köpstaþer (OSw) kaupstaðr (ON) køpstath (ODan) noun

It is unclear how the use of köpstaþer differed from that of köpunger (q.v.) and torgh (q.v.). When contrasted to the surrounding countryside (OSw SdmL, UL, VmL), it presumably referred to a market town. In SdmL appearing in the context of correct procedure for trade regarding specific witnesses and oaths to avoid accusation of theft or forgery, not least in the trade with objects such as weapons, horses and cattle, cloth, silver and gold. In UL and VmL appearing in the context of land exchange and in UL concerning a very specific killing. In OIce Jó (Kge) it refers to market towns as the home of foreign fathers of illegitimate children in Iceland, and in the context of benchmarks for pricing lost merchandise (Fml).

market town ODan SkBL
OIce Kge 28 Fml 10
ONorw MLL Lvb 7 Kab 25
OSw KrL Kgb Jb Bb Kmb
OSw MEL Kgb Jb Bb
OSw MESt Kgb Jb Bb Kmb Rb Add
OSw SdmL Jb, Kmb, Mb
OSw UL Mb, Jb, Kmb
OSw VmL Mb, Jb, Kmb, Bb

  • ‘köpstaþer’. A Lexicon of Medieval Nordic Law.

  • http://www.dhi.ac.uk/lmnl/nordicheadword/displayPage/2810