society, Literary and Historical Section 2, 516-18.
- Doyle, A. I. 1995. Lectulus Noster Floridus: An Allegory of the Penitent Soul, in Newhauser, R. G. and Alford, J. A., ed, Literature and Religion in the Later Middle Ages: Philological Studies in Honour of Siegfried Wenzel, Medieval & Renaissance Texts and Studies, Binghampton: New York, pp. 179-90, pp. 181-182.
- Douce, F. 1840. Catalogue of the Printed Books and Manuscripts Bequeathed by Francis Douce, Esq., to the Bodleian Library, Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 50-52.
- Edwards, A. S. G. 2000. Fifteenth Century Middle English Verse Author Collections, in Edwards, A. S. G., Gillespie, V. and Hanna, R., ed, The English Medieval Book: Studies in Memory of Jeremy Griffiths, London: British Library, pp. 101-12.
- Fein, S. 1994. A Thirteen-Line Alliterative Stanza on the Abuse of Prayer from the Audelay MS, Medium Aevum, 63, 61-74.
- Fein, S. 2003. Good Ends in the Audelay Manuscript, Yearbook of English Studies, 33, 97-119.
- Greene, R. L. 1977. The Early English Carols, 2nd edn., Oxford: Clarendon Press, p. 317.
- McIntosh, A., Samuels, M. L. and Benskin, M. 1986. A Linguistic Atlas of Late Medieval English: County Dictionary, 4 vols, Aberdeen: Aberdeen University Press, 4.
- McIntosh, A. 1977. Some Notes on the Text of the Middle English Poem De tribus regibus mortuis, Review of English Studies 28, 385-92.
- Madan, F. 1897. A Summary Catalogue of Western Manuscripts in the Bodleian Library at Oxford, Oxford: Clarendon Press, pp. 585-586.
- Ogilvie-Thompson, S. J. 1988. Richard Rolle: Prose and Verse edited from MS Longleat 29 and related manuscripts, EETS, os, 293, Oxford: Oxford University Press, p. xliii.
- Stanley, E. 1997. The Verse Forms of Jon the Blynde Awdelay, in Cooper, H. and Mapstone, S. ed. The Long Fifteenth Century, Oxford: Clarendon Press, pp. 99-121.
- Whiting, E. K., ed, 1931, rpt, 1971. The Poems of John Audelay, EETS, os, 184, London: Oxford University Press, rpt, New York: Kraus Reprint Co.