þingsfriþer (OSw) thingfrith (ODan) þingfriþr (OGu) þingfriþer (OSw) noun

Peace for the participants of a þing ‘assembly’, including their direct journey between it and home. In ODan ESjL and OGu GL, criminals were excluded from this peace. Violence — however mild, such as hair-pulling — in breach of þingsfriþer was fined. In OSw, this peace was guaranteed by the king as part of the eþsöre ‘king’s (sworn) peace’.

assembly peace ODan ESjL 2
OSw SdmL Kgb, Mb, Till

assembly sanctity OGu GL A 11
assize peace OSw MEL Kgb
court peace OSw KrL Kgb

peace of thing OSw YVgL Add
thing assembly inviolability OSw HL Kgb
Thing assembly peace OSw DL Eb
thing inviolability OSw HL Kgb
thing peace OSw HL Mb

  • ‘þingsfriþer’. A Lexicon of Medieval Nordic Law.

  • http://www.dhi.ac.uk/lmnl/nordicheadword/displayPage/6207