lyþbiskuper (OSw) ljóðbyskup (ON) noun

A suffragan bishop beneath the archbishop; the term has been used to translate Medieval Lat. suffraganeus (‘subordinate’). A ljóðbyskup still refers to a subordinate bishop in Modern Icelandic. Thought to be derived from OE leoð-byscop (‘people-bishop’). As such it can also refer to a bishop of an entire area or people, including an archbishop. In Iceland the Archbishop of Níðarós confirmed the election of a ljóðbiskup and performed his consecration.

The term lyþbiskuper was also used to designate missionary bishops who preached the gospel among the ‘gentiles’, including the Nordic peoples. A lyþbiskuper has also been identified as a type of rural bishop (korbiskop) who was responsible for a district of countryside until at least the sixth century and possibly as late as the ninth. These were bishops without a fixed see and who assisted with consecrations and acted on the behalf of the ordinary bishops when the latter were unavailable.

archbishop OSw KrL Kgb

bishop ONorw FrL Intr 1
OSw KrL Kgb

people’s bishop OSw SdmL Kgb
suffragan bishop OIce Js Kdb 3 Mah 7
ONorw MLL Llb 20

Brink 2010a; CV s.v. ljóðbiskup; Fritzner s.v. ljóðbiskup; Hertzberg s.v. ljóðbiskup; Keyser 1856, 142; KLNM s.v. ærkebiskop; Magnús Már Lárusson 1956; NF s.v. korbiskopar; ODS s.v. lydbiskop; Rietz 1962 s.v. löid; SAOB s.v. lyd; von See 1964, 60

  • ‘lyþbiskuper’. A Lexicon of Medieval Nordic Law.
